C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/model/src/plot_field.F,v 1.12 2001/03/06 17:10:29 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint40pre3 $ #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" C-- File plot_field.F: Routines for "formatted" I/O in the MITgcm UV C-- implementation. C-- Contents C-- o plot_field_xyrs - Writes a XY _RS field C-- o plot_field_xyrl - Writes a XY _RL field C-- o plot_field_xyzrs - Writes a XYZ _RS field C-- o plot_field_xyzrl - Writes a XYZ _RL field SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYRS( I fld, fldNam , myIter, myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYRS | C | Print out an XY _RS field using text map. | C |==========================================================| C | This routine references "numerical model" parameters like| C | like the integration time. It uses these to create a | C | title for the field before calling a generic execution | C | environment support routine. | C | This routine can also be edited to cause only some region| C | of a field to be printed by default, or every other | C | point etc.. | C | Other plot formats can also be substituted here. | C | _RS is usually REAL*4 | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C == Routine arguments == C fld - Field to plot C fldNam - Name of field C myIter - Iteration number for plot C myThid - Thread id of thread instance calling plot_field _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) CHARACTER*(*) fldNam INTEGER myThid INTEGER myIter C == Local variables == CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) fldTitle INTEGER iStart, iEnd, iStride INTEGER jStart, jEnd, jStride INTEGER kStart, kEnd, kStride INTEGER biStart, biEnd, biStride INTEGER bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride C-- To get around synchronisation and multi-threaded I/O issues C-- thread 1 will do all the writes. _BARRIER IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN C-- Form name for identifying "plot" IF ( myIter .GE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A,A,I10)') & '// Field ', fldNam, ' at iteration ', & myIter ELSE WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A)') '// Field ', fldNam ENDIF C-- Do "plot" using textual contour map "execution environment" routine C Substitute other plotting utilities here! iStart = 1-OLx iEnd = sNx+OLx iStride = 1 jStart = sNy+OLy jEnd = 1-OLy jStride = -1 kStart = 1 kEnd = 1 kStride = 1 biStart = 1 biEnd = nSx biStride = 1 bjStart = nSy bjEnd = 1 bjStride = -1 CALL PRINT_MAPRS( I fld, fldTitle, PRINT_MAP_XY, I 1-OLx,sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,1,1, nSx, nSy, I iStart, iEnd, iStride, I jStart, jEnd, jStride, I kStart, kEnd, kStride, I biStart, biEnd, biStride, I bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride ) ENDIF _BARRIER RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYRL( I fld, fldNam , myIter, myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYRL | C | Print out an XY _RL field using text map. | C |==========================================================| C | This routine references "numerical model" parameters like| C | like the integration time. It uses these to create a | C | title for the field before calling a generic execution | C | environment support routine. | C | This routine can also be edited to cause only some region| C | of a field to be printed by default, or every other | C | point etc.. | C | Other plot formats can also be substituted here. | C | _RL is usually REAL*8 | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C == Routine arguments == C fld - Field to plot C fldNam - Name of field C myIter - Iteration number for plot C myThid - Thread id of thread instance calling plot_field _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) CHARACTER*(*) fldNam INTEGER myThid INTEGER myIter C == Local variables == CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) fldTitle INTEGER iStart, iEnd, iStride INTEGER jStart, jEnd, jStride INTEGER kStart, kEnd, kStride INTEGER biStart, biEnd, biStride INTEGER bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride C-- To get around synchronisation and multi-threaded I/O issues C-- thread 1 will do all the writes. _BARRIER IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN C-- Form name for identifying "plot" IF ( myIter .GE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A,A,I10)') & '// Field ', fldNam, ' at iteration ', & myIter ELSE WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A)') '// Field ', fldNam ENDIF C-- Do "plot" using textual contour map "execution environment" routine C Substitute other plotting utilities here! iStart = 1-OLx iEnd = sNx+OLx iStride = 1 jStart = sNy+OLy jEnd = 1-OLy jStride = -1 kStart = 1 kEnd = 1 kStride = 1 biStart = 1 biEnd = nSx biStride = 1 bjStart = nSy bjEnd = 1 bjStride = -1 CALL PRINT_MAPRL( I fld, fldTitle, PRINT_MAP_XY, I 1-OLx,sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,1,1, nSx, nSy, I iStart, iEnd, iStride, I jStart, jEnd, jStride, I kStart, kEnd, kStride, I biStart, biEnd, biStride, I bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride ) ENDIF _BARRIER RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYZRS( I fld, fldNam , fldNz, myIter, myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYZR4 | C | Print out an XYZ _RS field using text map. | C |==========================================================| C | This routine references "numerical model" parameters like| C | like the integration time. It uses these to create a | C | title for the field before calling a generic execution | C | environment support routine. | C | This routine can also be edited to cause only some region| C | of a field to be printed by default, or every other | C | point etc.. | C | Other plot formats can also be substituted here. | C | _RS is usually a REAL*4 field | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C == Routine arguments == C fld - Field to plot C fldNam - Name of field C fldNz - No. of layers in the vertical C (Different fields may have different vertical extents) C (Under the present implementation all fields have the) C (same lateral extents. ) C myIter - Iteration number for plot C myThid - Thread id of thread instance calling plot_field INTEGER fldNz _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,1:fldNz,nSx,nSy) CHARACTER*(*) fldNam INTEGER myThid INTEGER myIter C == Local variables == CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) fldTitle INTEGER iStart, iEnd, iStride INTEGER jStart, jEnd, jStride INTEGER kStart, kEnd, kStride INTEGER biStart, biEnd, biStride INTEGER bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride C-- To get around synchronisation and multi-threaded I/O issues C-- thread 1 will do all the writes. _BARRIER IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN C-- Form name for identifying "plot" IF ( myIter .GE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A,A,I10)') & '// Field ', fldNam, ' at iteration ', & myIter ELSE WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A)') '// Field ', fldNam ENDIF C-- Do "plot" using textual contour map "execution environment" routine C Substitute other plotting utilities here! iStart = 1-OLx iEnd = sNx+OLx C iStart = 1 C iEnd = sNx iStride = 1 jStart = sNy+OLy jEnd = 1-OLy C jStart = sNy C jEnd = 1 jStride = -1 kStart = 1 C kEnd = fldNz kEnd = 1 kStride = 1 biStart = 1 biEnd = nSx biStride = 1 bjStart = nSy bjEnd = 1 bjStride = -1 CALL PRINT_MAPRS( I fld, fldTitle, PRINT_MAP_XY, I 1-OLx,sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,1,fldNz, nSx, nSy, I iStart, iEnd, iStride, I jStart, jEnd, jStride, I kStart, kEnd, kStride, I biStart, biEnd, biStride, I bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride ) ENDIF _BARRIER RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYZRL( I fld, fldNam , fldNz, myIter, myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE PLOT_FIELD_XYZRL | C | Print out an XYZ _RL field using text map. | C |==========================================================| C | This routine references "numerical model" parameters like| C | like the integration time. It uses these to create a | C | title for the field before calling a generic execution | C | environment support routine. | C | This routine can also be edited to cause only some region| C | of a field to be printed by default, or every other | C | point etc.. | C | Other plot formats can also be substituted here. | C | _RL is usually a REAL*8 field | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C == Routine arguments == C fld - Field to plot C fldNam - Name of field C fldNz - No. of layers in the vertical C (Different fields may have different vertical extents) C (Under the present implementation all fields have the) C (same lateral extents. ) C myIter - Iteration number for plot C myThid - Thread id of thread instance calling plot_field INTEGER fldNz _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,1:fldNz,nSx,nSy) CHARACTER*(*) fldNam INTEGER myThid INTEGER myIter C == Local variables == CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) fldTitle INTEGER iStart, iEnd, iStride INTEGER jStart, jEnd, jStride INTEGER kStart, kEnd, kStride INTEGER biStart, biEnd, biStride INTEGER bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride C-- To get around synchronisation and multi-threaded I/O issues C-- thread 1 will do all the writes. _BARRIER IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN C-- Form name for identifying "plot" IF ( myIter .GE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A,A,I10)') & '// Field ', fldNam, ' at iteration ', & myIter ELSE WRITE(fldTitle,'(A,A)') '// Field ', fldNam ENDIF C-- Do "plot" using textual contour map "execution environment" routine C Substitute other plotting utilities here! iStart = 1-OLx iEnd = sNx+OLx iStart = 1 iEnd = sNx iStride = 1 jStart = sNy+OLy jEnd = 1-OLy jStart = sNy jEnd = 1 jStride = -1 kStart = 1 kEnd = fldNz kEnd = 1 kStride = 1 biStart = 1 biEnd = nSx biStride = 1 bjStart = nSy bjEnd = 1 bjStride = -1 CALL PRINT_MAPRL( I fld, fldTitle, PRINT_MAP_XY, I 1-OLx,sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,1,fldNz, nSx, nSy, I iStart, iEnd, iStride, I jStart, jEnd, jStride, I kStart, kEnd, kStride, I biStart, biEnd, biStride, I bjStart, bjEnd, bjStride ) ENDIF _BARRIER RETURN END