! $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/atm_phys/dargan_bettsmiller_mod.F90,v 1.1 2013/05/08 22:14:14 jmc Exp $ ! $Name: $ module dargan_bettsmiller_mod ! modified by pog: ! ! - changed comments to say r is mixing ratio in capecalcnew ! - removed unused avg_bl code ! - removed second order in p code that was commented out ! - add fatal error if LCL table lookup out of range ! - changed so mixing ratio has conventional definition ! - changed lcl table routine call so uses conventional mixing ratio ! - didn't change approximate saturated adiabatic ascent integration or ! approximate 'saturate out at constant p if r0>rs' calculation to be ! consistent with conventional definition of mixing ratio ! - CAPE/CIN calculation uses virtual temperature if option set !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !use fms_mod, only: file_exist, error_mesg, open_file, & ! check_nml_error, mpp_pe, FATAL, & ! close_file use simple_sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: escomp, descomp use gcm_params_mod, only: gcm_LEN_MBUF, gcm_SQZ_R, gcm_stdMsgUnit use constants_mod, only: HLv,HLs,Cp_air,Grav,rdgas,rvgas, & kappa implicit none private !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- public interfaces ---- public dargan_bettsmiller, dargan_bettsmiller_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- version number ---- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: dargan_bettsmiller_mod.F90,v 1.1 2013/05/08 22:14:14 jmc Exp $' character(len=128) :: tag = '$Name: $' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- local/private data ---- logical :: do_init=.true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- namelist ---- real :: tau_bm=7200. real :: rhbm = .8 logical :: do_virtual = .false. logical :: do_shallower = .false. logical :: do_changeqref = .false. logical :: do_envsat = .false. logical :: do_taucape = .false. logical :: do_bm_shift = .false. real :: capetaubm = 900. real :: tau_min = 2400. namelist /dargan_bettsmiller_nml/ tau_bm, rhbm, & do_shallower, do_changeqref, & do_envsat, do_taucape, capetaubm, tau_min, & do_virtual, do_bm_shift !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! description of namelist variables ! ! tau_bm = betts-miller relaxation timescale (seconds) ! ! rhbm = relative humidity that you're relaxing towards ! ! do_shallower = do the shallow convection scheme where it chooses a smaller ! depth such that precipitation is zero ! ! do_changeqref = do the shallow convection scheme where if changes the ! profile of both q and T in order make precip zero ! ! do_envsat = reference profile is rhbm times saturated wrt environment ! (if false, it's rhbm times parcel) ! ! do_taucape = scheme where taubm is proportional to CAPE**-1/2 ! ! capetaubm = for the above scheme, the value of CAPE for which ! tau = tau_bm ! ! tau_min = minimum relaxation time allowed for the above scheme ! ! do_virtual = use virtual temperature for CAPE/CIN calculation ! ! do_bm_shift = always conserve enthalpy by shifting temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !####################################################################### subroutine dargan_bettsmiller (dt, tin, qin, pfull, phalf, coldT, & rain, snow, tdel, qdel, q_ref, bmflag, & klzbs, cape, cin, t_ref,invtau_bm_t,invtau_bm_q, & capeflag, bi,bj,myIter, myThid, mask, conv) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Betts-Miller Convection Scheme ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input: dt time step in seconds ! tin temperature at full model levels ! qin specific humidity of water vapor at full ! model levels ! pfull pressure at full model levels ! phalf pressure at half (interface) model levels ! coldT should precipitation