C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_readparms.F,v 1.49 2014/06/27 14:20:58 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CTRL_OPTIONS.h" #include "AD_CONFIG.h" subroutine ctrl_readparms( mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE ctrl_readparms c ================================================================== c c o read ctrl parameters c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE ctrl_readparms c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "CTRL_SIZE.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "CTRL_GENARR.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF #include "AUTODIFF_PARAMS.h" #endif c == routine arguments == integer mythid c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer i,j,k integer ntmp integer ivarindex integer iUnit integer iobcs integer il integer errio integer startrec integer endrec integer difftime(4) _RL diffsecs _RL dummy character*(80) ymaskobcs character*(max_len_prec) record character*(max_len_mbuf) msgbuf integer nwetc3d integer iarr c == external == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk c == end of interface == c-- Read the namelist input. namelist /ctrl_nml/ & xx_theta_file, xx_salt_file, & xx_hflux_file, xx_hflux_remo_intercept, xx_hflux_remo_slope, & xx_hfluxstartdate1, xx_hfluxstartdate2, xx_hfluxperiod, & xx_sflux_file, xx_sflux_remo_intercept, xx_sflux_remo_slope, & xx_sfluxstartdate1, xx_sfluxstartdate2, xx_sfluxperiod, & xx_tauu_file, xx_tauu_remo_intercept, xx_tauu_remo_slope, & xx_tauustartdate1, xx_tauustartdate2, xx_tauuperiod, & xx_tauv_file, xx_tauv_remo_intercept, xx_tauv_remo_slope, & xx_tauvstartdate1, xx_tauvstartdate2, xx_tauvperiod, & xx_atemp_file, xx_atemp_remo_intercept, xx_atemp_remo_slope, & xx_atempstartdate1, xx_atempstartdate2, xx_atempperiod, & xx_aqh_file, xx_aqh_remo_intercept, xx_aqh_remo_slope, & xx_aqhstartdate1, xx_aqhstartdate2, xx_aqhperiod, & xx_precip_file, xx_precip_remo_intercept, xx_precip_remo_slope, & xx_precipstartdate1, xx_precipstartdate2, xx_precipperiod, & xx_swflux_file, xx_swflux_remo_intercept, xx_swflux_remo_slope, & xx_swfluxstartdate1, xx_swfluxstartdate2, xx_swfluxperiod, & xx_swdown_file, xx_swdown_remo_intercept, xx_swdown_remo_slope, & xx_swdownstartdate1, xx_swdownstartdate2, xx_swdownperiod, & xx_lwflux_file, xx_lwflux_remo_intercept, xx_lwflux_remo_slope, & xx_lwfluxstartdate1, xx_lwfluxstartdate2, xx_lwfluxperiod, & xx_lwdown_file, xx_lwdown_remo_intercept, xx_lwdown_remo_slope, & xx_lwdownstartdate1, xx_lwdownstartdate2, xx_lwdownperiod, & xx_evap_file, xx_evap_remo_intercept, xx_evap_remo_slope, & xx_evapstartdate1, xx_evapstartdate2, xx_evapperiod, & xx_snowprecip_file, xx_snowprecip_remo_intercept, & xx_snowprecip_remo_slope, xx_snowprecipperiod, & xx_snowprecipstartdate1, xx_snowprecipstartdate2, & xx_apressure_file, xx_apressure_remo_intercept, & xx_apressure_remo_slope, xx_apressureperiod, & xx_apressurestartdate1, xx_apressurestartdate2, & xx_runoff_file, xx_runoff_remo_intercept, xx_runoff_remo_slope, & xx_runoffstartdate1, xx_runoffstartdate2, xx_runoffperiod, & xx_uwind_file, xx_uwind_remo_intercept, xx_uwind_remo_slope, & xx_uwindstartdate1, xx_uwindstartdate2, xx_uwindperiod, & xx_vwind_file, xx_vwind_remo_intercept, xx_vwind_remo_slope, & xx_vwindstartdate1, xx_vwindstartdate2, xx_vwindperiod, & xx_aqh_mean_file, xx_atemp_mean_file, xx_precip_mean_file, & xx_swdown_mean_file, xx_uwind_mean_file, xx_vwind_mean_file, & xx_obcsn_file, & xx_obcsnstartdate1, xx_obcsnstartdate2, xx_obcsnperiod, & xx_obcss_file, & xx_obcssstartdate1, xx_obcssstartdate2, xx_obcssperiod, & xx_obcsw_file, & xx_obcswstartdate1, xx_obcswstartdate2, xx_obcswperiod, & xx_obcse_file, & xx_obcsestartdate1, xx_obcsestartdate2, xx_obcseperiod, & xx_diffkr_file, xx_kapgm_file, xx_kapredi_file, xx_tr1_file, & xx_sst_file, xx_sst_remo_intercept, xx_sst_remo_slope, & xx_sss_file, xx_sss_remo_intercept, xx_sss_remo_slope, & xx_sststartdate1, xx_sststartdate2, xx_sstperiod, & xx_sssstartdate1, xx_sssstartdate2, xx_sssperiod, & xx_depth_file, xx_gen2d_file, xx_gen3d_file, & xx_efluxy_file, xx_efluxp_file, xx_bottomdrag_file, & xx_edtaux_file, xx_edtauy_file, & xx_uvel_file, xx_vvel_file, xx_etan_file, & xx_siarea_file, xx_siheff_file, xx_sihsnow_file, & xx_shifwflx_file, & xx_shifwflx_remo_intercept, xx_shifwflx_remo_slope, & xx_shifwflxstartdate1, xx_shifwflxstartdate2, xx_shifwflxperiod, & doInitXX, ctrlSmoothCorrel3D, ctrlSmoothCorrel2D, & doPackDiag, & doZscaleUnpack, doZscalePack, & doMainUnpack, doMainPack, & doSinglePrecTapelev, & doAdmtlmBypassAD, & delZexp, forcingPrecond cHFLUXM_CONTROL & ,xx_hfluxm_file cHFLUXM_CONTROL namelist /ctrl_packnames/ & yadmark, yctrlid, yctrlposunpack, yctrlpospack, & ctrlname, costname, scalname, maskname, metaname #if (defined (ALLOW_GENARR2D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENARR3D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL)) namelist /ctrl_nml_genarr/ & xx_genarr2d_file, xx_genarr3d_file, xx_gentim2d_file, & xx_genarr2d_weight, xx_genarr3d_weight, xx_gentim2d_weight, & xx_gentim2d_startdate1, xx_gentim2d_startdate2, & xx_gentim2d_startdate, xx_gentim2d_period, & xx_gentim2d_cumsum,xx_gentim2d_glosum, & genarr2dPrecond, gentim2dPrecond,mult_gentim2d #endif _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) c-- Set default values. doInitXX = .TRUE. #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL3D ctrlSmoothCorrel3D = .TRUE. #else ctrlSmoothCorrel3D = .FALSE. #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL2D ctrlSmoothCorrel2D = .TRUE. #else ctrlSmoothCorrel2D = .FALSE. #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM doAdmTlm = .TRUE. #else doAdmTlm = .FALSE. #endif doPackDiag = .FALSE. doZscaleUnpack = .FALSE. doZscalePack = .FALSE. doMainUnpack = .TRUE. #if (defined (ALLOW_ADJOINT_RUN)||defined (ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN)) doMainPack = .TRUE. #else doMainPack = .FALSE. #endif doSinglePrecTapelev = .FALSE. doAdmtlmBypassAD = .FALSE. delZexp = 0. forcingPrecond = 1. _d 0 xx_theta_file = 'xx_theta' xx_salt_file = 'xx_salt' c xx_gen2d_file = 'xx_gen2d' xx_gen3d_file = 'xx_gen3d' #if (defined (ALLOW_GENARR2D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENARR3D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL)) do iarr = 1, maxCtrlArr2D write(xx_genarr2d_file(iarr)(1:14),'(a,i2.2)') & 'xx_genarr2d_', iarr write(xx_genarr2d_file(iarr)(15:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' write(xx_genarr2d_weight(iarr)(1:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' genarr2dPrecond(iarr) = 1. _d 0 enddo c do iarr = 1, maxCtrlArr3D write(xx_genarr3d_file(iarr)(1:14),'(a,i2.2)') & 'xx_genarr3d_', iarr write(xx_genarr3d_file(iarr)(15:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' write(xx_genarr3d_weight(iarr)(1:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' enddo c do iarr = 1, maxCtrlTim2D write(xx_gentim2d_file(iarr)(1:14),'(a,i2.2)') & 'xx_gentim2d_', iarr write(xx_gentim2d_file(iarr)(15:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' write(xx_gentim2d_weight(iarr)(1:MAX_LEN_FNAM),'(a)') ' ' xx_gentim2d_startdate1(iarr) = 0 xx_gentim2d_startdate2(iarr) = 0 xx_gentim2d_period(iarr) = 0. _d 0 xx_gentim2d_cumsum(iarr) = .FALSE. xx_gentim2d_glosum(iarr) = .FALSE. gentim2dPrecond(iarr) = 1. _d 0 mult_gentim2d(iarr) = 0. _d 0 enddo #endif c xx_hfluxstartdate1 = 0 xx_hfluxstartdate2 = 0 xx_hfluxperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_hflux_file = 'xx_hfl' xx_hflux_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_hflux_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_sfluxstartdate1 = 0 xx_sfluxstartdate2 = 0 xx_sfluxperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_sflux_file = 'xx_sfl' xx_sflux_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_sflux_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_tauustartdate1 = 0 xx_tauustartdate2 = 0 xx_tauuperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_tauu_file = 'xx_tauu' xx_tauu_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_tauu_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_tauvstartdate1 = 0 xx_tauvstartdate2 = 0 xx_tauvperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_tauv_file = 'xx_tauv' xx_tauv_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_tauv_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_atempstartdate1 = 0 xx_atempstartdate2 = 0 xx_atempperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_atemp_file = 'xx_atemp' xx_atemp_mean_file = 'xx_atemp_mean' xx_atemp_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_atemp_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_aqhstartdate1 = 0 xx_aqhstartdate2 = 0 xx_aqhperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_aqh_file = 'xx_aqh' xx_aqh_mean_file = 'xx_aqh_mean' xx_aqh_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_aqh_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_precipstartdate1 = 0 xx_precipstartdate2 = 0 xx_precipperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_precip_file = 'xx_precip' xx_precip_mean_file = 'xx_precip_mean' xx_precip_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_precip_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_swfluxstartdate1 = 0 xx_swfluxstartdate2 = 0 xx_swfluxperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_swflux_file = 'xx_swflux' xx_swflux_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_swflux_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_swdownstartdate1 = 0 xx_swdownstartdate2 = 0 xx_swdownperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_swdown_file = 'xx_swdown' xx_swdown_mean_file = 'xx_swdown_mean' xx_swdown_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_swdown_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_lwfluxstartdate1 = 0 xx_lwfluxstartdate2 = 0 xx_lwfluxperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_lwflux_file = 'xx_lwflux' xx_lwflux_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_lwflux_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_lwdownstartdate1 = 0 xx_lwdownstartdate2 = 0 xx_lwdownperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_lwdown_file = 'xx_lwdown' xx_lwdown_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_lwdown_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_evapstartdate1 = 0 xx_evapstartdate2 = 0 xx_evapperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_evap_file = 'xx_evap' xx_evap_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_evap_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_snowprecipstartdate1 = 0 xx_snowprecipstartdate2 = 0 xx_snowprecipperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_snowprecip_file = 'xx_snowprecip' xx_snowprecip_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_snowprecip_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_apressurestartdate1 = 0 xx_apressurestartdate2 = 0 xx_apressureperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_apressure_file = 'xx_apressure' xx_apressure_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_apressure_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_runoffstartdate1 = 0 xx_runoffstartdate2 = 0 xx_runoffperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_runoff_file = 'xx_runoff' xx_runoff_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_runoff_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_uwindstartdate1 = 0 xx_uwindstartdate2 = 0 xx_uwindperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_uwind_file = 'xx_uwind' xx_uwind_mean_file = 'xx_uwind_mean' xx_uwind_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_uwind_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_vwindstartdate1 = 0 xx_vwindstartdate2 = 0 xx_vwindperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_vwind_file = 'xx_vwind' xx_vwind_mean_file = 'xx_vwind_mean' xx_vwind_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_vwind_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_obcsnstartdate1 = 0 xx_obcsnstartdate2 = 0 xx_obcsnperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_obcsn_file = 'xx_obcsn' c xx_obcssstartdate1 = 0 xx_obcssstartdate2 = 0 xx_obcssperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_obcss_file = 'xx_obcss' c xx_obcswstartdate1 = 0 xx_obcswstartdate2 = 0 xx_obcswperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_obcsw_file = 'xx_obcsw' c xx_obcsestartdate1 = 0 xx_obcsestartdate2 = 0 xx_obcseperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_obcse_file = 'xx_obcse' c xx_sststartdate1 = 0 xx_sststartdate2 = 0 xx_sstperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_sst_file = 'xx_sst' xx_sst_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_sst_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_sssstartdate1 = 0 xx_sssstartdate2 = 0 xx_sssperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_sss_file = 'xx_sss' xx_sss_remo_intercept = 0. _d 0 xx_sss_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_shifwflxstartdate1 = 0 xx_shifwflxstartdate2 = 0 xx_shifwflxperiod = 0. _d 0 xx_shifwflx_file = 'xx_shifwflx' xx_shifwflx_remo_intercept=0. _d 0 xx_shifwflx_remo_slope = 0. _d 0 c xx_diffkr_file = 'xx_diffkr' xx_kapgm_file = 'xx_kapgm' xx_kapredi_file = 'xx_kapredi' xx_tr1_file = 'xx_ptr' xx_depth_file = 'xx_depth' xx_efluxy_file = 'xx_efluxy' xx_efluxp_file = 'xx_efluxp' xx_bottomdrag_file = 'xx_bottomdrag' xx_edtaux_file = 'xx_edtaux' xx_edtauy_file = 'xx_edtauy' xx_uvel_file = 'xx_uvel' xx_vvel_file = 'xx_vvel' xx_etan_file = 'xx_etan' xx_siarea_file = 'xx_siarea' xx_siheff_file = 'xx_siheff' xx_sihsnow_file = 'xx_sihsnow' cHFLUXM_CONTROL xx_hfluxm_file = 'xx_hfluxm' cHFLUXM_CONTROL #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN yadprefix = 'g_' yadmark = 'g_' #else yadprefix = 'ad' yadmark = 'ad' #endif yctrlid = 'MIT_CE_000' yctrlposunpack = '.opt' yctrlpospack = '.opt' ctrlname = 'ecco_ctrl' costname = 'ecco_cost' scalname = ' ' maskname = ' ' metaname = ' ' c-- Next, read the cost data file. WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'CTRL_READPARMS: opening data.ctrl' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) CALL OPEN_COPY_DATA_FILE( I 'data.ctrl', 'CTRL_READPARMS', O iUnit, I myThid ) READ(unit = iUnit, nml = ctrl_nml) READ(unit = iUnit, nml = ctrl_packnames) #if (defined (ALLOW_GENARR2D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENARR3D_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL)) READ(unit = iUnit, nml = ctrl_nml_genarr) #endif WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & 'CTRL_READPARMS: finished reading data.ctrl' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) CLOSE( iUnit ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF c allow for switching off correl2d in adjoint useSmoothCorrel2DinFwdMode = ctrlSmoothCorrel2D useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode = & useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode .AND. ctrlSmoothCorrel2D CALL WRITE_0D_L( useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode, INDEX_NONE, & 'useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode =', & ' /* use ctrlSmoothCorrel2D in adjoint mode */') #endif _END_MASTER( myThid ) _BARRIER return end