subroutine optim_readdata( I nn, I dfile, I lheaderonly, O ff, O vv & ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE optim_readdata c ================================================================== c c o Read the data written by the MITgcmUV state estimation setup and c join them to one vector that is subsequently used by the minimi- c zation algorithm "lsopt". Depending on the specified file name c either the control vector or the gradient vector can be read. c c *dfile* should be the radix of the file: ecco_ctrl or ecco_cost c c started: Christian Eckert 12-Apr-2000 c c changed: Patrick Heimbach 19-Jun-2000 c - finished, revised and debugged c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE optim_readdata c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "ecco.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "optim.h" #include "minimization.h" c == routine arguments == integer nn _RL ff #if defined (DYNAMIC) _RL vv(nn) #elif defined (USE_POINTER) || (MAX_INDEPEND == 0) _RL vv pointer (pvv,vv(1)) #else integer nmax parameter( nmax = MAX_INDEPEND ) _RL vv(nmax) #endif character*(9) dfile logical lheaderonly c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer biG,bjG integer i,j integer ii,k integer icvar integer icvrec integer icvcomp integer icvoffset integer nopt integer funit integer cbuffindex _RL cbuff( sNx*nSx*nPx*sNy*nSy*nPy ) character*(128) fname integer filei integer filej integer filek integer filenopt integer fileig integer filejg integer filensx integer filensy _RL fileff c == end of interface == c-- The reference i/o unit. funit = 20 c-- Next optimization cycle. nopt = optimcycle if ( dfile .eq. ctrlname ) then print* print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: Reading control vector' print*,' for optimization cycle: ',nopt print* else if ( dfile .eq. costname ) then print* print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: Reading cost function and' print*,' gradient of cost function' print*,' for optimization cycle: ',nopt print* else print* print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: subroutine called by a false *dfile*' print*,' argument. *dfile* = ',dfile print* stop ' ... stopped in OPTIM_READDATA.' endif c-- Read the data. bjG = 1 + (myygloballo - 1)/sny biG = 1 + (myxgloballo - 1)/snx c-- Generate file name and open the file. write(fname(1:128),'(4a,i4.4)') & dfile,'_',expId(1:10),'.opt', nopt open( funit, file = fname, & status = 'old', & form = 'unformatted', & access = 'sequential' ) print*, 'opened file ', fname c-- Read the header. read( funit ) nvartype read( funit ) nvarlength read( funit ) expId read( funit ) filenopt read( funit ) fileff read( funit ) fileiG read( funit ) filejG read( funit ) filensx read( funit ) filensy cph( print *,'ph-opt 1 ', nvartype, nvarlength, filensx, filensy cph) read( funit ) (((nWetcTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), & k=1,nr) read( funit ) (((nWetsTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), & k=1,nr) read( funit ) (((nWetwTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), & k=1,nr) read( funit ) (ncvarindex(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) (ncvarrecs(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) (ncvarxmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) (ncvarymax(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) (ncvarnrmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) (ncvargrd(i), i=1,maxcvars) read( funit ) cph( cph if (lheaderonly) then print *, 'pathei: nvartype ', nvartype print *, 'pathei: nvarlength ', nvarlength print *, 'pathei: expId ', expId print *, 'pathei: filenopt ', filenopt print *, 'pathei: fileff ', fileff print *, 'pathei: fileiG ', fileiG print *, 'pathei: filejG ', filejG print *, 'pathei: filensx ', filensx print *, 'pathei: filensy ', filensy print *, 'pathei: nWetcTile ', & (((nWetcTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), k=1,nr) print *, 'pathei: nWetsTile ', & (((nWetsTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), k=1,nr) print *, 'pathei: nWetwTile ', & (((nWetwTile(i,j,k), i=1,nsx), j=1,nsy), k=1,nr) print *, 'pathei: ncvarindex ', & (ncvarindex(i), i=1,maxcvars) print *, 'pathei: ncvarrecs ', & (ncvarrecs(i), i=1,maxcvars) print *, 'pathei: ncvarxmax ', & (ncvarxmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) print *, 'pathei: ncvarymax ', & (ncvarymax(i), i=1,maxcvars) print *, 'pathei: ncvarnrmax ', & (ncvarnrmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) print *, 'pathei: ncvargrd ', & (ncvargrd(i), i=1,maxcvars) cph end if cph) c-- Check the header information for consistency. cph if ( filenopt .ne. nopt ) then cph print* cph print*,' READ_HEADER: Input data belong to the wrong' cph print*,' optimization cycle.' cph print*,' optimization cycle = ',nopt cph print*,' input optim cycle = ',filenopt cph print* cph stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.' cph endif if ( (fileiG .ne. biG) .or. (filejG .ne. bjG) ) then print* print*,' READ_HEADER: Tile indices of loop and data ' print*,' do not match.' print*,' loop x/y component = ', & biG,bjG print*,' data x/y component = ', & fileiG,filejG print* stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.' endif if ( (filensx .ne. nsx) .or. (filensy .ne. nsy) ) then print* print*,' READ_HEADER: Numbers of tiles do not match.' print*,' parameter x/y no. of tiles = ', & bi,bj print*,' data x/y no. of tiles = ', & filensx,filensy print* stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.' endif ce Add some more checks. ... if (.NOT. lheaderonly) then c-- Read the data. icvoffset = 0 do icvar = 1,maxcvars if ( ncvarindex(icvar) .ne. -1 ) then do icvrec = 1,ncvarrecs(icvar) do bj = 1,nsy do bi = 1,nsx read( funit ) ncvarindex(icvar) read( funit ) filej read( funit ) filei do k = 1,ncvarnrmax(icvar) cbuffindex = 0 if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'c') then cbuffindex = nwetctile(bi,bj,k) else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 's') then cbuffindex = nwetstile(bi,bj,k) else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'w') then cbuffindex = nwetwtile(bi,bj,k) endif if (cbuffindex .gt. 0) then read( funit ) cbuffindex read( funit ) filek read( funit ) (cbuff(ii), ii=1,cbuffindex) do icvcomp = 1,cbuffindex vv(icvoffset+icvcomp) = cbuff(icvcomp) enddo icvoffset = icvoffset + cbuffindex endif enddo enddo enddo enddo endif enddo else c-- Assign the number of control variables. nn = nvarlength endif close( funit ) c-- Assign the cost function value in case we read the cost file. if ( dfile .eq. ctrlname ) then ff = 0. d 0 else if ( dfile .eq. costname ) then ff = fileff endif return end