C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/bulk_force/BULKF_PARAMS.h,v 1.1 2003/11/23 01:36:55 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint53c_post $ #ifdef ALLOW_BULK_FORCE C *==========================================================* C | BULK_PARAMS.h C | o Header file for BULK_FORC package parameters: C | - basic parameter ( I/O frequency, etc ...) C | - physical constants (not used in therm_seaice pkg) C *==========================================================* C-- COMMON / BULK_PAR_R / physical (real) parameter C.. densities C rhoa :: density of air (kg/m^3) C rhofw :: density of fresh water (kg/m^3) C.. specific heats C cpair :: specific heat of air (J/kg/K) C cpwv :: specific heat of water vapour (J/kg/KC) C .. latent heat C Lvap :: latent heat of vaporizn at 0 C (J/kg) C Lfresh :: latent heat of melting of pure ice (J/kg) C .. melting C Tf0kel :: Freezing temp of fresh ice in Kelvin = 273.15 C .. wind drag C drag_[n] :: n = 1,2,3 coefficients used to evaluate drag coefficient C .. constants C stefan :: Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m^2 K^4) C xkar :: Von Karman constant QQ units? C Rvap :: gas constant for H2O vapor (J/kg/K) C.. Miscellaneous C p0 :: surface pressure (mb) C.. Combinations used for efficiency C Qcoef :: another constant for latent heat flux C .. for bulk formula C humid_fac :: const. for the evaluation of the virtual temp. C saltsat :: reduction of sat. vapor pressure over salt water C gamma_blk :: adiabatic lapse rate C .. for Vince bulk formula QQ check units C Lvap_ice :: latent heat from sublimation C Rgas :: gas constant for dry air C Sha :: C .. emissivities C atm_emissivity :: C ocean_emissivity :: C snow_emissivity :: C ice_emissivity :: COMMON / BULK_PAR_R / & rhoa, rhosw, rhofw, & cpair, cpwv, & Lvap, Lfresh, & Tf0kel, & cdrag_1, cdrag_2, cdrag_3, & stefan, xkar, Rvap, & p0, Qcoef, & humid_fac, saltsat, gamma_blk, & Lvap_ice, Rgas, Sha, & atm_emissivity, ocean_emissivity, & snow_emissivity, ice_emissivity, & blk_taveFreq _RL rhoa _RL rhosw _RL rhofw _RL cpair _RL cpwv _RL Lvap _RL Lfresh _RL Tf0kel _RL cdrag_1, cdrag_2, cdrag_3 _RL stefan _RL xkar _RL Rvap _RL p0 _RL Qcoef _RL humid_fac _RL saltsat _RL gamma_blk _RL Lvap_ice _RL Rgas _RL Sha _RL atm_emissivity _RL ocean_emissivity _RL snow_emissivity _RL ice_emissivity _RL blk_taveFreq C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| #endif /*ALLOW_BULK_FORCE*/