be snow at this point? ! optional: ! mask optional mask (0 or 1.) ! conv logical flag; if true then no betts-miller ! adjustment is performed at that grid-point or ! model level ! ! output: rain liquid precipitation (kg/m2) ! snow frozen precipitation (kg/m2) ! tdel temperature tendency at full model levels ! qdel specific humidity tendency (of water vapor) at ! full model levels ! bmflag flag for which routines you're calling ! klzbs stored klzb values ! cape convectively available potential energy ! cin convective inhibition (this and the above are before the ! adjustment) ! invtau_bm_t temperature relaxation timescale ! invtau_bm_q humidity relaxation timescale ! capeflag a flag that says why cape=0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------- interface arguments ----------------------------- real , intent(in) , dimension(:,:,:) :: tin, qin, pfull, phalf real , intent(in) :: dt logical , intent(in) , dimension(:,:):: coldT real , intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: rain,snow, bmflag, klzbs, cape, & cin, invtau_bm_t, invtau_bm_q, capeflag real , intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: tdel, qdel, q_ref, t_ref integer, intent(in) :: bi,bj, myIter integer, intent(in) :: myThid real , intent(in) , dimension(:,:,:), optional :: mask logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:,:), optional :: conv !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------- local data ------------------------------------- logical,dimension(size(tin,1),size(tin,2),size(tin,3)) :: do_adjust real,dimension(size(tin,1),size(tin,2),size(tin,3)) :: & rin, esat, qsat, desat, dqsat, pmes, pmass real,dimension(size(tin,1),size(tin,2)) :: & hlcp, precip, precip_t real,dimension(size(tin,3)) :: eref, rpc, tpc, & tpc1, rpc1 real :: & cape1, cin1, tot, deltak, deltaq, qrefint, deltaqfrac, deltaqfrac2, & ptopfrac, es, capeflag1, plzb, plcl, cape2, small integer i, j, k, ix, jx, kx, klzb, ktop, klzb2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! computation of precipitation by betts-miller scheme !----------------------------------------------------------------------- capeflag1 = 0. ! if (do_init) call error_mesg ('dargan_bettsmiller', & ! 'dargan_bettsmiller_init has not been called.', FATAL) ix=size(tin,1) jx=size(tin,2) kx=size(tin,3) small = 1.e-10 ! calculate r (where r is the mixing ratio) rin = qin/(1.0 - qin) do i=1,ix do j=1,jx cape1 = 0. cin1 = 0. tot = 0. klzb=0 ! the bmflag is written out to show what aspects of the bm scheme is called ! bmflag = 0 is no cape, no convection ! bmflag = 1 is shallow conv, the predicted precip is less than zero ! bmflag = 2 is deep convection bmflag(i,j) = 0. tpc = tin(i,j,:) rpc = rin(i,j,:) ! calculate cape, cin, level of zero buoyancy, and parcel properties ! new code (second order in delta ln p and exact LCL calculation) call capecalcnew( kx, pfull(i,j,:), phalf(i,j,:),& cp_air, rdgas, rvgas, hlv, kappa, tin(i,j,:), & rin(i,j,:), cape1, cin1, tpc, & rpc, klzb, i,j,bi,bj,myIter,myThid) ! set values for storage capeflag(i,j) = capeflag1 cape(i,j) = cape1 cin(i,j) = cin1 klzbs(i,j) = klzb if(cape1.gt.0.) then ! if((tot.gt.0.).and.(cape1.gt.0.)) then bmflag(i,j) = 1. ! reference temperature is just that of the parcel all the way up t_ref(i,j,:) = tpc do k=klzb,kx ! sets reference spec hum to a certain relative hum (change to vapor pressure, ! multiply by rhbm, then back to spec humid) if(do_envsat) then call escomp(tin(i,j,k),es) es = es*rhbm rpc(k) = mixing_ratio(es, pfull(i,j,k)) q_ref(i,j,k) = rpc(k)/(1 + rpc(k)) else eref(k) = rhbm*pfull(i,j,k)*rpc(k)/(rdgas/rvgas + rpc(k)) rpc(k) = mixing_ratio(eref(k),pfull(i,j,k)) q_ref(i,j,k) = rpc(k)/(1 + rpc(k)) endif end do ! set the tendencies to zero where you don't adjust ! set the reference profiles to be the original profiles (for diagnostic ! purposes only -- you can think of this as what you're relaxing to in ! areas above the actual convection do k=1,max(klzb-1,1) qdel(i,j,k) = 0.0 tdel(i,j,k) = 0.0 q_ref(i,j,k) = qin(i,j,k) t_ref(i,j,k) = tin(i,j,k) end do ! initialize p to zero for the loop precip(i,j) = 0. precip_t(i,j) = 0. ! makes t_bm prop to (CAPE)**-.5. Gives a relaxation time of tau_bm when ! CAPE = sqrt(capetaubm) if(do_taucape) then tau_bm = sqrt(capetaubm)*tau_bm/sqrt(cape1) if(tau_bm.lt.tau_min) tau_bm = tau_min endif do k=klzb, kx ! relax to reference profiles tdel(i,j,k) = - (tin(i,j,k) - t_ref(i,j,k))/tau_bm*dt qdel(i,j,k) = - (qin(i,j,k) - q_ref(i,j,k))/tau_bm*dt ! Precipitation can be calculated already, based on the change in q on the ! way up (this isn't altered in the energy conservation scheme). precip(i,j) = precip(i,j) - qdel(i,j,k)*(phalf(i,j,k+1)- & phalf(i,j,k))/grav precip_t(i,j)= precip_t(i,j) + cp_air/(hlv+small)*tdel(i,j,k)* & (phalf(i,j,k+1)-phalf(i,j,k))/grav end do if ((precip(i,j).gt.0.).and.(precip_t(i,j).gt.0.)) then ! If precip > 0, then correct energy. bmflag(i,j) = 2. ! not simple scheme: shift the reference profile of temperature ! deltak is the energy correction that you make to the temperature reference ! profile if(precip(i,j).gt.precip_t(i,j) .and. (.not. do_bm_shift)) then ! if the q precip is greater, then lengthen the relaxation timescale on q to ! conserve energy. qdel is therefore changed. invtau_bm_q(i,j) = precip_t(i,j)/precip(i,j)/tau_bm qdel(i,j,klzb:kx) = tau_bm*invtau_bm_q(i,j)* & qdel(i,j,klzb:kx) precip(i,j) = precip_t(i,j) invtau_bm_t(i,j) = 1./tau_bm else deltak = 0. do k=klzb, kx ! Calculate the integrated difference in energy change within each level. deltak = deltak - (tdel(i,j,k) + hlv/cp_air*& qdel(i,j,k))* & (phalf(i,j,k+1) - phalf(i,j,k)) end do ! Divide by total pressure. deltak = deltak/(phalf(i,j,kx+1) - phalf(i,j,klzb)) ! Adjust the reference profile (uniformly with height), and correspondingly ! the temperature change. t_ref(i,j,klzb:kx) = t_ref(i,j,klzb:kx)+ & deltak*tau_bm/dt tdel(i,j,klzb:kx) = tdel(i,j,klzb:kx) + deltak endif else if(precip_t(i,j).gt.0.) then ! If precip < 0, then do the shallow conv routine. ! First option: do_shallower = true ! This chooses the depth of convection based on choosing the height that ! it can make precip zero, i.e., subtract off heights until that precip ! becomes positive. if (do_shallower) then ! ktop is the new top of convection. set this initially to klzb. ktop = klzb ! Work your way down until precip is positive again. do while ((precip(i,j).lt.0.).and.(ktop.le.kx)) precip(i,j) = precip(i,j) - qdel(i,j,ktop)* & (phalf(i,j,ktop) - phalf(i,j,ktop+1))/grav ktop = ktop + 1 end do ! since there will be an overshoot (precip is going to be greater than zero ! once we finish this), the actual new top of convection is somewhere between ! the current ktop, and one level above this. set ktop to the level above. ktop = ktop - 1 ! Adjust the tendencies in the places above back to zero, and the reference ! profiles back to the original t,q. if (ktop.gt.klzb) then qdel(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) = 0. q_ref(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) = qin(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) tdel(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) = 0. t_ref(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) = tin(i,j,klzb:ktop-1) end if ! Then make the change only a fraction of the new top layer so the precip is ! identically zero. ! Calculate the fractional penetration of convection through that top layer. ! This is the amount necessary to make precip