C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/cal/cal_intmonths.F,v 1.2 2003/10/09 04:19:19 edhill Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint58 $ #include "CAL_OPTIONS.h" integer function cal_IntMonths( I mythid & ) c ================================================================== c FUNCTION cal_IntMonths c ================================================================== c c o Return the number of calendar months that are affected by the c current model integration. c c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 29-Dec-1999 c c - restructured the original version in order to have a c better interface to the MITgcmUV. c c Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 03-Feb-2000 c c - Introduced new routine and function names, cal_, c for verion 0.1.3. c c ================================================================== c FUNCTION cal_IntMonths c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "cal.h" c == routine arguments == integer mythid c == local variables == integer endmonth integer startmonth integer endyear integer startyear c == end of interface == startmonth = mod(modelstartdate(1)/100,100) endmonth = mod( modelenddate(1)/100,100) startyear = modelstartdate(1)/10000 endyear = modelenddate(1)/10000 ce --> allow for previous iterations: niter0 ! ce in this case one would need some more information about the ce integration of the model, e.g. the global start and end dates. if ( startyear .ne. endyear ) then cal_IntMonths = (nmonthyear - startmonth + 1) + & nmonthyear*(endyear - startyear - 1) + & endmonth else cal_IntMonths = endmonth - startmonth + 1 endif if ( ( modelenddate(2) .eq. 0) .and. & ( mod(modelenddate(1),100) .eq. 1) ) then cal_IntMonths = cal_IntMonths - 1 endif return end