C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/cost/cost_final.F,v 2003/05/23 16:26:26 heimbach Exp $ #include "COST_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine cost_final( mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_final c ================================================================== c c o Sum of all cost function contributions. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 25-Feb-2000 c - Restructured the code in order to create a package c for the MITgcmUV. c added sea-ice term: menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 26-Feb-2003 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_final c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "cost.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "optim.h" c == routine arguments == integer mythid c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer itlo,ithi integer jtlo,jthi integer ifc _RL f_temp0, f_salt0, f_temp, f_salt _RL f_tauu, f_tauv, f_hflux, f_sflux _RL f_tauum, f_tauvm, f_hfluxm, f_sfluxm _RL f_hfluxmm, f_sfluxmm _RL f_sst, f_sss, f_atl, f_ctdt, f_ctds _RL f_drifter, f_xbt, f_tdrift, f_sdrift, f_wdrift _RL f_argot, f_argos, f_ssh _RL f_scatx, f_scaty, f_scatxm, f_scatym _RL f_ice _RL f_ini_fin character*20 cfname #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgbuf #endif c == end of interface == jtlo = mybylo(mythid) jthi = mybyhi(mythid) itlo = mybxlo(mythid) ithi = mybxhi(mythid) ifc = 30 f_temp = 0. _d 0 f_salt = 0. _d 0 f_temp0 = 0. _d 0 f_salt0 = 0. _d 0 f_tauu = 0. _d 0 f_tauum = 0. _d 0 f_tauv = 0. _d 0 f_tauvm = 0. _d 0 f_hflux = 0. _d 0 f_hfluxm = 0. _d 0 f_hfluxmm = 0. _d 0 f_sflux = 0. _d 0 f_sfluxm = 0. _d 0 f_sfluxmm = 0. _d 0 f_ssh = 0. _d 0 f_sst = 0. _d 0 f_sss = 0. _d 0 f_atl = 0. _d 0 f_ctdt = 0. _d 0 f_ctds = 0. _d 0 f_xbt = 0. _d 0 f_argot = 0. _d 0 f_argos = 0. _d 0 f_drifter = 0. _d 0 f_sdrift = 0. _d 0 f_tdrift = 0. _d 0 f_wdrift = 0. _d 0 f_scatx = 0. _d 0 f_scaty = 0. _d 0 f_scatxm = 0. _d 0 f_scatym = 0. _d 0 f_ice = 0. _d 0 f_ini_fin = 0. _d 0 #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' cost_Final: Evaluating the final cost function.' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) #endif c-- Sum up all contributions. do bj = jtlo,jthi do bi = itlo,ithi print*,' --> objf_temp(bi,bj) =',objf_temp(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_salt(bi,bj) =',objf_salt(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_temp0(bi,bj) =',objf_temp0(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_salt0(bi,bj) =',objf_salt0(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sst(bi,bj) =',objf_sst(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sss(bi,bj) =',objf_sss(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_h(bi,bj) =',objf_h(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_hmean =',objf_hmean print*,' --> objf_tauu(bi,bj) =',objf_tauu(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_tauum(bi,bj) =',objf_tauum(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_tauv(bi,bj) =',objf_tauv(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_tauvm(bi,bj) =',objf_tauvm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_hflux(bi,bj) =',objf_hflux(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_hflux(bi,bj) =',objf_hfluxm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_hflux(bi,bj) =',objf_hfluxmm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sflux(bi,bj) =',objf_sflux(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sflux(bi,bj) =',objf_sfluxm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sflux(bi,bj) =',objf_sfluxmm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_atl(bi,bj) =',objf_atl(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_ctdt(bi,bj) =',objf_ctdt(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_ctds(bi,bj) =',objf_ctds(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_xbt(bi,bj) =',objf_xbt(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_argot(bi,bj) =',objf_argot(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_argos(bi,