identically zero. if (precip(i,j).gt.0.) then ptopfrac = precip(i,j)/(qdel(i,j,ktop)* & (phalf(i,j,ktop+1) - phalf(i,j,ktop)))*grav ! Reduce qdel in the top layer by this fraction. qdel(i,j,ktop) = ptopfrac*qdel(i,j,ktop) ! Set precip to zero precip(i,j) = 0. ! Now change the reference temperature in such a way to make the net ! heating zero. !! modification: pog !! Reduce tdel in the top layer tdel(i,j,ktop) = ptopfrac*tdel(i,j,ktop) !! end modification: pog deltak = 0. if (ktop.lt.kx) then !! modification: pog !! include the full mass of the top layer when calculating delta_k !! also use the entire mass of the column when normalizing ! ! Integrate temperature tendency do k=ktop,kx deltak = deltak + tdel(i,j,k)* & (phalf(i,j,k) - phalf(i,j,k+1)) end do ! Normalize by the pressure difference. deltak = deltak/(phalf(i,j,kx+1) - phalf(i,j,ktop)) !! end modification: pog ! Subtract this value uniformly from tdel, and make the according change to ! t_ref. do k=ktop,kx tdel(i,j,k) = tdel(i,j,k) + deltak t_ref(i,j,k) = t_ref(i,j,k) + deltak*tau_bm/dt end do end if else precip(i,j) = 0. qdel(i,j,kx) = 0. q_ref(i,j,kx) = qin(i,j,kx) tdel(i,j,kx) = 0. t_ref(i,j,kx) = tin(i,j,kx) invtau_bm_t(i,j) = 0. invtau_bm_q(i,j) = 0. end if else if(do_changeqref) then ! Change the reference profile of q by a certain fraction so that precip is ! zero. This involves calculating the total integrated q_ref dp (this is the ! quantity intqref), as well as the necessary change in q_ref (this is the ! quantity deltaq). Then the fractional change in q_ref at each level (the ! quantity deltaqfrac) is 1-deltaq/intqref. (have to multiply q_ref by ! 1-deltaq/intqref at every level) Then the change in qdel is ! -deltaq/intqref*q_ref*dt/tau_bm. ! Change the reference profile of T by a uniform amount so that precip is zero. deltak = 0. deltaq = 0. qrefint = 0. do k=klzb,kx ! deltaq = a positive quantity (since int qdel is positive). It's how ! much q_ref must be changed by, in an integrated sense. The requisite ! change in qdel is this without the factors of tau_bm and dt. deltaq = deltaq - qdel(i,j,k)*tau_bm/dt* & (phalf(i,j,k) - phalf(i,j,k+1)) ! deltak = the amount tdel needs to be changed deltak = deltak + tdel(i,j,k)* & (phalf(i,j,k) - phalf(i,j,k+1)) ! qrefint = integrated value of qref qrefint = qrefint - q_ref(i,j,k)* & (phalf(i,j,k) - phalf(i,j,k+1)) end do ! Normalize deltak by total pressure. deltak = deltak /(phalf(i,j,kx+1) - phalf(i,j,klzb)) ! multiplying factor for q_ref is 1 + the ratio deltaqfrac = 1. - deltaq/qrefint ! multiplying factor for qdel adds dt/tau_bm deltaqfrac2 = - deltaq/qrefint*dt/tau_bm precip(i,j) = 0.0 do k=klzb,kx qdel(i,j,k) = qdel(i,j,k) + deltaqfrac2*q_ref(i,j,k) q_ref(i,j,k) = deltaqfrac*q_ref(i,j,k) tdel(i,j,k) = tdel(i,j,k) + deltak t_ref(i,j,k) = t_ref(i,j,k) + deltak*tau_bm/dt end do else precip(i,j) = 0. tdel(i,j,:) = 0. qdel(i,j,:) = 0. invtau_bm_t(i,j) = 0. invtau_bm_q(i,j) = 0. end if ! for cases where virtual temp predicts CAPE but precip_t < 0. ! - also note cape and precip_t are different because cape ! involves integration wrt dlogp and precip_t wrt dp else tdel(i,j,:) = 0.0 qdel(i,j,:) = 0.0 precip(i,j) = 0.0 q_ref(i,j,:) = qin(i,j,:) t_ref(i,j,:) = tin(i,j,:) invtau_bm_t(i,j) = 0. invtau_bm_q(i,j) = 0. end if ! if no CAPE, set tendencies to zero. else tdel(i,j,:) = 0.0 qdel(i,j,:) = 0.0 precip(i,j) = 0.0 q_ref(i,j,:) = qin(i,j,:) t_ref(i,j,:) = tin(i,j,:) invtau_bm_t(i,j) = 0. invtau_bm_q(i,j) = 0. end if end do end do rain = precip snow = 0. end subroutine dargan_bettsmiller !