c c c ========================================= c Control Vector Package for the MITgcmUV c ========================================= c c Current Version: 0.0.1 (20-Jun-2000) c c c General Outline: c ---------------- c c c ======== c HISTORY: c ======== c c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 1999 c c changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 20-Jun-2000 c c - Bug fixes: c * ctrl_Getadxx (eliminated dumiter, dumtime) c * ctrl_Getadxx (replaced adprefix by common yadmark) c * ctrl_get... (set ladinit to false) c * ctrl_init (diffsecs wrongly declared) c * ctrl_init (included name list /packnames/) c * ctrl_init (call cal_ToSeconds wrong argument list) c * ctrl_pack c + Transferred filename definitions to ctrl_init c + single filename convention with or without c ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION c + moved writing to ecco_ctrl to block c 'if ( .NOT. first .AND. last ) then' c * ctrl_pack c + Transferred filename definitions to ctrl_init c + single filename convention with or without c ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION