C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/atm_compon_interf/atm_import_fields.F,v 1.1 2004/05/21 19:59:38 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint57o_post $ #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" CStartOfInterface SUBROUTINE ATM_IMPORT_FIELDS( myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE ATM_IMPORT_SST | C | o Routine for importing ocean surface coupling fields | C | from coupling layer. | C |==========================================================| C | This version talks to the MIT Coupler. It uses the MIT | C | Coupler "checkpoint1" library calls. | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE C == Global variables == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "ATMCPL.h" #include "ATMIDS.h" C == Routine arguments == C myThid - Thread number for this instance of the routine INTEGER myThid CEndOfInterface #ifdef COMPONENT_MODULE C == Local variables == C Fetch data from coupling layer. Note MIT Coupler checkpoint1 C does not allow asynchronous extraction of data, so ordering C has to be consistent with ordering coupling layer. C- Receive ocean mixed-layer thickness from coupling layer. CALL COMPRECV_R8TILES( atmMxlDName, I sNx, OLx, sNy, OLy, 1, nSx, nSy, ocMxlD ) C- Receive ocean surface temperatures from coupling layer. CALL COMPRECV_R8TILES( atmSSTName, I sNx, OLx, sNy, OLy, 1, nSx, nSy, SSTocn ) C- Receive ocean surface salinity from coupling layer. CALL COMPRECV_R8TILES( atmSSSName, I sNx, OLx, sNy, OLy, 1, nSx, nSy, SSSocn ) C- Receive ocean surface velocity square from coupling layer. CALL COMPRECV_R8TILES( atmSSVsqName, I sNx, OLx, sNy, OLy, 1, nSx, nSy, vSqocn ) #endif /* COMPONENT_MODULE */ RETURN END