####################################################################### !all new cape calculation. subroutine capecalcnew(kx,p,phalf,cp_air,rdgas,rvgas,hlv,kappa,tin,rin,& cape,cin,tp,rp,klzb, i,j,bi,bj,myIter,myThid) ! ! Input: ! ! kx number of levels ! p pressure (index 1 refers to TOA, index kx refers to surface) ! phalf pressure at half levels ! cp_air specific heat of dry air ! rdgas gas constant for dry air ! rvgas gas constant for water vapor ! hlv latent heat of vaporization ! kappa the constant kappa ! tin temperature of the environment ! rin mixing ratio of the environment ! ! Output: ! cape Convective available potential energy ! cin Convective inhibition (if there's no LFC, then this is set ! to zero) ! tp Parcel temperature (set to the environmental temperature ! where no adjustment) ! rp Parcel mixing ratio (set to the environmental humidity ! where no adjustment, and set to the saturation humidity at ! the parcel temperature below the LCL) ! klzb Level of zero buoyancy ! ! Algorithm: ! Start with surface parcel. ! Calculate the lifting condensation level (uses an analytic formula and a ! lookup table). ! Calculate parcel ascent up to LZB. ! Calculate CAPE and CIN. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: kx real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: p, phalf, tin, rin real, intent(in) :: rdgas, rvgas, hlv, kappa, cp_air integer, intent(out) :: klzb real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: tp, rp real, intent(out) :: cape, cin integer, intent(in) :: i,j,bi,bj,myIter integer, intent(in) :: myThid integer :: k, klcl, klfc, klcl2 logical :: nocape real, dimension(kx) :: theta, tin_virtual real :: t0, r0, es, rs, theta0, pstar, value, tlcl, & a, b, dtdlnp, d2tdlnp2, thetam, rm, tlcl2, & plcl2, plcl, plzb, small pstar = 1.e5 ! so we can run dry limit (one expression involves 1/hlv) small = 1.e-10 nocape = .true. cape = 0. cin = 0. plcl = 0. plzb = 0. klfc = 0 klcl = 0 klzb = 0 tp(1:kx) = tin(1:kx) rp(1:kx) = rin(1:kx) ! calculate the virtual temperature do k=1,kx tin_virtual(k) = virtual_temp(tin(k), rin(k)) enddo ! start with surface parcel t0 = tin(kx) r0 = rin(kx) ! calculate the lifting condensation level by the following: ! are you saturated to begin with? call escomp(t0,es) rs = mixing_ratio(es, p(kx)) if (r0.ge.rs) then ! if you¹re already saturated, set lcl to be the surface value. plcl = p(kx) ! the first level where you¹re completely saturated. klcl = kx ! saturate out to get the parcel temp and humidity at this level ! first order (in delta T) accurate expression for change in temp ! note this is assumed to happen at constant pressure, also the resulting ! saturation mixing ratio is different from rs and this is accounted for in ! the formula, but the formula is approximate and should be replaced tp(kx) = t0 + (r0 - rs)/(cp_air/(hlv+small) + hlv*rs/rvgas/t0**2.) call escomp(tp(kx),es) rp(kx) = mixing_ratio(es, p(kx)) else ! if not saturated to begin with, use the analytic expression to calculate the ! exact pressure and temperature where you¹re saturated. theta0 = tin(kx)*(pstar/p(kx))**kappa ! the expression that we utilize is log(r/(Rd/Rv+r)/theta**(1/kappa)*pstar) = ! log(es/T**(1/kappa)) ! The right hand side of this is only a function of temperature, therefore ! this is put into a lookup table to solve for temperature. if (r0.gt.0.) then value = log(theta0**(-1/kappa)*pstar*r0/(rdgas/rvgas+r0)) ! call lcltabl(value,tlcl,myThid) call lcltabl(value,tlcl,i,j,bi,bj,myIter,myThid) plcl = pstar*(tlcl/theta0)**(1/kappa) ! just in case plcl is very high up if (plcl.lt.p(1)) then plcl = p(1) tlcl = theta0*(plcl/pstar)**kappa write (*,*) 'hi lcl' end if k = kx else ! if the parcel mixing ratio is zero or negative, set lcl to top level plcl = p(1) tlcl = theta0*(plcl/pstar)**kappa ! write (*,*) 'zero r0', r0 go to 11 end if ! calculate the parcel temperature (adiabatic ascent) below the LCL. ! the mixing ratio