C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/compon_communic/mitcplr_init2b.F,v 1.3 2013/11/27 21:48:30 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ !======================================================================= subroutine mitcplr_init2b( myTypeStr ) implicit none ! Predefined constants/arrays #include "CPLR_SIG.h" ! MPI variables #include "mpif.h" ! Arguments character*(*) myTypeStr ! Local integer myid, numprocs, ierr integer MPI_COMM_temp integer n,j,lenbuf,compind integer ibuf(MAX_IBUF) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Foreach component type do compind = 1,num_components MPI_COMM_temp=MPI_COMM_compcplr(compind) ! Find-out my position (rank) in the "global" communicator call MPI_COMM_RANK( MPI_COMM_temp, myid, ierr ) if (ierr.ne.0) write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & ' Rank = ',myid,' MPI_COMM_RANK ierr=',ierr ! How big is the "global" comminicator? call MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_temp, numprocs, ierr ) if (ierr.ne.0) write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & ' Size = ',numprocs,' MPI_COMM_RANK ierr=',ierr if (DEBUG) write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & ' Rank/Size = ',myid,' /',numprocs ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Assume nothing again num_coupler_procs=0 num_component_procs(compind)=0 num_compcplr_procs(compind)=0 ! Receive a message from each of the other processes in "myglobal" do n=0,numprocs-1 ibuf( 1)=myid ibuf( 2)=MITCPLR_COUPLER ibuf( 3)=0 ibuf( 4)=0 ibuf( 5)=0 ibuf( 6)=0 ibuf( 7)=0 ibuf( 8)=0 ibuf( 9)=0 ibuf(10)=0 ibuf(11)=0 ibuf(12)=0 lenbuf=12 call MPI_Bcast( & ibuf, lenbuf, MPI_INTEGER, & n, & MPI_COMM_temp, ierr ) if (ierr.ne.0) write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & ' MPI_Bcast from ',ibuf(1),ibuf(2),' ierr=',ierr if ( ibuf(2).eq.MITCPLR_COUPLER ) then ! If the broadcaster is the "coupler" num_coupler_procs=num_coupler_procs + 1 rank_coupler_procs(num_coupler_procs) = ibuf(1) num_compcplr_procs(compind)=num_compcplr_procs(compind) + 1 j=num_compcplr_procs(compind) rank_compcplr_procs(j,compind)=ibuf(1) else ! If the broadcaster is a "component" num_component_procs(compind)=num_component_procs(compind) + 1 j=num_component_procs(compind) rank_component_procs(j,compind)=ibuf(1) num_compcplr_procs(compind)=num_compcplr_procs(compind) + 1 j=num_compcplr_procs(compind) rank_compcplr_procs(j,compind)=ibuf(1) endif enddo if (num_coupler_procs .ne. 1) then STOP 'MITCPLR_init2b: I can only handle one coupling process' endif enddo ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do compind = 1,num_components write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & MPI_COMM_compcplr(compind), & ' comp. ranks = ',(rank_component_procs(j,compind), & j=1,num_component_procs(compind) ) write(LogUnit,*) 'MITCPLR_init2b: ', & MPI_COMM_compcplr(compind), & ' c+c ranks = ',(rank_compcplr_procs(j,compind), & j=1,num_compcplr_procs(compind) ) enddo ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call flush(LogUnit) return end !=======================================================================