C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/compon_communic/coupsend_r8tiles.F,v 1.3 2009/09/14 16:22:03 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint61w $ !======================================================================= subroutine coupsend_r8tiles( component, dataname, Nx, Ny, arr ) implicit none ! Arguments character*(*) component character*(*) dataname integer Nx,Ny real*8 arr(Nx,Ny) ! Predefined constants/arrays #include "CPLR_SIG.h" ! MPI variables #include "mpif.h" integer count,dtype,dest,tag,comm,ierr ! Functions integer mitcplr_match_comp integer generate_tag ! Local integer compind,numprocs integer i,j,ij,n,bibj integer Ni,Io,Nj,Jo ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Establish who I am communicating with compind=mitcplr_match_comp( component ) if (compind.le.0) stop 'coupsend_r8tiles: Bad component id' comm=MPI_COMM_compcplr( compind ) numprocs=num_component_procs(compind) if (numprocs.lt.1) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: compind = ',compind stop 'coupsend_r8tiles: numprocs < 1' endif if (VERB) & write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: ',component_Name(compind) if (VERB) & write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: dataname=',dataname ! Foreach component process do n=1,numprocs ! Foreach tile on that process do bibj=1,component_num_tiles(n,compind) ! Create header Io=component_tile_i0(bibj,n,compind) Jo=component_tile_j0(bibj,n,compind) Ni=component_tile_nx(bibj,n,compind) Nj=component_tile_ny(bibj,n,compind) r8buf(1)=float( Io ) r8buf(2)=float( Jo ) r8buf(3)=float( Ni ) r8buf(4)=float( Nj ) call mitcplr_char2dbl( dataname, r8buf(9) ) ! Pack data do j=1,Nj do i=1,Ni ij=HEADER_SIZE+i+Ni*(j-1) r8buf(ij)=arr(Io+i-1,Jo+j-1) enddo enddo ! Send message count=HEADER_SIZE+Ni*Nj dtype=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION tag=generate_tag(123,bibj,dataname) dest=rank_component_procs(n,compind) if (VERB) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: calling MPI_Send dest=', & dest,' proc=',n,'/',numprocs,' tile=',bibj call flush(LogUnit) endif call MPI_Send( r8buf, count, dtype, dest, tag, comm, ierr ) if (VERB) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: returned ierr=',ierr call flush(LogUnit) endif if (ierr.ne.0) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_r8tiles: rank(W,G)=', & my_rank_in_world,my_rank_in_global, & ' ierr=',ierr stop 'coupsend_r8tiles: MPI_Recv failed' endif enddo ! bibj enddo ! n ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ return end !=======================================================================