stays the same do while (p(k).gt.plcl) tp(k) = theta0*(p(k)/pstar)**kappa call escomp(tp(k),es) ! note rp is not the actual parcel mixing ratio here, but rather will be used ! to calculate the reference moisture profile using rhbm rp(k) = mixing_ratio(es,p(k)) ! this definition of CIN contains everything below the LCL ! we use the actual parcel mixing ratio for the virtual temperature effect cin = cin + rdgas*(tin_virtual(k)-virtual_temp(tp(k),r0))*log(phalf(k+1)/phalf(k)) k = k-1 end do ! first level where you¹re saturated at the level klcl = k ! do a saturated ascent to get the parcel temp at the LCL. ! use your 2nd order equation up to the pressure above. ! moist adaibat derivatives: (use the lcl values for temp, humid, and ! pressure) ! note moist adiabat derivatives are approximate and should be replaced ! with more accurate expressions (see e.g. Holton pg 503 for derivation) a = kappa*tlcl + hlv/cp_air*r0 b = hlv**2.*r0/cp_air/rvgas/tlcl**2. dtdlnp = a/(1. + b) ! first order in p ! tp(klcl) = tlcl + dtdlnp*log(p(klcl)/plcl) ! second order in p (RK2) ! first get temp halfway up tp(klcl) = tlcl + dtdlnp*log(p(klcl)/plcl)/2. if ((tp(klcl).lt.173.16).and.nocape) go to 11 call escomp(tp(klcl),es) rp(klcl) = mixing_ratio(es,(p(klcl) + plcl)/2) a = kappa*tp(klcl) + hlv/cp_air*rp(klcl) b = hlv**2./cp_air/rvgas*rp(klcl)/tp(klcl)**2. dtdlnp = a/(1. + b) ! second half of RK2 tp(klcl) = tlcl + dtdlnp*log(p(klcl)/plcl) if ((tp(klcl).lt.173.16).and.nocape) go to 11 call escomp(tp(klcl),es) rp(klcl) = mixing_ratio(es,p(klcl)) ! write (*,*) 'tp, rp klcl:kx, new', tp(klcl:kx), rp(klcl:kx) ! CAPE/CIN stuff if ((virtual_temp(tp(klcl),rp(klcl)).lt.tin_virtual(klcl)).and.nocape) then ! if you¹re not yet buoyant, then add to the CIN and continue cin = cin + rdgas*(tin_virtual(klcl) - & virtual_temp(tp(klcl),rp(klcl)))*log(phalf(klcl+1)/phalf(klcl)) else ! if you¹re buoyant, then add to cape cape = cape + rdgas*(virtual_temp(tp(klcl),rp(klcl)) - & tin_virtual(klcl))*log(phalf(klcl+1)/phalf(klcl)) ! if it¹s the first time buoyant, then set the level of free convection to k if (nocape) then nocape = .false. klfc = klcl endif end if end if ! then average the properties over the boundary layer if so desired. to give ! a new "parcel". this may not be saturated at the LCL, so make sure you get ! to a level where it is before moist adiabatic ascent! ! ! then, start at the LCL, and do moist adiabatic ascent by the first order ! scheme -- 2nd order as well do k=klcl-1,1,-1 ! note moist adiabat derivatives are approximate and should be replaced ! with more accurate expressions (see e.g. Holton pg 503 for derivation) a = kappa*tp(k+1) + hlv/cp_air*rp(k+1) b = hlv**2./cp_air/rvgas*rp(k+1)/tp(k+1)**2. dtdlnp = a/(1. + b) ! first order in p ! tp(k) = tp(k+1) + dtdlnp*log(p(k)/p(k+1)) ! second order in p (RK2) ! first get temp halfway up tp(k) = tp(k+1) + dtdlnp*log(p(k)/p(k+1))/2. if ((tp(k).lt.173.16).and.nocape) go to 11 call escomp(tp(k),es) rp(k) = mixing_ratio(es,(p(k) + p(k+1))/2) a = kappa*tp(k) + hlv/cp_air*rp(k) b = hlv**2./cp_air/rvgas*rp(k)/tp(k)**2. dtdlnp = a/(1. + b) ! second half of RK2 tp(k) = tp(k+1) + dtdlnp*log(p(k)/p(k+1)) ! if you're below the lookup table value, just presume that there's no way ! you could have cape and call it quits if ((tp(k).lt.173.16).and.nocape) go to 11 call escomp(tp(k),es) rp(k) = mixing_ratio(es,p(k)) if ((virtual_temp(tp(k),rp(k)).lt.tin_virtual(k)).and.nocape) then ! if you¹re not yet buoyant, then add to the CIN and continue cin = cin + rdgas*(tin_virtual(k)-virtual_temp(tp(k),rp(k)))*log(phalf(k+1)/phalf(k)) elseif((virtual_temp(tp(k),rp(k)).lt.tin_virtual(k)).and.