C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/model/src/ini_model_io.F,v 1.23 2007/10/17 22:08:13 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: INI_MODEL_IO C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE INI_MODEL_IO( myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Pass specific setup data for mdsio/rw. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "EESUPPORT.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C myThid :: my Thread Id number INTEGER myThid C !FUNCTIONS INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C msgBuf :: Informational/error meesage buffer CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) namBuf INTEGER pIL CEOP C- Safety check: IF ( nPx*nPy.NE.1 .AND. globalFiles ) THEN _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) c WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') c & 'INI_MODEL_IO: globalFiles=TRUE is not safe', c & ' in Multi-processors (MPI) run' c CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf , myThid) c WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') c & 'INI_MODEL_IO: use instead "useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE."' c CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf , myThid) c STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_MODEL_IO' C------ C GlobalFiles option with Multi-processors execution (with MPI) is not C safe: dependending on the platform & compiler, it may produce: C - incomplete output files (wrong size) C - wrong isolated values in some output files C - missing tiles (all zeros) in some output files. C A safe alternative is to set "useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE." in file "data", C namelist PARAM01 (and to keep the default value of globalFiles=FALSE) C or if you are really sure that the globalFile works well on our platform C & compiler, comment out the above "stop" C----- WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') & '** WARNING ** INI_MODEL_IO: globalFiles=TRUE is not safe', & ' in Multi-processors (MPI) run' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , myThid) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') '** WARNING ** INI_MODEL_IO:', & ' use instead "useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE."' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , myThid) _END_MASTER( myThid ) ENDIF C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| C- Flags specific to RW and MDSIO C- Only Master-thread updates IO-parameter in Common blocks: _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) C- now we make local directories with myProcessStr appended IF ( mdsioLocalDir .NE. ' ' ) THEN pIL = ILNBLNK( mdsioLocalDir ) namBuf(1:pIL) = mdsioLocalDir(1:pIL) WRITE(mdsioLocalDir,'(3A)') namBuf(1:pIL),myProcessStr(1:4),'/' ENDIF C Set globalFiles flag for READ_WRITE_FLD package CALL SET_WRITE_GLOBAL_FLD( globalFiles ) C Set globalFiles flag for READ_WRITE_REC package CALL SET_WRITE_GLOBAL_REC( globalFiles ) C Set globalFiles flag for READ_WRITE_PICKUP CALL SET_WRITE_GLOBAL_PICKUP( globalFiles ) _END_MASTER( myThid ) C- Everyone else must wait for the IO-parameters to be set _BARRIER C- MNC model-io initialisation #ifdef ALLOW_MNC IF (useMNC) THEN C Write units/set precision/etc for I/O of variables/arrays C belonging to the core dynamical model CALL INI_MNC_VARS( myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR CALL AUTODIFF_INI_MODEL_IO( myThid ) #endif ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| RETURN END