C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/aim_v23/phy_inphys.F,v 1.4 2004/06/24 23:43:11 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint63r $ #include "AIM_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE INPHYS (HSG, myThid) IMPLICIT NONE C-- C-- SUBROUTINE INPHYS (HSG,PPL,RLAT) C-- C-- Purpose: Initialize common blocks for physical parametrization routines C-- Input : HSG : sigma at half levels C-- PPL : pressure levels for post-processing C-- RLAT : gaussian-grid latitudes C-- Initialized common blocks: PHYCON, FSIGLT, FORCON, C-- CNVCON, LSCCON, RADCON, SFLCON, VDICON C-- C Resolution parameters C-- size for MITgcm & Physics package : #include "AIM_SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" c #include "AIM_GRID.h" C Physical constants + functions of sigma and latitude #include "com_physcon.h" C Constants for sub-grid-scale physics #include "com_forcon.h" #include "com_cnvcon.h" #include "com_lsccon.h" #include "com_radcon.h" #include "com_sflcon.h" #include "com_vdicon.h" C == Routine Arguments == INTEGER myThid c REAL HSG(0:NLEV), PPL(NLEV), RLAT(NLAT) _RL HSG(0:NLEV) #ifdef ALLOW_AIM C == Local Variables == INTEGER K _BEGIN_MASTER(myThid) C--- 1. Time independent parameters and arrays C C 1.1 Physical constants c P0 = 1. _d +5 c GG = 9.81 _d 0 c RD = 287. _d 0 c CP = 1004. _d 0 P0 = atm_Po GG = gravity RD = atm_Rd CP = atm_Cp C Latent heat is in J/g for consistency with spec.hum. in g/Kg ALHC = 2501. _d 0 ALHF = 334. _d 0 SBC = 5.67 _d -8 C Heat capacity of rain is also in J/g/K for the same reasons c rainCP = HeatCapacity_Cp / 1000. _d 0 rainCP = 4200. _d 0 / 1000. _d 0 tFreeze= celsius2K C C 1.2 Functions of sigma and latitude C SIGH(0)=HSG(0) C DO K=1,NLEV SIG(K) = 0.5*(HSG(K)+HSG(K-1)) SIGL(K) = LOG(SIG(K)) SIGH(K) = HSG(K) DSIG(K) = HSG(K)-HSG(K-1) c POUT(K) = PPL(K) GRDSIG(K) = GG/(DSIG(K)*P0) GRDSCP(K) = GRDSIG(K)/CP ENDDO C C Weights for vertical interpolation at half-levels(1,nlev) and surface C Note that for phys.par. half-lev(k) is between full-lev k and k+1 C Fhalf(k) = Ffull(k)+WVI(K,2)*(Ffull(k+1)-Ffull(k)) C Fsurf = Ffull(nlev)+WVI(nlev,2)*(Ffull(nlev)-Ffull(nlev-1)) C DO K=1,NLEV-1 WVI(K,1)=1./(SIGL(K+1)-SIGL(K)) WVI(K,2)=(LOG(SIGH(K))-SIGL(K))*WVI(K,1) ENDDO C WVI(NLEV,1)=0. WVI(NLEV,2)=-SIGL(NLEV)*WVI(NLEV-1,2) c--- jmc: write WVI to check: WRITE(standardMessageUnit,'(A)') & '- INPHYS: k,SIG, SIGH, SIGL, WVI(1), WVI(2):' DO K=1,NLEV WRITE(standardMessageUnit,'(I3,6F9.4)') & k,SIG(k),SIGH(k),SIGL(k),WVI(K,1),WVI(K,2) ENDDO WRITE(standardMessageUnit,'(A)') '- INPHYS: end setup WVI.' c--- jmc. c- jmc: initialize SLAT & CLAT in aim_dyn2aim.F c DO J=1,NLAT c SLAT(J)=SIN(RLAT(J)) c CLAT(J)=COS(RLAT(J)) c ENDDO C-- 2. Constants for physical parametrization routines: c_FM include "cls_inphys.h" #include "phy_const.h" C- pot. temp. increment for computing stability function derivative C note: use the discrete form: F(Ts+dTstab)-F(Ts-dTstab)/2.dTstab dTstab = 1. _d 0 _END_MASTER(myThid) #endif /* ALLOW_AIM */ RETURN END