(.not.nocape)) then ! if you have CAPE, and it¹s your first time being negatively buoyant, ! then set the level of zero buoyancy to k+1, and stop the moist ascent klzb = k+1 go to 11 else ! if you¹re buoyant, then add to cape cape = cape + rdgas*(virtual_temp(tp(k),rp(k))-tin_virtual(k))*log(phalf(k+1)/phalf(k)) ! if it¹s the first time buoyant, then set the level of free convection to k if (nocape) then nocape = .false. klfc = k endif end if end do 11 if(nocape) then ! this is if you made it through without having a LZB ! set LZB to be the top level. plzb = p(1) klzb = 0 klfc = 0 cin = 0. tp(1:kx) = tin(1:kx) rp(1:kx) = rin(1:kx) end if ! write (*,*) 'plcl, klcl, tlcl, r0 new', plcl, klcl, tlcl, r0 ! write (*,*) 'tp, rp new', tp, rp ! write (*,*) 'tp, new', tp ! write (*,*) 'tin new', tin ! write (*,*) 'klcl, klfc, klzb new', klcl, klfc, klzb end subroutine capecalcnew ! lookup table for the analytic evaluation of LCL ! subroutine lcltabl(value,tlcl,myThid) subroutine lcltabl(value,tlcl,i,j,bi,bj,myIter,myThid) ! ! Table of values used to compute the temperature of the lifting condensation ! level. ! ! the expression that we utilize is log(r/(Rd/Rv+r)/theta**(1/kappa)*pstar) = ! log(es/T**(1/kappa)) ! ! Gives the values of the temperature for the following range: ! starts with -23, is uniformly distributed up to -10.4. There are a ! total of 127 values, and the increment is .1. ! implicit none real, intent(in) :: value real, intent(out) :: tlcl integer, intent(in) :: i,j,bi,bj,myIter integer, intent(in) :: myThid integer :: ival real, dimension(127) :: lcltable real :: v1, v2 integer :: errorMessageUnit DATA errorMessageUnit / 15 / data lcltable/ 1.7364512e+02, 1.7427449e+02, 1.7490874e+02, & 1.7554791e+02, 1.7619208e+02, 1.7684130e+02, 1.7749563e+02, & 1.7815514e+02, 1.7881989e+02, 1.7948995e+02, 1.8016539e+02, & 1.8084626e+02, 1.8153265e+02, 1.8222461e+02, 1.8292223e+02, & 1.8362557e+02, 1.8433471e+02, 1.8504972e+02, 1.8577068e+02, & 1.8649767e+02, 1.8723077e+02, 1.8797006e+02, 1.8871561e+02, & 1.8946752e+02, 1.9022587e+02, 1.9099074e+02, 1.9176222e+02, & 1.9254042e+02, 1.9332540e+02, 1.9411728e+02, 1.9491614e+02, & 1.9572209e+02, 1.9653521e+02, 1.9735562e+02, 1.9818341e+02, & 1.9901870e+02, 1.9986158e+02, 2.0071216e+02, 2.0157057e+02, & 2.0243690e+02, 2.0331128e+02, 2.0419383e+02, 2.0508466e+02, & 2.0598391e+02, 2.0689168e+02, 2.0780812e+02, 2.0873335e+02, & 2.0966751e+02, 2.1061074e+02, 2.1156316e+02, 2.1252493e+02, & 2.1349619e+02, 2.1447709e+02, 2.1546778e+02, 2.1646842e+02, & 2.1747916e+02, 2.1850016e+02, 2.1953160e+02, 2.2057364e+02, & 2.2162645e+02, 2.2269022e+02, 2.2376511e+02, 2.2485133e+02, & 2.2594905e+02, 2.2705847e+02, 2.2817979e+02, 2.2931322e+02, & 2.3045895e+02, 2.3161721e+02, 2.3278821e+02, 2.3397218e+02, & 2.3516935e+02, 2.3637994e+02, 2.3760420e+02, 2.3884238e+02, & 2.4009473e+02, 2.4136150e+02, 2.4264297e+02, 2.4393941e+02, & 2.4525110e+02, 2.4657831e+02, 2.4792136e+02, 2.4928053e+02, & 2.5065615e+02, 2.5204853e+02, 2.5345799e+02, 2.5488487e+02, & 2.5632953e+02, 2.5779231e+02, 2.5927358e+02, 2.6077372e+02, & 2.6229310e+02, 2.6383214e+02, 2.6539124e+02, 2.6697081e+02, & 2.6857130e+02, 2.7019315e+02, 2.7183682e+02, 2.7350278e+02, & 2.7519152e+02, 2.7690354e+02, 2.7863937e+02, 2.8039954e+02, & 2.8218459e+02, 2.8399511e+02, 2.8583167e+02, 2.8769489e+02, & 2.8958539e+02, 2.9150383e+02, 2.9345086e+02, 2.9542719e+02, & 2.9743353e+02, 2.9947061e+02, 3.0153922e+02, 3.0364014e+02, & 3.0577420e+02, 3.0794224e+02, 3.1014515e+02, 3.1238386e+02, & 3.1465930e+02, 3.1697246e+02, 3.1932437e+02, 3.2171609e+02, & 3.2414873e+02, 3.2662343e+02, 3.2914139e+02, 3.3170385e+02 / ! v1 = value v1 = MIN( MAX( value, -23.d0 ), -10.4d0 ) ! if (value.lt.-23.0) call error_mesg ('dargan_bettsmiller', & ! 'lcltable: value too low', FATAL) ! if (value.gt.-10.4) call error_mesg ('dargan_bettsmiller', & ! 