c expid - experiment name c optimcycle - optimization no. c missing value - missing value identifier (usually -9999.) c ig - global start index x (zonal) c jg - global start index y (medid.) c nsx - no. of x-subgrids c nsy - no. of y-subgrids >>> MISSING: <<< c nr - no. of z-points vertical c snx c sny c nvartype c nvarlength >>> <<< c maxcvars - Number of control variables c (currently 6; 2 init. + 4 bound.) integer maxcvars parameter ( maxcvars = 20 ) c ncvarindex - "arbitrary" index to define variable: c * 101: initial temp. c * 102: initial sali. c * 103: heat flux c * 104: freshwater flux c * 105: u stress (zonal) c * 106: v stress (meri.) integer ncvarindex ( maxcvars ) c ncvarrecs - no. of records in control vector c * = 1 for init. temp./sali. c * = endrec - startrec + 1 for fluxes integer ncvarrecs ( maxcvars ) c ncvarrecstart - first record: c * NOT DEFINED for init. temp./sali. c * = startrec for fluxes integer ncvarrecstart ( maxcvars ) c ncvarrecsend - last record: c * NOT DEFINED for init. temp./sali. c * = endrec for fluxes integer ncvarrecsend ( maxcvars ) c ncvarxmax - no. of x-points in subgrid (zonal) c = snx integer ncvarxmax ( maxcvars ) c ncvarymax - no. of y-points in subgrid (meri.) c = sny integer ncvarymax ( maxcvars ) c ncvarnrmax - no. of z-points (vert.) c * = nr for init. temp./sali. c * = 1 for fluxes integer ncvarnrmax ( maxcvars ) c nwet[c/s/w]tile - Number of wet points in a tile for center (c), c south (s), and western (w) mask, resp. integer nwetctile ( nsx, nsy, nr ) integer nwetstile ( nsx, nsy, nr ) integer nwetwtile ( nsx, nsy, nr ) c ncvargrd - position in grid c * = 'c' : (center,center) c * = 's' : (center,south) c * = 'w' : (west,center) character*(1) ncvargrd(maxcvars)