bj) =',objf_argos(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_drift(bi,bj) =',objf_drift(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_tdrift(bi,bj) =',objf_tdrift(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_sdrift(bi,bj) =',objf_sdrift(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_wdrift(bi,bj) =',objf_wdrift(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_scatx(bi,bj) =',objf_scatx(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_scaty(bi,bj) =',objf_scaty(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_scatxm(bi,bj) =',objf_scatxm(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_scatym(bi,bj) =',objf_scatym(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_uwind(bi,bj) =',objf_uwind(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_vwind(bi,bj) =',objf_vwind(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_atemp(bi,bj) =',objf_atemp(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_aqh(bi,bj) =',objf_aqh(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_obcsn(bi,bj) =',objf_obcsn(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_obcss(bi,bj) =',objf_obcss(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_obcsw(bi,bj) =',objf_obcsw(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_obcse(bi,bj) =',objf_obcse(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_ice(bi,bj) =',objf_ice(bi,bj) print*,' --> objf_ini_fin(bi,bj) =', & objf_theta_ini_fin(bi,bj) + objf_salt_ini_fin(bi,bj) fc = fc & + mult_temp * objf_temp(bi,bj) & + mult_salt * objf_salt(bi,bj) & + mult_temp0 * objf_temp0(bi,bj) & + mult_salt0 * objf_salt0(bi,bj) & + mult_sst * objf_sst(bi,bj) & + mult_sss * objf_sss(bi,bj) & + mult_tauu * objf_tauu(bi,bj) & + mult_tauu * objf_tauum(bi,bj) & + mult_tauv * objf_tauv(bi,bj) & + mult_tauv * objf_tauvm(bi,bj) & + mult_hflux * objf_hflux(bi,bj) & + mult_hflux * objf_hfluxm(bi,bj) & + mult_hflux * objf_hfluxmm(bi,bj) & + mult_sflux * objf_sflux(bi,bj) & + mult_sflux * objf_sfluxm(bi,bj) & + mult_sflux * objf_sfluxmm(bi,bj) & + mult_h * objf_h(bi,bj) & + mult_atl * objf_atl(bi,bj) & + mult_ctdt * objf_ctdt(bi,bj) & + mult_ctds * objf_ctds(bi,bj) & + mult_xbt * objf_xbt(bi,bj) & + mult_argot * objf_argot(bi,bj) & + mult_argos * objf_argos(bi,bj) & + mult_drift * objf_drift(bi,bj) & + mult_sdrift * objf_sdrift(bi,bj) & + mult_tdrift * objf_tdrift(bi,bj) & + mult_wdrift * objf_wdrift(bi,bj) & + mult_scatx * objf_scatx(bi,bj) & + mult_scaty * objf_scaty(bi,bj) & + mult_scatx * objf_scatxm(bi,bj) & + mult_scaty * objf_scatym(bi,bj) & + mult_uwind * objf_uwind(bi,bj) & + mult_vwind * objf_vwind(bi,bj) & + mult_atemp * objf_atemp(bi,bj) & + mult_aqh * objf_aqh(bi,bj) & + mult_obcsn * objf_obcsn(bi,bj) & + mult_obcss * objf_obcss(bi,bj) & + mult_obcsw * objf_obcsw(bi,bj) & + mult_obcse * objf_obcse(bi,bj) & + mult_ice * objf_ice(bi,bj) & + mult_ini_fin *(objf_theta_ini_fin(bi,bj) + & objf_salt_ini_fin(bi,bj)) f_temp = f_temp + objf_temp(bi,bj) f_salt = f_salt + objf_salt(bi,bj) f_temp0 = f_temp0 + objf_temp0(bi,bj) f_salt0 = f_salt0 + objf_salt0(bi,bj) f_tauu = f_tauu + objf_tauu(bi,bj) f_tauum = f_tauum + objf_tauum(bi,bj) f_tauv = f_tauv + objf_tauv(bi,bj) f_tauvm = f_tauvm + objf_tauvm(bi,bj) f_hflux= f_hflux + objf_hflux(bi,bj) f_hfluxm = f_hfluxm + objf_hfluxm(bi,bj) f_hfluxmm = f_hfluxmm + objf_hfluxmm(bi,bj) f_sflux= f_sflux + objf_sflux(bi,bj) f_sfluxm = f_sfluxm + objf_sfluxm(bi,bj) f_sfluxmm = f_sfluxmm + objf_sfluxmm(bi,bj) f_ssh = f_ssh + objf_h(bi,bj) f_sst = f_sst + objf_sst(bi,bj) f_sss = f_sss + objf_sss(bi,bj) f_atl = f_atl + objf_atl(bi,bj) f_ctdt = f_ctdt + objf_ctdt(bi,bj) f_ctds = f_ctds + objf_ctds(bi,bj) f_xbt = f_xbt + objf_xbt(bi,bj) f_argot = f_argot + objf_argot(bi,bj) f_argos = f_argos + objf_argos(bi,bj) f_drifter = f_drifter + objf_drift(bi,bj) f_sdrift = f_sdrift + objf_sdrift(bi,bj) f_tdrift = f_tdrift + objf_tdrift(bi,bj) f_wdrift = f_wdrift + objf_wdrift(bi,bj) f_scatx = f_scatx + objf_scatx(bi,bj) f_scaty = f_scaty + objf_scaty(bi,bj) f_scatxm = f_scatxm + objf_scatxm(bi,bj) f_scatym = f_scatym + objf_scatym(bi,bj) f_ice = f_ice + objf_ice(bi,bj) f_ini_fin = f_ini_fin + & objf_theta_ini_fin(bi,bj) + objf_salt_ini_fin(bi,bj) enddo enddo c-- Do global summation. _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( fc , myThid ) c-- Do global summation for each part of the cost function _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_temp , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_salt , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_temp0, myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_salt0, myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_tauu , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_tauum , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_tauv , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_tauvm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_hflux , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_hfluxm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_hfluxmm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sflux , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sfluxm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sfluxmm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_ssh , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sst , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sss , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_atl , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_ctdt , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_ctds , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_xbt , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_argot , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_argos , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_drifter , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_sdrift , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_tdrift , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_wdrift , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_scatx , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_scaty , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_scatxm , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_scatym , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_ice , myThid ) _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( f_ini_fin , myThid ) c-- Each process has calculated the global part for itself. _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) fc = fc + mult_hmean*objf_hmean print*, ' --> objf_hmean =',objf_hmean print*, ' --> fc =', fc write(cfname,'(A,i4.4)') 'costfunction',optimcycle open(unit=ifc,file=cfname) write(ifc,*) 'fc =', fc write(ifc,*) 'f_temp =', f_temp write(ifc,*) 'f_salt =', f_salt write(ifc,*) 'f_temp0 =', f_temp0 write(ifc,*) 'f_salt0 =', f_salt0 write(ifc,*) 'f_tauu =', f_tauu write(ifc,*) 'f_tauum =', f_tauum write(ifc,*) 'f_tauv =', f_tauv write(ifc,*) 'f_tauvm =', f_tauvm write(ifc,*) 'f_hflux =', f_hflux write(ifc,*) 'f_hfluxm =', f_hfluxm write(ifc,*) 'f_hfluxmm =', f_hfluxmm write(ifc,*) 'f_sflux =', f_sflux write(ifc,*) 'f_sfluxm =', f_sfluxm write(ifc,*) 'f_sfluxmm =', f_sfluxmm write(ifc,*) 'f_ssh =', f_ssh write(ifc,*) 'f_sst =', f_sst write(ifc,*) 'f_sss =', f_sss write(ifc,*) 'f_atl =', f_atl write(ifc,*) 'f_ctdt =', f_ctdt write(ifc,*) 'f_ctds =', f_ctds write(ifc,*) 'f_xbt =', f_xbt write(ifc,*) 'f_argot =', f_argot write(ifc,*) 'f_argos =', f_argos write(ifc,*) 'objf_hmean =', objf_hmean write(ifc,*) 'f_drifter =', f_drifter write(ifc,*) 'f_sdrift =', f_sdrift write(ifc,*) 'f_tdrift =', f_tdrift write(ifc,*) 'f_wdrift =', f_wdrift write(ifc,*) 'f_scatx =', f_scatx write(ifc,*) 'f_scaty =', f_scaty write(ifc,*) 'f_scatxm =', f_scatxm write(ifc,*) 'f_scatym =', f_scatym write(ifc,*) 'f_ini_fin =', f_ini_fin close(ifc) _END_MASTER( mythid ) #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE write(msgbuf,'(a,D22.15)') & ' cost_Final: final cost function = ',fc call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' cost function evaluation finished.' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) #endif end