C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/aim/Attic/aim_do_atmos_physics.F,v 1.9 2002/01/08 22:33:10 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "AIM_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE AIM_DO_ATMOS_PHYSICS( phi_hyd, I bi, bj, I currentTime, myThid ) C /==================================================================\ C | S/R AIM_DO_ATMOS_PHYSICS | C |==================================================================| C | Interface interface between atmospheric physics package and the | C | dynamical model. | C | Routine calls physics pacakge after mapping model variables to | C | the package grid. Package should derive and set tendency terms | C | which can be included as external forcing terms in the dynamical | C | tendency routines. Packages should communicate this information | C | through common blocks. | C \==================================================================/ IMPLICIT rEAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) C -------------- Global variables ------------------------------------ C Physics package #include "atparam.h" #include "atparam1.h" INTEGER NGP INTEGER NLON INTEGER NLAT INTEGER NLEV PARAMETER ( NLON=IX, NLAT=IL, NLEV=KX, NGP=NLON*NLAT ) C MITgcm #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "SURFACE.h" #include "AIM_FFIELDS.h" C Physics package #include "com_physvar.h" #include "com_forcing1.h" #include "Lev_def.h" C -------------- Routine arguments ----------------------------------- _RL phi_hyd(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr) _RL currentTime INTEGER myThid INTEGER bi, bj #ifdef ALLOW_AIM C -------------- Local variables ------------------------------------- C I,J,K,I2,J2 - Loop counters C tYear - Fraction into year C mnthIndex - Current month C prevMnthIndex - Month last time this routine was called. C tmp4 - I/O buffer ( 32-bit precision ) C fNam - Work space for file names C mnthNam - Month strings C hInital - Initial height of pressure surfaces (m) C pSurfs - Pressure surfaces (Pa) C Katm - Atmospheric K index INTEGER I INTEGER I2 INTEGER J INTEGER J2 INTEGER K INTEGER IG0 INTEGER JG0 REAL tYear INTEGER mnthIndex INTEGER prevMnthIndex DATA prevMnthIndex / 0 / SAVE prevMnthIndex LOGICAL FirstCall DATA FirstCall /.TRUE./ SAVE FirstCall LOGICAL CALLFirst DATA CALLFirst /.TRUE./ SAVE CALLFirst INTEGER nxIo INTEGER nyIo PARAMETER ( nxIo = 128, nyIo = 64 ) Real*4 tmp4(nxIo,nyIo) CHARACTER*16 fNam CHARACTER*3 mnthNam(12) DATA mnthNam / & 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', & 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' / SAVE mnthNam REAL hInitial(Nr) REAL hInitialW(Nr) DATA hInitial / 17338.0,10090.02,5296.88,2038.54,418.038/ SAVE hInitial DATA hInitialW / 15090.4, 8050.96, 4087.75, 1657.54, 0. / REAL pSurfs(Nr) DATA pSurfs / 75.D2, 250.D2, 500.D2, 775.D2, 950.D2 / SAVE pSurfs REAL pSurfw(Nr) DATA pSurfw / 150.D2, 350.D2, 650.D2, 900.D2, 1000.D2 / SAVE pSurfw REAL RD REAL CPAIR REAL RhoG1(sNx*sNy,Nr) INTEGER npasdt DATA npasdt /0/ SAVE npasdt REAL Soilqmax REAL phiTotal(sNx,sNy,Nr) _RL phiTCount _RL phiTSum _RL ans real pvoltotNiv5 SAVE pvoltotNiv5 real ptotalNiv5 INTEGER Katm C pGround = 1.D5 CPAIR = 1004 RD = 287 CALL AIM_DYN2AIM( bi, bj, currentTime, myThid ) C Assume only one tile per proc. for now IG0 = myXGlobalLo+(bi-1)*sNx JG0 = myYGlobalLo+(bj-1)*sNy C C Physics package works with sub-domains 1:sNx,1:sNy,1:Nr. C Internal index mapping is linear in X and Y with a second C dimension for the vertical. C Adjustment for heave due to mean heating/cooling C ( I don't think the old formula was strictly "correct" for orography C but I have implemented it as was for now. As implemented C the mean heave of the bottom (K=Nr) level is calculated rather than