C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/aim/Attic/phy_driver.F,v 1.2 2001/02/02 21:36:29 adcroft Exp $ C $Name: $ SUBROUTINE PDRIVER (TYEAR) C-- C-- SUBROUTINE PDRIVER (TYEAR) C-- C-- Purpose: stand-alone driver for physical parametrization routines C-- Input : TYEAR : fraction of year (0 = 1jan.00, 1 = 31dec.24) C-- grid-point model fields in common block: PHYGR1 C-- forcing fields in common blocks : LSMASK, FORFIX, FORCIN C-- Output : Diagnosed upper-air variables in common block: PHYGR2 C-- Diagnosed surface variables in common block: PHYGR3 C-- Physical param. tendencies in common block: PHYTEN C-- Surface and upper boundary fluxes in common block: FLUXES C-- IMPLICIT rEAL*8 ( A-H,O-Z) C Resolution parameters C #include "atparam.h" #include "atparam1.h" C PARAMETER ( NLON=IX, NLAT=IL, NLEV=KX, NGP=NLON*NLAT ) C C Constants + functions of sigma and latitude C #include "Lev_def.h" #include "com_physcon.h" C C Model variables, tendencies and fluxes on gaussian grid C #include "com_physvar.h" C C Surface forcing fields (time-inv. or functions of seasonal cycle) C #include "com_forcing1.h" #include "com_forcon.h" #include "com_sflcon.h" REAL TYEAR INTEGER IDEPTH(NGP) REAL RPS(NGP), ALB1(NGP), FSOL1(NGP), OZONE1(NGP) CcnhDebugStarts LOGICAL CALL1 DATA CALL1 /.TRUE./ SAVE CALL1 REAL AUX(NGP) REAL Phymask(NGP,NLEV) real xminim REAL UT_VDI(NGP,NLEV), VT_VDI(NGP,NLEV), TT_VDI(NGP,NLEV) REAL QT_VDI(NGP,NLEV) CcnhDebugEnds C-- 1. Compute surface variables C 1.1 Surface pressure (ps), 1/ps and surface temperature C DO J=1,NGP PSG(J)=EXP(PSLG1(J)) RPS(J)=1./PSG(J) TS(J) =SST1(J)+FMASK1(J)*(STL1(J)-SST1(J)) ENDDO C 1.2 Surface albedo: C defined as a weighed average of land and ocean albedos, where C land albedo depends linearly on snow depth (up to the SDALB C threshold) and sea albedo depends linearly on sea-ice fraction. C DALB=ALBICE-ALBSEA RSD=1./SDALB C CmoltBegin DO J=1,NGP ALB1(J)=ALB0(J) ENDDO CmoltEnd C-- 2. Compute thermodynamic variables C 2.1 Dry static energy DO K=1,NLEV DO J=1,NGP SE(J,K)=CP*TG1(J,K)+PHIG1(J,K) ENDDO ENDDO C C 2.2 Relative humidity and saturation spec. humidity C DO K=1,NLEV CALL SHTORH (1,NGP,TG1(1,K),PSG,SIG(K),QG1(1,K), * RH(1,K),QSAT(1,K)) ENDDO C DO K=1,NLEV DO J=1,NGP phymask(J,K)=0. IF (Tg1(J,K).ne.0.) THEN phymask(J,K)=1. ENDIF QSAT(J,K)=QSAT(J,K)*Phymask(J,K) QG1(J,K)=QG1(J,K)*Phymask(J,K) RH(J,K)=RH(J,K)*Phymask(J,K) ENDDO ENDDO cdbgch C C-- 3. Precipitation C 3.1 Deep convection C cch CALL CONVMF (PSG,SE,QG1,QSAT, CALL CONVMF (PSG,TG1,QG1,QSAT, * IDEPTH,CBMF,PRECNV,TT_CNV,QT_CNV) C DO K=2,NLEV DO J=1,NGP TT_CNV(J,K)=TT_CNV(J,K)*RPS(J)*GRDSCP(K) QT_CNV(J,K)=QT_CNV(J,K)*RPS(J)*GRDSIG(K) ENDDO ENDDO C 3.2 Large-scale condensation CALL LSCOND (PSG,QG1,QSAT, * PRECLS,TT_LSC,QT_LSC) C C-- 4. Radiation (shortwave and longwave) C 4.1 Compute climatological forcing CALL SOL_OZ (SOLC,TYEAR,FSOL1,OZONE1) C 4.2 Compute shortwave tendencies and initialize lw transmissivity C (The sw radiation may be called at selected time steps) CALL RADSW (PSG,QG1,RH, * FSOL1,OZONE1,ALB1, * CLOUDC,TSR,SSR,TT_RSW) C 4.3 Compute longwave fluxes CALL RADLW (1,TG1,TS,ST4S, * OLR,SLR,TT_RLW,SLR_DOWN) DO K=1,NLEV DO J=1,NGP TT_RSW(J,K)=TT_RSW(J,K)*RPS(J)*GRDSCP(K) TT_RLW(J,K)=TT_RLW(J,K)*RPS(J)*GRDSCP(K) ENDDO ENDDO C C-- 5. PBL interactions with lower troposphere and surface C 5.1. Surface fluxes (from climatological surface temperature) cch Attention the pressure used is a the last T level and Cch not at the last W level C -------------------------------- CALL SUFLUX (PNLEVW,UG1,VG1,TG1,QG1,RH,QSAT,PHIG1, * PHI0,FMASK1,STL1,SST1,SOILQ1,SSR,SLR, * USTR,VSTR,SHF,EVAP,T0,Q0,QSAT0,SPEED0) C C remove when vdifsc is implemented DO K=1,NLEV DO J=1,NGP UT_PBL(J,K)=0. VT_PBL(J,K)=0. TT_PBL(J,K)=0. QT_PBL(J,K)=0. ENDDO ENDDO c C c C 5.3 Add surface fluxes and convert fluxes to tendencies DO J=1,NGP IF ( NLEVxy(J) .GT. 0 ) THEN UT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))=UT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))+ USTR(J,3) VT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))=VT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))+ VSTR(J,3) TT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))=TT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))+ SHF(J,3) QT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))=QT_PBL(J,NLEVxy(J))+ EVAP(J,3) ENDIF ENDDO C Cdbgch DO J=1,NGP IF ( NLEVxy(J) .GT. 0 ) THEN DO K=NLEVxy(J)-1,NLEVxy(J) UT_PBL(J,K)=UT_PBL(J,K)*GRDSIG(K) VT_PBL(J,K)=VT_PBL(J,K)*GRDSIG(K) TT_PBL(J,K)=TT_PBL(J,K)*GRDSCP(K) QT_PBL(J,K)=QT_PBL(J,K)*GRDSIG(K) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO C C 5.2 Vertical diffusion and shallow convection (not yet implemented) C CALL VDIFSC (UG1,VG1,TG1,RH, QG1, QSAT, * UT_VDI,VT_VDI,TT_VDI,QT_VDI) C DO K=1,NLEV DO J=1,NGP UT_PBL(J,K)=UT_PBL(J,K)+ UT_VDI(J,K) VT_PBL(J,K)=VT_PBL(J,K)+ VT_VDI(J,K) TT_PBL(J,K)=TT_PBL(J,K)+ TT_VDI(J,K) QT_PBL(J,K)=QT_PBL(J,K)+ QT_VDI(J,K) ENDDO ENDDO C CdbgC-- RETURN END