C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/model/inc/PARAMS.h,v 1.227 2009/01/27 15:35:27 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint61m $ C CBOP C !ROUTINE: PARAMS.h C !INTERFACE: C #include PARAMS.h C !DESCRIPTION: C Header file defining model "parameters". The values from the C model standard input file are stored into the variables held C here. Notes describing the parameters can also be found here. CEOP C Macros for special grid options #include "PARAMS_MACROS.h" C-- Contants C Useful physical values Real*8 PI PARAMETER ( PI = 3.14159265358979323844D0 ) Real*8 deg2rad PARAMETER ( deg2rad = 2.D0*PI/360.D0 ) C-- COMMON /PARM_C/ Character valued parameters used by the model. C buoyancyRelation :: Flag used to indicate which relation to use to C get buoyancy. C eosType :: choose the equation of state: C LINEAR, POLY3, UNESCO, JMD95Z, JMD95P, MDJWF, IDEALGAS C pickupSuff :: force to start from pickup files (even if nIter0=0) C and read pickup files with this suffix (max 10 Char.) C mdsioLocalDir :: read-write tiled file from/to this directory name C (+ 4 digits Processor-Rank) instead of current dir. C tRefFile :: File containing reference Potential Temperat. tRef (1.D) C sRefFile :: File containing reference salinity/spec.humid. sRef (1.D) C rhoRefFile :: File containing reference density profile rhoRef (1.D) C delRFile :: File containing vertical grid spacing delR (1.D array) C delRcFile :: File containing vertical grid spacing delRc (1.D array) C delXFile :: File containing X-spacing grid definition (1.D array) C delYFile :: File containing Y-spacing grid definition (1.D array) C horizGridFile :: File containing horizontal-grid definition C (only when using curvilinear_grid) C bathyFile :: File containing bathymetry. If not defined bathymetry C is taken from inline function. C topoFile :: File containing the topography of the surface (unit=m) C (mainly used for the atmosphere = ground height). C hydrogThetaFile :: File containing initial hydrographic data (3-D) C for potential temperature. C hydrogSaltFile :: File containing initial hydrographic data (3-D) C for salinity. C diffKrFile :: File containing 3D specification of vertical diffusivity C zonalWindFile :: File containing zonal wind data C meridWindFile :: File containing meridional wind data C thetaClimFile :: File containing surface theta climataology used C in relaxation term -lambda(theta-theta*) C saltClimFile :: File containing surface salt climataology used C in relaxation term -lambda(salt-salt*) C surfQfile :: File containing surface heat flux, excluding SW C (old version, kept for backward compatibility) C surfQnetFile :: File containing surface net heat flux C surfQswFile :: File containing surface shortwave radiation C dQdTfile :: File containing thermal relaxation coefficient C EmPmRfile :: File containing surface fresh water flux C NOTE: for backward compatibility EmPmRfile is specified in C m/s when using external_fields_load.F. It is converted C to kg/m2/s by multiplying by rhoConstFresh. C saltFluxFile :: File containing surface salt flux C pLoadFile :: File containing pressure loading C eddyPsiXFile :: File containing zonal Eddy streamfunction data C eddyPsiYFile :: File containing meridional Eddy streamfunction data C the_run_name :: string identifying the name of the model "run" COMMON /PARM_C/ & buoyancyRelation, eosType, & pickupSuff, mdsioLocalDir, & tRefFile, sRefFile, rhoRefFile, & delRFile, delRcFile, & delXFile, delYFile, horizGridFile, & bathyFile, topoFile, & hydrogThetaFile, hydrogSaltFile, diffKrFile, & zonalWindFile, meridWindFile, thetaClimFile, & saltClimFile, & EmPmRfile, saltFluxFile, & surfQfile, surfQnetFile, surfQswFile, & lambdaThetaFile, lambdaSaltFile, & uVelInitFile, vVelInitFile, pSurfInitFile, & dQdTfile, ploadFile, & eddyPsiXFile, eddyPsiYFile, & the_run_name CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) buoyancyRelation CHARACTER*(6) eosType CHARACTER*(10) pickupSuff CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) mdsioLocalDir CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) tRefFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) sRefFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) rhoRefFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) delRFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) delRcFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) delXFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) delYFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) horizGridFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) bathyFile, topoFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) hydrogThetaFile, hydrogSaltFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) diffKrFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) zonalWindFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) meridWindFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) thetaClimFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) saltClimFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) surfQfile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) surfQnetFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) surfQswFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) EmPmRfile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) saltFluxFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) uVelInitFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) vVelInitFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) pSurfInitFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) dQdTfile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) ploadFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) eddyPsiXFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) eddyPsiYFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) lambdaThetaFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) lambdaSaltFile CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_PREC/2) the_run_name C-- COMMON /PARM_I/ Integer valued parameters used by the model. C cg2dMaxIters :: Maximum number of iterations in the C two-dimensional con. grad solver. C cg2dChkResFreq :: Frequency with which to check residual C in con. grad solver. C cg2dPreCondFreq :: Frequency for updating cg2d preconditioner C (non-linear free-surf.) C cg3dMaxIters :: Maximum number of iterations in the C three-dimensional con. grad solver. C cg3dChkResFreq :: Frequency with which to check residual C in con. grad solver. C nIter0 :: Start time-step number of for this run C nTimeSteps :: Number of timesteps to execute C writeStatePrec :: Precision used for writing model state. C writeBinaryPrec :: Precision used for writing binary files C readBinaryPrec :: Precision used for reading binary files C nonlinFreeSurf :: option related to non-linear free surface C =0 Linear free surface ; >0 Non-linear C select_rStar :: option related to r* vertical coordinate C =0 (default) use r coord. ; > 0 use r* C selectAddFluid :: option to add mass source/sink of fluid in the interior C (3-D generalisation of oceanic real-fresh water flux) C =0 off ; =1 add fluid ; =-1 virtual flux (no mass added) C momForcingOutAB :: =1: take momentum forcing contribution C out of (=0: in) Adams-Bashforth time stepping. C tracForcingOutAB :: =1: take tracer (Temp,Salt,pTracers) forcing contribution C out of (=0: in) Adams-Bashforth time stepping. C tempAdvScheme :: Temp. Horiz.Advection scheme selector C tempVertAdvScheme :: Temp. Vert. Advection scheme selector C saltAdvScheme :: Salt. Horiz.advection scheme selector C saltVertAdvScheme :: Salt. Vert. Advection scheme selector C selectKEscheme :: Kinetic Energy scheme selector (Vector Inv.) C selectVortScheme :: Scheme selector for Vorticity term (Vector Inv.) C monitorSelect :: select group of variables to monitor C =1 : dynvars ; =2 : + vort ; =3 : + surface C debugLevel :: debug level selector: higher -> more writing COMMON /PARM_I/ & cg2dMaxIters, & cg2dChkResFreq, cg2dPreCondFreq, & cg3dMaxIters, & cg3dChkResFreq, & nIter0, nTimeSteps, nEndIter, & writeStatePrec, & writeBinaryPrec, readBinaryPrec, & nonlinFreeSurf, select_rStar, & selectAddFluid, & momForcingOutAB, tracForcingOutAB, & tempAdvScheme, tempVertAdvScheme, & saltAdvScheme, saltVertAdvScheme, & selectKEscheme, selectVortScheme, & monitorSelect, debugLevel INTEGER cg2dMaxIters INTEGER cg2dChkResFreq INTEGER cg2dPreCondFreq INTEGER cg3dMaxIters INTEGER cg3dChkResFreq INTEGER nIter0 INTEGER nTimeSteps INTEGER nEndIter INTEGER writeStatePrec INTEGER writeBinaryPrec INTEGER readBinaryPrec INTEGER nonlinFreeSurf INTEGER select_rStar INTEGER selectAddFluid INTEGER momForcingOutAB, tracForcingOutAB INTEGER tempAdvScheme, tempVertAdvScheme INTEGER saltAdvScheme, saltVertAdvScheme INTEGER selectKEscheme INTEGER selectVortScheme INTEGER monitorSelect INTEGER debugLevel C-- COMMON /PARM_L/ Logical valued parameters used by the model. C- Coordinate + Grid params: C fluidIsAir :: Set to indicate that the fluid major constituent C is air C fluidIsWater :: Set to indicate that the fluid major constituent C is water C usingPCoords :: Set to indicate that we are working in a pressure C type coordinate (p or p*). C usingZCoords :: Set to indicate that we are working in a height C type coordinate (z or z*) C useDynP_inEos_Zc :: use the dynamical pressure in EOS (with Z-coord.) C this requires specific code for restart & exchange C usingCartesianGrid :: If TRUE grid generation will be in a cartesian C coordinate frame. C usingSphericalPolarGrid :: If TRUE grid generation will be in a C spherical polar frame. C rotateGrid :: rotate grid coordinates to geographical coordinates C according to Euler angles phiEuler, thetaEuler, psiEuler C usingCurvilinearGrid :: If TRUE, use a curvilinear grid (to be provided) C usingCylindricalGrid :: If TRUE grid generation will be Cylindrical C deepAtmosphere :: deep model (drop the shallow-atmosphere approximation) C setInterFDr :: set Interface depth (put cell-Center at the middle) C setCenterDr :: set cell-Center depth (put Interface at the middle) C- Momentum params: C no_slip_sides :: Impose "no-slip" at lateral boundaries. C no_slip_bottom :: Impose "no-slip" at bottom boundary. C useFullLeith :: Set to true to use full Leith viscosity(may be unstable C on irregular grids) C useStrainTensionVisc:: Set to true to use Strain-Tension viscous terms C useAreaViscLength :: Set to true to use old scaling for viscous lengths, C e.g., L2=Raz. May be preferable for cube sphere. C momViscosity :: Flag which turns momentum friction terms on and off. C momAdvection :: Flag which turns advection of momentum on and off. C momForcing :: Flag which turns external forcing of momentum on C and off. C momPressureForcing :: Flag which turns pressure term in momentum equation C on and off. C metricTerms :: Flag which turns metric terms on or off. C useNHMTerms :: If TRUE use non-hydrostatic metric terms. C useCoriolis :: Flag which turns the coriolis terms on and off. C use3dCoriolis :: Turns the 3-D coriolis terms (in Omega.cos Phi) on - off C useConstantF :: Coriolis parameter set to f0 C useBetaPlaneF :: Coriolis parameter set to f0 + beta.y C useSphereF :: Coriolis parameter set to 2.omega.sin(phi) C useCDscheme :: use CD-scheme to calculate Coriolis terms. C vectorInvariantMomentum :: use Vector-Invariant form (mom_vecinv package) C (default = F = use mom_fluxform package) C useJamartWetPoints :: Use wet-point method for Coriolis (Jamart & Ozer 1986) C useJamartMomAdv :: Use wet-point method for V.I. non-linear term C upwindVorticity :: bias interpolation of vorticity in the Coriolis term C highOrderVorticity :: use 3rd/4th order interp. of vorticity (V.I., advection) C useAbsVorticity :: work with f+zeta in Coriolis terms C upwindShear :: use 1rst order upwind interp. (V.I., vertical advection) C momStepping :: Turns momentum equation time-stepping off C- Temp. & Salt params: C tempStepping :: Turns temperature equation time-stepping off C saltStepping :: Turns