C the mean heave of the base of the atmosphere. ) phiTCount = 0. phiTSum = 0. DO K=1,Nr DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx phiTotal(I,J,K) = etaN(i,j,bi,bj) phiTCount = phiTCount + hFacC(i,j,Nr,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO K=1,Nr DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx phiTotal(I,J,K) = phiTotal(I,J,K) + & recip_rhoConst*(phi_hyd(i,j,k)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx phiTSum = phiTSum + phiTotal(I,J,Nr) ENDDO ENDDO ans = phiTCount C _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( phiTCount, myThid ) phiTcount = ans ans = phiTSum C _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( phiTSum, myThid ) phiTSum = ans C ptotalniv5=phiTSum/phiTCount ptotalniv5=0. #ifndef OLD_AIM_INTERFACE c_jmc: Because AIM physics LSC is not applied in the stratosphere (top level), c ==> move water wapor from the stratos to the surface level. DO J = 1-Oly, sNy+Oly DO I = 1-Olx, sNx+Olx k = ksurfC(i,j,bi,bj) IF (k.LE.Nr) & salt(I,J,k,bi,bj) = salt(I,J,k,bi,bj) & + salt(I,J,Nr,bi,bj)*drF(Nr)*recip_drF(k) salt(I,J,Nr,bi,bj) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* OLD_AIM_INTERFACE */ C Note the mapping here is only valid for one tile per proc. DO K = 1, Nr DO J = 1, sNy DO I = 1, sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I Katm = _KD2KA( K ) C - to reproduce old results (coupled run, summer 2000) : UG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = uVel(I,J,K,bi,bj) VG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = vVel(I,J,K,bi,bj) C Physics works with temperature - not potential temp. TG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = theta(I,J,K,bi,bj) & / ((pGround/pSurfs(Katm))**(RD/CPAIR)) #ifdef OLD_AIM_INTERFACE QG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = salt(I,J,K,bi,bj) #else QG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = MAX(salt(I,J,K,bi,bj), 0. _d 0) #endif PHIG1(I2,Katm,myThid) = (phiTotal(I,J,K)- ptotalniv5 ) & + gravity*Hinitial(Katm) C *NOTE* Fix me for lopped cells <== done ! IF (maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj).EQ.1.) THEN RHOG1(I2,Katm) = pSurfs(Katm)/RD/TG1(I2,Katm,myThid) ELSE RHOG1(I2,Katm)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| c_jmc: add square of surface wind speed (center of C grid) = 2 * KE_surf DO J = 1, sNy DO I = 1, sNx I2 = I+(J-1)*sNx #ifdef OLD_AIM_INTERFACE C - to reproduce old results (coupled run, summer 2000) : Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) = 0. IF (NLEVxyU(I2,myThid).GT.0) & Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) = Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) & +UG1(I2,NLEVxyU(I2,myThid),myThid) & *UG1(I2,NLEVxyU(I2,myThid),myThid) IF (NLEVxyV(I2,myThid).GT.0) & Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) = Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) & +VG1(I2,NLEVxyV(I2,myThid),myThid) & *VG1(I2,NLEVxyV(I2,myThid),myThid) #else /* OLD_AIM_INTERFACE */ K = ksurfC(i,j,bi,bj) IF (K.LE.Nr) THEN Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) = 0.5 * ( & uVel(I,J,K,bi,bj)*uVel(I,J,K,bi,bj) & + uVel(I+1,J,K,bi,bj)*uVel(I+1,J,K,bi,bj) & + vVel(I,J,K,bi,bj)*vVel(I,J,K,bi,bj) & + vVel(I,J+1,K,bi,bj)*vVel(I,J+1,K,bi,bj) & ) ELSE Vsurfsq(I2,myThid) = 0. ENDIF #endif /* OLD_AIM_INTERFACE */ ENDDO ENDDO c---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| C C Set geopotential surfaces C ------------------------- DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I IF ( Nlevxy(I2,myThid) .NE. 0 ) THEN PHI0(I2,myThid) = gravity*Hinitialw(Nlevxy(I2,myThid)) ELSE PHI0(I2,myThid) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO C C Physics package works with log of surface pressure C Get surface pressure from pbot-dpref/dz*Z' DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I IF ( Nlevxy(I2,myThid) .NE. 0 ) THEN PNLEVW(I2,myThid) = PsurfW(Nlevxy(I2,myThid))/pGround ELSE C Dummy value for land PNLEVW(I2,myThid) = PsurfW(Nr)/pGround ENDIF PSLG1(I2,myThid) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO cch write(0,*) '(PNLEVW(I2),I2=257,384)' cch write(0,*) (PNLEVW(I2),I2=257,384) C C C Physics package needs to know time of year as a fraction tYear = currentTime/(86400.