'lcltable: value too high', FATAL) if (value.lt.-23.0) then CALL PRINT_ERROR( 'In: dargan_bettsmiller '// & 'lcltable: value too low', myThid) WRITE(errorMessageUnit,'(A,3I4,I6,1PE14.6)') & 'i,j,bj,myIter,value=',i,j,bj,myIter,value ! STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R LCLTABL (dargan_bettsmiller_mod)' endif if (value.gt.-10.4) then CALL PRINT_ERROR( 'In: dargan_bettsmiller '// & 'lcltable: value too high', myThid) WRITE(errorMessageUnit,'(A,3I4,I6,1PE14.6)') & 'i,j,bj,myIter,value=',i,j,bj,myIter,value ! STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R LCLTABL (dargan_bettsmiller_mod)' endif ival = floor(10.*(v1 + 23.0)) v2 = -230. + ival v1 = 10.*v1 tlcl = (v2 + 1.0 - v1)*lcltable(ival+1) + (v1 - v2)*lcltable(ival+2) end subroutine lcltabl !####################################################################### subroutine dargan_bettsmiller_init (myThid) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialization for bettsmiller ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer unit,io,ierr integer, intent(in) ::myThid !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(3) :: half = (/1,2,4/) !integer :: ierr, io integer :: iUnit CHARACTER*(gcm_LEN_MBUF) :: msgBuf !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------- read namelist --------------------------------------------- ! if (file_exist('input.nml')) then ! unit = open_file (file='input.nml', action='read') ! ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) ! read (unit, nml=dargan_bettsmiller_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ! ierr = check_nml_error (io,'dargan_bettsmiller_nml') ! enddo ! 10 call close_file (unit) ! endif !---------- output namelist -------------------------------------------- ! unit = open_file (file='logfile.out', action='append') ! if ( mpp_pe() == 0 ) then ! write (unit,'(/,80("="),/(a))') trim(version), trim(tag) ! write (unit,nml=dargan_bettsmiller_nml) ! endif ! call close_file (unit) ! do_init=.false. ! _BARRIER ! _BEGIN_MASTER(myThid) CALL BARRIER(myThid) IF ( myThid.EQ.1 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'DARGAN_BETTSMILLER_init: opening data.atm_gray' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, gcm_stdMsgUnit, gcm_SQZ_R, myThid ) CALL OPEN_COPY_DATA_FILE( & 'data.atm_gray', 'DARGAN_BETTSMILLER_init', & iUnit, & myThid ) ! Read parameters from open data file READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=dargan_bettsmiller_nml) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & 'DARGAB_BETTSMILLER_INIT: finished reading data.atm_gray' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, gcm_stdMsgUnit, gcm_SQZ_R, myThid ) ! Close the open data file CLOSE(iUnit) ENDIF CALL BARRIER(myThid) return end subroutine dargan_bettsmiller_init !####################################################################### real function mixing_ratio(vapor_pressure, pressure) ! calculates the mixing ratio from the vapor pressure and pressure implicit none real, intent(in) :: vapor_pressure, pressure mixing_ratio = rdgas*vapor_pressure/rvgas/(pressure-vapor_pressure) end function mixing_ratio !####################################################################### real function virtual_temp(temp, r) ! calculates the virtual temperature from the temperature and mixing ratio ! consistent with the approximation used in the fms code implicit none real, intent(in) :: temp ! temperature real, intent(in) :: r ! mixing ratio real :: q ! specific humidity if (do_virtual) then q = r/(1.0+r) virtual_temp = temp*(1.0+q*(rvgas/rdgas-1.0)) else virtual_temp = temp endif end function virtual_temp !####################################################################### end module dargan_bettsmiller_mod