C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_set_unpack_yz.F,v 1.12 2007/10/09 00:00:01 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CTRL_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine ctrl_set_unpack_yz( & cunit, ivartype, fname, masktype, weighttype, & weightfld, nwetglobal, mythid) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE ctrl_set_unpack_yz c ================================================================== c c o Unpack the control vector such that land points are filled in. c c o Open boundary packing added : c gebbie@mit.edu, 18-Mar-2003 c c changed: heimbach@mit.edu 17-Jun-2003 c merged Armin's changes to replace write of c nr * globfld2d by 1 * globfld3d c (ad hoc fix to speed up global I/O) c c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "optim.h" c == routine arguments == integer cunit integer ivartype character*( 80) fname character* (9) masktype character*( 80) weighttype _RL weightfld( nr,nobcs ) integer nwetglobal(nr,nobcs) integer mythid #ifndef EXCLUDE_CTRL_PACK c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer ip,jp integer i,j,k integer ii,jj,kk integer il integer irec,iobcs,nrec_nl integer itlo,ithi integer jtlo,jthi integer jmin,jmax integer imin,imax integer cbuffindex real*4 cbuff ( nsx*npx*sny*nsy*npy ) _RL globfldyz( nsx,npx,sny,nsy,npy,nr ) _RL globfld3d( snx,nsx,npx,sny,nsy,npy,nr ) _RL globmskyz( nsx,npx,sny,nsy,npy,nr,nobcs ) #ifdef CTRL_UNPACK_PRECISE _RL weightfldyz( nsx,npx,sny,nsy,npy,nr,nobcs ) #endif cgg( integer igg _RL gg character*(80) weightname cgg) c == external == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk cc == end of interface == jtlo = 1 jthi = nsy itlo = 1 ithi = nsx jmin = 1 jmax = sny imin = 1 imax = snx c Initialise temporary file do k = 1,nr do jp = 1,nPy do bj = jtlo,jthi do j = jmin,jmax do ip = 1,nPx do bi = itlo,ithi globfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k) = 0. _d 0 do iobcs=1,nobcs globmskyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs) = 0. _d 0 enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c Initialise temporary file do k = 1,nr do jp = 1,nPy do bj = jtlo,jthi do j = jmin,jmax do ip = 1,nPx do bi = itlo,ithi do i = imin,imax globfld3d(i,bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k) = 0. _d 0 enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c-- Only the master thread will do I/O. _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) do iobcs=1,nobcs call MDSREADFIELD_YZ_GL( & masktype, ctrlprec, 'RL', & Nr, globmskyz(1,1,1,1,1,1,iobcs), iobcs, mythid) #ifdef CTRL_UNPACK_PRECISE il=ilnblnk( weighttype) write(weightname(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weightname(1:80),'(a)') weighttype(1:il) call MDSREADFIELD_YZ_GL( & weightname, ctrlprec, 'RL', & Nr, weightfldyz(1,1,1,1,1,1,iobcs), iobcs, mythid) CGG One special exception: barotropic velocity should be nondimensionalized cgg differently. Probably introduce new variable. if (iobcs .eq. 3 .or. iobcs .eq. 4) then k = 1 do jp = 1,nPy do bj = jtlo,jthi do j = jmin,jmax do ip = 1,nPx do bi = itlo,ithi cph weightfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs) = wbaro enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo endif #endif enddo nrec_nl=int(ncvarrecs(ivartype)/snx) do irec = 1, nrec_nl cgg do iobcs = 1, nobcs cgg And now back-calculate what iobcs should be. do i=1,snx iobcs= mod((irec-1)*snx+i-1,nobcs)+1 read(cunit) filencvarindex(ivartype) if (filencvarindex(ivartype) .NE. ncvarindex(ivartype)) & then print *, 'ctrl_set_unpack_yz:WARNING: wrong ncvarindex ', & filencvarindex(ivartype), ncvarindex(ivartype) STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) filej read(cunit) filei do k = 1, Nr cbuffindex = nwetglobal(k,iobcs) if ( cbuffindex .gt. 0 ) then read(cunit) filencbuffindex if (filencbuffindex .NE. cbuffindex) then print *, 'WARNING: wrong cbuffindex ', & filencbuffindex, cbuffindex STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) filek if (filek .NE. k) then print *, 'WARNING: wrong k ', & filek, k STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) (cbuff(ii), ii=1,cbuffindex) endif cbuffindex = 0 do jp = 1,nPy do bj = jtlo,jthi do j = jmin,jmax do ip = 1,nPx do bi = itlo,ithi ii=mod((i-1)*nr*sny+(k-1)*sny+j-1,snx)+1 jj=mod(((i-1)*nr*sny+(k-1)*sny+j-1)/snx,sny)+1 kk=int((i-1)*nr*sny+(k-1)*sny+j-1)/(snx*sny)+1 if ( globmskyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs) .ne. 0. ) then cbuffindex = cbuffindex + 1 globfld3d(ii,bi,ip,jj,bj,jp,kk) = & cbuff(cbuffindex) #ifdef ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO globfld3d(ii,bi,ip,jj,bj,jp,kk) = & globfld3d(ii,bi,ip,jj,bj,jp,kk)/ # ifdef CTRL_UNPACK_PRECISE & sqrt(weightfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs)) # else & sqrt(weightfld(k,iobcs)) # endif #endif /* ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO */ else globfld3d(ii,bi,ip,jj,bj,jp,kk) = 0. _d 0 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c c -- end of k loop -- enddo c -- end of i loop -- enddo call MDSWRITEFIELD_3d_GL( fname, ctrlprec, 'RL', & Nr, globfld3d, irec, & optimcycle, mythid) c -- end of iobcs loop -- This loop has been removed. cgg enddo c -- end of irec loop -- enddo do irec = nrec_nl*snx+1,ncvarrecs(ivartype) iobcs= mod(irec-1,nobcs)+1 read(cunit) filencvarindex(ivartype) if (filencvarindex(ivartype) .NE. ncvarindex(ivartype)) & then print *, 'ctrl_set_unpack_yz:WARNING: wrong ncvarindex ', & filencvarindex(ivartype), ncvarindex(ivartype) STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) filej read(cunit) filei do k = 1, Nr cbuffindex = nwetglobal(k,iobcs) if ( cbuffindex .gt. 0 ) then read(cunit) filencbuffindex if (filencbuffindex .NE. cbuffindex) then print *, 'WARNING: wrong cbuffindex ', & filencbuffindex, cbuffindex STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) filek if (filek .NE. k) then print *, 'WARNING: wrong k ', & filek, k STOP 'in S/R ctrl_unpack' endif read(cunit) (cbuff(ii), ii=1,cbuffindex) endif cbuffindex = 0 do jp = 1,nPy do bj = jtlo,jthi do j = jmin,jmax do ip = 1,nPx do bi = itlo,ithi if ( globmskyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs) .ne. 0. ) then cbuffindex = cbuffindex + 1 globfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k) = cbuff(cbuffindex) #ifdef ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO globfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k) = & globfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k)/ # ifdef CTRL_UNPACK_PRECISE & sqrt(weightfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k,iobcs)) # else & sqrt(weightfld(k,iobcs)) # endif #endif /* ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO */ else globfldyz(bi,ip,j,bj,jp,k) = 0. _d 0 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c c -- end of k loop enddo call MDSWRITEFIELD_YZ_GL( fname, ctrlprec, 'RL', & Nr, globfldyz, irec, & optimcycle, mythid) c -- end of iobcs loop -- This loop has been removed. cgg enddo c -- end of irec loop -- enddo _END_MASTER( mythid ) #endif return end