C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/model/src/find_alpha.F,v 1.4 2001/04/10 22:35:25 heimbach Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #define USE_FACTORIZED_POLY subroutine FIND_ALPHA ( I bi, bj, iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, k, kRef, eqn, O alphaloc ) C /==========================================================\ C | o SUBROUTINE FIND_ALPHA | C | Calculates [drho(S,T,z) / dT] of a horizontal slice | C |==========================================================| C | | C | k - is the Theta/Salt level | C | kRef - determines pressure reference level | C | (not used in 'LINEAR' mode) | C | eqn - determines the eqn. of state: 'LINEAR' or 'POLY3' | C | | C | alphaloc - drho / dT (kg/m^3/C) | C | | C \==========================================================/ implicit none c Common #include "SIZE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" c Arguments integer bi,bj,iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax integer k ! Level of Theta/Salt slice integer kRef ! Pressure reference level character*(*) eqn _RL alphaloc(1-Olx:sNx+Olx,1-Oly:sNy+Oly) c Local integer i,j _RL refTemp,refSalt,tP,sP if (eqn.eq.'LINEAR') then do j=jMin,jMax do i=iMin,iMax alphaloc(i,j) = -rhonil * tAlpha enddo enddo elseif (eqn.eq.'POLY3') then refTemp=eosRefT(kRef) refSalt=eosRefS(kRef) do j=jMin,jMax do i=iMin,iMax tP=theta(i,j,k,bi,bj)-refTemp sP=salt(i,j,k,bi,bj)-refSalt #ifdef USE_FACTORIZED_POLY alphaloc(i,j) = & ( eosC(6,kRef) & *tP*3. & +(eosC(7,kRef)*sP + eosC(3,kRef))*2. & )*tP & +(eosC(8,kRef)*sP + eosC(4,kRef) )*sP + eosC(1,kRef) & #else alphaloc(i,j) = & eosC(1,kRef) + & eosC(3,kRef)*tP*2. + & eosC(4,kRef) *sP + & eosC(6,kRef)*tP*tP*3. + & eosC(7,kRef)*tP*2. *sP + & eosC(8,kRef) *sP*sP #endif enddo enddo else write(*,*) 'FIND_ALPHA: eqn = ',eqn stop 'FIND_ALPHA: argument "eqn" has illegal value' endif return end subroutine FIND_BETA ( I bi, bj, iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, k, kRef, eqn, O betaloc ) C /==========================================================\ C | o SUBROUTINE FIND_BETA | C | Calculates [drho(S,T,z) / dS] of a horizontal slice | C |==========================================================| C | | C | k - is the Theta/Salt level | C | kRef - determines pressure reference level | C | (not used in 'LINEAR' mode) | C | eqn - determines the eqn. of state: 'LINEAR' or 'POLY3' | C | | C | betaloc - drho / dS (kg/m^3/PSU) | C | | C \==========================================================/ implicit none c Common #include "SIZE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" c Arguments integer bi,bj,iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax integer k ! Level of Theta/Salt slice integer kRef ! Pressure reference level character*(*) eqn _RL betaloc(1-Olx:sNx+Olx,1-Oly:sNy+Oly) c Local integer i,j _RL refTemp,refSalt,tP,sP if (eqn.eq.'LINEAR') then do j=jMin,jMax do i=iMin,iMax betaloc(i,j) = rhonil * sBeta enddo enddo elseif (eqn.eq.'POLY3') then refTemp=eosRefT(kRef) refSalt=eosRefS(kRef) do j=jMin,jMax do i=iMin,iMax tP=theta(i,j,k,bi,bj)-refTemp sP=salt(i,j,k,bi,bj)-refSalt #ifdef USE_FACTORIZED_POLY betaloc(i,j) = & ( eosC(9,kRef)*sP*3. + eosC(5,kRef)*2. )*sP + eosC(2,kRef) & + ( eosC(7,kRef)*tP & +eosC(8,kRef)*sP*2. + eosC(4,kRef) & )*tP #else betaloc(i,j) = & eosC(2,kRef) + & eosC(4,kRef)*tP + & eosC(5,kRef) *sP*2. + & eosC(7,kRef)*tP*tP + & eosC(8,kRef)*tP *sP*2. + & eosC(9,kRef) *sP*sP*3. #endif enddo enddo else write(*,*) 'FIND_BETA: eqn = ',eqn stop 'FIND_BETA: argument "eqn" has illegal value' endif return end