C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/compon_communic/coupsend_i4vec.F,v 1.1 2015/11/04 17:06:54 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ !======================================================================= subroutine coupsend_i4vec( component, dataname, length, vecFld ) implicit none ! Predefined constants/arrays #include "CPLR_SIG.h" ! MPI variables #include "mpif.h" ! Arguments character*(*) component character*(*) dataname integer length integer vecFld(length) ! Functions integer mitcplr_match_comp integer generate_tag external mitcplr_match_comp external generate_tag ! Local integer count,dtype,dest,tag,comm,ierr integer compind, numprocs integer i, n integer ibuf(MAX_IBUF) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( 1+length .gt. MAX_IBUF ) & STOP 'coupsend_i4vec: length exceeds MAX_IBUF' ! Establish who I am communicating with compind = mitcplr_match_comp( component ) if (compind.le.0) STOP 'coupsend_i4vec: Bad component id' comm = MPI_COMM_compcplr( compind ) numprocs = num_component_procs(compind) if (numprocs.lt.1) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_i4vec: compind = ',compind STOP 'coupsend_i4vec: numprocs < 1' endif if (VERB) & write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_i4vec: ',component_Name(compind) if (VERB) & write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_i4vec: dataname=',dataname ! Copy vector to buffer ibuf(1) = length do i=1,length ibuf(i+1) = vecFld(i) enddo ! Foreach component process do n=1,numprocs ! Send message count = 1+length dtype = MPI_INTEGER tag = generate_tag( 125, n, dataname ) dest = rank_component_procs(n,compind) if (VERB) then write(LogUnit,*) & 'coupsend_i4vec: calling MPI_Send dest=',dest, & ' proc=',n,'/',numprocs call flush(LogUnit) endif call MPI_Send( ibuf, count, dtype, dest, tag, comm, ierr ) if (VERB) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_i4vec: returned ierr=',ierr call flush(LogUnit) endif if (ierr.ne.0) then write(LogUnit,*) 'coupsend_i4vec: rank(W,G)=', & my_rank_in_world,my_rank_in_global, & ' ierr=',ierr STOP 'coupsend_i4vec: MPI_Send failed' endif enddo ! n ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ return end !=======================================================================