C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/cal/cal_addtime.F,v 1.5 2012/04/07 16:21:05 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CAL_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE CAL_ADDTIME( I date, I interval, O added, I myThid ) C ================================================================== C SUBROUTINE cal_AddTime C ================================================================== C C o Add a time interval either to a calendar date or to a time C interval. C C started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 C changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 29-Dec-1999 C - restructured the original version in order to have a C better interface to the MITgcmUV. C Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 03-Feb-2000 C - Introduced new routine and function names, cal_, C for verion 0.1.3. C ralf.giering@fastopt.de 31-May-2000 C datesecs was computed at wrong place (cph) C menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 8-Oct-2003 C speed-up computations for long integration interval C C ================================================================== C SUBROUTINE cal_AddTime C ================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE C == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "cal.h" C == routine arguments == INTEGER date(4) INTEGER interval(4) INTEGER added(4) INTEGER myThid C == external == INTEGER cal_IsLeap EXTERNAL cal_IsLeap C == local variables == INTEGER intsecs INTEGER datesecs INTEGER nsecs INTEGER hhmmss INTEGER yi,mi,di,si,li,wi INTEGER ndays, ndays_left, days_in_year INTEGER date_1,date_2 INTEGER intv_1,intv_2 INTEGER fac INTEGER iday INTEGER switch INTEGER ndayssub INTEGER ierr CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf C == end of interface == IF ( cal_setStatus .LT. 1 ) THEN WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,4I9)') 'CAL_ADDTIME: ', & 'date=',date(1),date(2),date(3),date(4) CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,4I9)') 'CAL_ADDTIME: ', & 'interval=',interval(1),interval(2),interval(3),interval(4) CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE( msgBuf,'(2A,I2,A)') 'CAL_ADDTIME: ', & 'called too early (cal_setStatus=',cal_setStatus,' )' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R CAL_ADDTIME' ENDIF if (interval(4) .ne. -1) then ierr = 601 call cal_PrintError( ierr, myThid) stop ' stopped in cal_AddTime.' endif date_1 = 0 date_2 = 0 fac = 1 if (date(4) .eq. -1) then if (date(1) .ge. 0) then date_1 = date(1) date_2 = date(2) intv_1 = interval(1) intv_2 = interval(2) else if (interval(1) .lt. 0) then date_1 = -date(1) date_2 = -date(2) intv_1 = -interval(1) intv_2 = -interval(2) fac = -1 else date_1 = interval(1) date_2 = interval(2) intv_1 = date(1) intv_2 = date(2) fac = 1 endif endif else if (interval(1) .ge. 0) then intv_1 = interval(1) intv_2 = interval(2) else intv_1 = -interval(1) intv_2 = -interval(2) fac = -1 endif endif intsecs = fac*(intv_2/10000*secondsperhour + & (mod(intv_2/100,100)*secondsperminute + & mod(intv_2,100))) if (date(4) .eq. -1) then datesecs = date_2/10000*secondsperhour + & mod(date_2/100,100)*secondsperminute + & mod(date_2,100) date_1 = date_1 + intv_1 nsecs = datesecs + intsecs if ((date_1 .gt. 0) .and. & (nsecs .lt. 0)) then date_1 = date_1 - 1 nsecs = nsecs + secondsperday endif nsecs = fac*nsecs yi = 0 mi = 0 di = fac*date_1 li = 0 wi = -1 else call cal_ConvDate( date,yi,mi,di,si,li,wi,myThid ) if ((interval(1) .ge. 0) .and. & (interval(2) .ge. 0)) then nsecs = si + intsecs ndays = interval(1)+nsecs/secondsperday nsecs = mod(nsecs,secondsperday) C This used to be called by exf_getffieldrec -> cal_GetDate C and was very slow for a long integration interval. c do iday = 1,ndays c di = di + 1 c if (di .gt. ndaymonth(mi,li)) then c di = 1 c mi = mi + 1 c endif c switch = (mi-1)/nmonthyear c yi = yi + switch c mi = mod(mi-1,nmonthyear)+1 c if (switch .eq. 1) li = cal_IsLeap( yi, myThid ) c enddo C Set start value ndays_left=ndays C First take care of February 29 if ( usingGregorianCalendar ) then if ( mi.eq.2 .and. di.eq.29 .and. ndays_left.gt.1 ) then mi = 3 di = 1 ndays_left = ndays_left - 1 endif endif C Next compute year days_in_year=ndaysnoleap if ((mi.gt.2.and.cal_IsLeap(yi+1,myThid).eq.2).or. & (mi.le.2.and.cal_IsLeap(yi,myThid).eq.2) ) & days_in_year=ndaysleap do while (ndays_left .ge. days_in_year) ndays_left = ndays_left - days_in_year yi = yi + 1 days_in_year=ndaysnoleap if ((mi.gt.2.and.cal_IsLeap(yi+1,myThid).eq.2).or. & (mi.le.2.and.cal_IsLeap(yi,myThid).eq.2) ) & days_in_year=ndaysleap enddo li = cal_IsLeap( yi, myThid ) C Finally compute day and month do iday = 1,ndays_left di = di + 1 if (di .gt. ndaymonth(mi,li)) then di = 1 mi = mi + 1 endif switch = (mi-1)/nmonthyear yi = yi + switch mi = mod(mi-1,nmonthyear)+1 if (switch .eq. 1) li = cal_IsLeap( yi, myThid ) enddo wi = mod(wi+ndays-1,7)+1 else nsecs = si + intsecs if (nsecs .ge. 0) then ndayssub = intv_1 else nsecs = nsecs + secondsperday ndayssub = intv_1 + 1 endif do iday = 1,ndayssub di = di - 1 if (di .eq. 0) then mi = mod(mi+10,nmonthyear)+1 switch = mi/nmonthyear yi = yi - switch if (switch .eq. 1) li = cal_IsLeap( yi, myThid ) di = ndaymonth(mi,li) endif enddo wi = mod(wi+6-mod(ndayssub,7),7)+1 endif endif C Convert to calendar format. added(1) = yi*10000 + mi*100 + di hhmmss = nsecs/secondsperminute added(2) = hhmmss/minutesperhour*10000 + & (mod(fac*hhmmss,minutesperhour)*100 + & mod(fac*nsecs,secondsperminute))*fac added(3) = li added(4) = wi RETURN END