C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/cal/cal_subdates.F,v 1.3 2012/04/07 16:21:05 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint66g $ #include "CAL_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE CAL_SUBDATES( I finaldate, I initialdate, O diffdate, I myThid ) C ================================================================== C SUBROUTINE cal_SubDates C ================================================================== C C o Subtract two dates. In case calendar dates are given finaldate C must be after initialdate. C C started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 C changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 29-Dec-1999 C - restructured the original version in order to have a C better interface to the MITgcmUV. C Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 03-Feb-2000 C - Introduced new routine and function names, cal_, C for verion 0.1.3. C C ================================================================== C SUBROUTINE cal_SubDates C ================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE C == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "cal.h" C == routine arguments == INTEGER finaldate(4) INTEGER initialdate(4) INTEGER diffdate(4) INTEGER myThid C == local variables == INTEGER workdate(4) INTEGER ierr CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf C == end of interface == IF ( cal_setStatus .LT. 1 ) THEN WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,4I9)') 'CAL_SUBDATES: ', 'finaldate=', & finaldate(1),finaldate(2),finaldate(3),finaldate(4) CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,4I9)') 'CAL_SUBDATES: ', 'initialdate=', & initialdate(1),initialdate(2),initialdate(3),initialdate(4) CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,I2,A)') 'CAL_SUBDATES: ', & 'called too early (cal_setStatus=',cal_setStatus,' )' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R CAL_SUBDATES' ENDIF if ((initialdate(4) .gt. 0) .eqv. & ( finaldate(4) .gt. 0)) then if (initialdate(4) .eq. -1) then C The time interval is subtracted. workdate(1) = -initialdate(1) workdate(2) = -initialdate(2) workdate(3) = 0 workdate(4) = -1 call cal_AddTime( finaldate, workdate, diffdate, myThid ) else C The time interval between initial and final date is calculated. call cal_TimePassed( & initialdate, finaldate, diffdate, myThid ) endif else ierr = 801 call cal_PrintError( ierr, myThid ) stop ' stopped in cal_SubDates.' endif RETURN END