C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/model/src/do_the_model_io.F,v 1.57 2006/03/17 04:24:34 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP C !ROUTINE: DO_THE_MODEL_IO C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE DO_THE_MODEL_IO( I myTime, I myIter, I myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C This is the controlling routine for IO in the model main C time--stepping loop. Many systems do not have thread safe IO so it C is easier to lump everything together and do dumping of fields and C updating of forcing terms in a single place. The approach to IO C used here is that writes are only performed by thread 1 and that a C process only writes out its data (it does not know about anyone C elses data!) Reading on the other hand is assumed to be from a C file containing all the data for all the processes. Only the C portion of data of interest to this process is actually loaded. To C work well this assumes the existence of some reliable tool to join C datasets together at the end of a run -- see joinds. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" LOGICAL DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE EXTERNAL DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C myThid - Thread number for this instance of the routine. C myIter - Iteration number C myTime - Current time of simulation ( s ) INTEGER myThid INTEGER myIter _RL myTime CEOP C Generaly only thread 1 does IO here. It can not start until C all threads fields are ready. IF (debugMode) THEN IF ( DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE(dumpFreq,myTime,deltaTClock) & ) THEN _BARRIER C Write "text-plots" of certain fields CALL PLOT_FIELD_XYZRL( uVel , 'Current uVel ' , & Nr, myIter, myThid ) CALL PLOT_FIELD_XYZRL( vVel , 'Current vVel ' , & Nr, myIter, myThid ) CALL PLOT_FIELD_XYZRL( theta, 'Current theta ' , & Nr, myIter, myThid ) CALL PLOT_FIELD_XYRL( etaN , 'Current etaN ' , & myIter, myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF C Write model state to binary file IF ( .NOT.useOffLine ) THEN CALL WRITE_STATE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) ENDIF #ifdef ALLOW_TIMEAVE C Do time averages IF (taveFreq.GT.0. .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) THEN CALL TIMEAVE_STATV_WRITE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_FIZHI IF ( useFIZHI ) & CALL FIZHI_WRITE_STATE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AIM C Do AIM time averages IF ( useAIM ) & CALL AIM_WRITE_TAVE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_LAND C Do LAND time averages IF ( useLAND ) & CALL LAND_WRITE_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS IF (useOBCS .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL OBCS_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_GMREDI C Do GMRedi output. IF (useGMRedi .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 .AND. .NOT.useOffLine ) & CALL GMREDI_OUTPUT( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_KPP C Do KPP diagnostics. IF ( useKPP .AND. .NOT.useOffLine ) & CALL KPP_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_PP81 C Do PP81 diagnostics. IF (usePP81 .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL PP81_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_MY82 C Do MY82 diagnostics. IF (useMY82 .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL MY82_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OPPS C-- Do OPPS diagnostics. IF (useOPPS .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL OPPS_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_GGL90 C-- Do GGL90 diagnostics. IF (useGGL90 .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL GGL90_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SBO C Do SBO diagnostics. IF (useSBO .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) THEN CALL SBO_CALC ( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL SBO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE IF ( useSEAICE ) THEN CALL SEAICE_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SEAICE */ #ifdef ALLOW_SHELFICE IF ( useShelfIce ) THEN CALL SHELFICE_DO_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SHELFICE */ #ifdef ALLOW_BULK_FORCE C Do bulkf diagnostics. IF (useBulkForce .AND. myIter.NE.nIter0 ) & CALL BULKF_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_THSICE C Do seaice output. IF (useThSIce) & CALL THSICE_OUTPUT( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS C-- Do ptracer output. IF ( usePTRACERS ) & CALL PTRACERS_OUTPUT( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_MATRIX C-- Do matrix output IF (useMATRIX) & CALL MATRIX_OUTPUT( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_GCHEM C-- Do GCHEM diagnostics. IF (useGCHEM) & CALL GCHEM_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OFFLINE C-- Do Off-Line variables output c IF (useOffLine) c & CALL OFFLINE_STATE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef COMPONENT_MODULE IF ( useCoupler ) & CALL CPL_WRITE_DIAGS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS IF ( useDiagnostics ) & CALL DIAGNOSTICS_WRITE( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif RETURN END