*360.) - & FLOAT(INT(currentTime/(86400.*360.))) C C Load external data needed by physics package C 1. Albedo (between 0-1) C 2. Soil moisture (between 0-1) C 3. Surface temperatures (in situ Temp. [K]) C 4. Snow depth - assume no snow for now C 5. Sea ice - assume no sea ice for now C 6. Land sea mask - infer from exact zeros in soil moisture dataset C 7. Surface geopotential - to be done when orography is in C dynamical kernel. Assume 0. for now. mnthIndex = INT(tYear*12.)+1 C_cnh01 IF ( mnthIndex .NE. prevMnthIndex .OR. C_cnh01 & FirstCall ) THEN C_cnh01 prevMnthIndex = mnthIndex C Read in surface albedo data (input is in % 0-100 ) C scale to give fraction between 0-1 for Francos package. C WRITE(fNam,'(A,A,A)' ) 'salb.',mnthNam(mnthIndex),'.sun.b' C OPEN(1,FILE=fNam(1:14),STATUS='old',FORM='unformatted') C READ(1) tmp4 C CLOSE(1) C DO J=1,nYio C DO I=1,nXio C tmp4(I,J) = aim_albedo(I,J)/100. C ENDDO C ENDDO DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I alb0(I2,myThid) = 0. c alb0(I2,myThid) = aim_albedo(I,J,bi,bj)/100. alb0(I2,myThid) = aim_albedo(I,J,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO C Read in surface temperature data (input is in absolute temperature) C WRITE(fNam,'(A,A,A)' ) 'tsurf.',mnthNam(mnthIndex),'.sun.b' C OPEN(1,FILE=fNam(1:15),STATUS='old',FORM='unformatted') C READ(1) tmp4 C CLOSE(1) DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I sst1(I2,myThid) = 300. stl1(I2,myThid) = 300. sst1(I2,myThid) = aim_surfTemp(I,J,bi,bj) stl1(I2,myThid) = aim_surfTemp(I,J,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO C C Read in soil moisture data (input is in cm in bucket of depth 20cm. ) C??? NOT CLEAR scale for bucket depth of 75mm which is what Franco uses. C WRITE(fNam,'(A,A,A)' ) 'smoist.',mnthNam(mnthIndex),'.sun.b' C OPEN(1,FILE=fNam(1:16),STATUS='old',FORM='unformatted') C READ(1) tmp4 C CLOSE(1) C WRITE(0,*) ' Read file ', fNam(1:16), IG0, JG0 cdj tmp4 = (tmp4*7.5/20.)*10. DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I soilq1(I2,myThid) = 0. c soilq1(I2,myThid) = aim_soilMoisture(I,J,bi,bj)/20. soilq1(I2,myThid) = aim_soilMoisture(I,J,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO C_cnh01 ENDIF C C_cnh01 IF ( FirstCall ) THEN C Set snow depth, sea ice to zero for now C Land-sea mask ( figure this out from where C soil moisture is exactly zero ). DO J=1,sNy DO I=1,sNx I2 = (sNx)*(J-1)+I fMask1(I2,myThid) = 1. IF ( soilq1(I2,myThid) .EQ. 0. ) fMask1(I2,myThid) = 0. oice1(I2,myThid) = 0. snow1(I2,myThid) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO C open(77,file='lsmask',form='unformatted') C write(77) fmask1 C close(77) C_cnh01 ENDIF C C Addition may 15 . Reset humidity to 0. if negative C --------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OLD_AIM_INTERFACE DO K=1,Nr DO J=1-OLy,sNy+OLy DO I=1-Olx,sNx+OLx IF ( salt(i,j,k,bi,bj) .LT. 0. .OR. K .EQ. Nr ) THEN salt(i,j,k,bi,bj) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* OLD_AIM_INTERFACE */ CALL PDRIVER( tYear, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_TIMEAVE C Calculate diagnostics for AIM CALL AIM_CALC_DIAGS( bi, bj, currentTime, myThid ) #endif /* ALLOW_TIMEAVE */ C FirstCall = .FALSE. CALL AIM_AIM2DYN( bi, bj, currentTime, myThid ) C #endif /* ALLOW_AIM */ RETURN END