salinity equation time-stepping off C tempAdvection :: Flag which turns advection of temperature on and off. C tempIsActiveTr :: Pot.Temp. is a dynamically active tracer C tempForcing :: Flag which turns external forcing of temperature on C and off. C saltAdvection :: Flag which turns advection of salinity on and off. C saltIsActiveTr :: Salinity is a dynamically active tracer C saltForcing :: Flag which turns external forcing of salinity on C and off. C useRealFreshWaterFlux :: if True (=Natural BCS), treats P+R-E flux C as a real Fresh Water (=> changes the Sea Level) C if F, converts P+R-E to salt flux (no SL effect) C- Time-stepping params: C rigidLid :: Set to true to use rigid lid C implicitFreeSurface :: Set to true to use implicit free surface C exactConserv :: Set to true to conserve exactly the total Volume C linFSConserveTr :: Set to true to correct source/sink of tracer C at the surface due to Linear Free Surface C uniformLin_PhiSurf :: Set to true to use a uniform Bo_surf in the C linear relation Phi_surf = Bo_surf*eta C quasiHydrostatic :: Using non-hydrostatic terms in hydrostatic algorithm C nonHydrostatic :: Using non-hydrostatic algorithm C use3Dsolver :: set to true to use 3-D pressure solver C implicitIntGravWave :: treat Internal Gravity Wave implicitly C staggerTimeStep :: enable a Stagger time stepping U,V (& W) then T,S C implicitDiffusion :: Turns implicit vertical diffusion on C implicitViscosity :: Turns implicit vertical viscosity on C tempImplVertAdv :: Turns on implicit vertical advection for Temperature C saltImplVertAdv :: Turns on implicit vertical advection for Salinity C momImplVertAdv :: Turns on implicit vertical advection for Momentum C multiDimAdvection :: Flag that enable multi-dimension advection C useMultiDimAdvec :: True if multi-dim advection is used at least once C momDissip_In_AB :: if False, put Dissipation tendency contribution C out off Adams-Bashforth time stepping. C doAB_onGtGs :: if the Adams-Bashforth time stepping is used, always C apply AB on tracer tendencies (rather than on Tracer) C- Other forcing params - C balanceEmPmR :: substract global mean of EmPmR at every time step C balanceQnet :: substract global mean of Qnet at every time step C balancePrintMean:: print substracted global means to STDOUT C doThetaClimRelax :: Set true if relaxation to temperature C climatology is required. C doSaltClimRelax :: Set true if relaxation to salinity C climatology is required. C allowFreezing :: Allows surface water to freeze and form ice C useOldFreezing :: use the old version (before checkpoint52a_pre, 2003-11-12) C periodicExternalForcing :: Set true if forcing is time-dependant C- I/O parameters - C globalFiles :: Selects between "global" and "tiled" files C useSingleCpuIO :: On SGI platforms, option globalFiles is either C slow (f77) or does not work (f90). When C useSingleCpuIO is set, mdsio_writefield.F C outputs from master mpi process only. C pickupStrictlyMatch :: check and stop if pickup-file do not stricly match C startFromPickupAB2 :: with AB-3 code, start from an AB-2 pickup C usePickupBeforeC54 :: start from old-pickup files, generated with code from C before checkpoint-54a, Jul 06, 2004. C pickup_write_mdsio :: use mdsio to write pickups C pickup_read_mdsio :: use mdsio to read pickups C pickup_write_immed :: echo the pickup immediately (for conversion) C writePickupAtEnd :: write pickup at the last timestep C timeave_mdsio :: use mdsio for timeave output C snapshot_mdsio :: use mdsio for "snapshot" (dumpfreq/diagfreq) output C monitor_stdio :: use stdio for monitor output C dumpInitAndLast :: dumps model state to files at Initial (nIter0) C & Last iteration, in addition multiple of dumpFreq iter. COMMON /PARM_L/ & fluidIsAir, fluidIsWater, & usingPCoords, usingZCoords, useDynP_inEos_Zc, & usingCartesianGrid, usingSphericalPolarGrid, rotateGrid, & usingCurvilinearGrid, usingCylindricalGrid, & deepAtmosphere, setInterFDr, setCenterDr, & no_slip_sides, no_slip_bottom, & useFullLeith, useStrainTensionVisc, useAreaViscLength, & momViscosity, momAdvection, momForcing, & momPressureForcing, metricTerms, useNHMTerms, & useCoriolis, use3dCoriolis, & useConstantF, useBetaPlaneF, useSphereF, & useCDscheme, vectorInvariantMomentum, & useEnergyConservingCoriolis, useJamartWetPoints, useJamartMomAdv, & upwindVorticity, highOrderVorticity, & useAbsVorticity, upwindShear, & momStepping, tempStepping, saltStepping, & tempAdvection, tempIsActiveTr, tempForcing, & saltAdvection, saltIsActiveTr, saltForcing, & useRealFreshWaterFlux, & rigidLid, implicitFreeSurface, exactConserv, linFSConserveTr, & uniformLin_PhiSurf, & quasiHydrostatic, nonHydrostatic, & use3Dsolver, implicitIntGravWave, staggerTimeStep, & implicitDiffusion, implicitViscosity, & tempImplVertAdv, saltImplVertAdv, momImplVertAdv, & multiDimAdvection, useMultiDimAdvec, & momDissip_In_AB, doAB_onGtGs, & balanceEmPmR, balanceQnet, balancePrintMean, & doThetaClimRelax, doSaltClimRelax, & allowFreezing, useOldFreezing, & periodicExternalForcing, & globalFiles, useSingleCpuIO, & pickupStrictlyMatch, usePickupBeforeC54, startFromPickupAB2, & pickup_read_mdsio, pickup_write_mdsio, pickup_write_immed, & writePickupAtEnd, & timeave_mdsio, snapshot_mdsio, monitor_stdio, & outputTypesInclusive, dumpInitAndLast, debugMode, & inAdMode, inAdTrue, inAdFalse, inAdExact LOGICAL fluidIsAir LOGICAL fluidIsWater LOGICAL usingPCoords LOGICAL usingZCoords LOGICAL useDynP_inEos_Zc LOGICAL usingCartesianGrid LOGICAL usingSphericalPolarGrid, rotateGrid LOGICAL usingCylindricalGrid LOGICAL usingCurvilinearGrid LOGICAL deepAtmosphere LOGICAL setInterFDr LOGICAL setCenterDr LOGICAL useNHMTerms LOGICAL no_slip_sides LOGICAL no_slip_bottom LOGICAL momViscosity LOGICAL momAdvection LOGICAL momForcing LOGICAL momPressureForcing LOGICAL useCoriolis LOGICAL vectorInvariantMomentum LOGICAL tempAdvection LOGICAL tempIsActiveTr LOGICAL tempForcing LOGICAL saltAdvection LOGICAL saltIsActiveTr LOGICAL saltForcing LOGICAL useRealFreshWaterFlux LOGICAL useFullLeith LOGICAL useStrainTensionVisc LOGICAL useAreaViscLength LOGICAL rigidLid LOGICAL implicitFreeSurface LOGICAL exactConserv LOGICAL linFSConserveTr LOGICAL uniformLin_PhiSurf LOGICAL quasiHydrostatic LOGICAL nonHydrostatic LOGICAL use3Dsolver LOGICAL implicitIntGravWave LOGICAL staggerTimeStep LOGICAL momStepping LOGICAL tempStepping LOGICAL saltStepping LOGICAL metricTerms LOGICAL useConstantF LOGICAL useBetaPlaneF LOGICAL useSphereF LOGICAL use3dCoriolis LOGICAL useCDscheme LOGICAL useEnergyConservingCoriolis LOGICAL useJamartWetPoints LOGICAL useJamartMomAdv LOGICAL upwindVorticity LOGICAL highOrderVorticity LOGICAL useAbsVorticity LOGICAL upwindShear LOGICAL implicitDiffusion LOGICAL implicitViscosity LOGICAL tempImplVertAdv LOGICAL saltImplVertAdv LOGICAL momImplVertAdv LOGICAL multiDimAdvection LOGICAL useMultiDimAdvec LOGICAL momDissip_In_AB LOGICAL doAB_onGtGs LOGICAL balanceEmPmR LOGICAL balanceQnet LOGICAL balancePrintMean LOGICAL doThetaClimRelax LOGICAL doSaltClimRelax LOGICAL allowFreezing LOGICAL useOldFreezing LOGICAL periodicExternalForcing LOGICAL globalFiles LOGICAL useSingleCpuIO LOGICAL pickupStrictlyMatch LOGICAL usePickupBeforeC54 LOGICAL startFromPickupAB2 LOGICAL pickup_read_mdsio, pickup_write_mdsio LOGICAL pickup_write_immed, writePickupAtEnd LOGICAL timeave_mdsio, snapshot_mdsio, monitor_stdio LOGICAL outputTypesInclusive LOGICAL dumpInitAndLast LOGICAL debugMode LOGICAL inAdMode, inAdTrue, inAdFalse, inAdExact C-- COMMON /PARM_R/ "Real" valued parameters used by the model. C cg2dTargetResidual C :: Target residual for cg2d solver; no unit (RHS normalisation) C cg2dTargetResWunit C :: Target residual for cg2d solver; W unit (No RHS normalisation) C cg3dTargetResidual C :: Target residual for cg3d solver. C cg2dpcOffDFac :: Averaging weight for preconditioner off-diagonal. C Note. 20th May 1998 C I made a weird discovery! In the model paper we argue C for the form of the preconditioner used here ( see C A Finite-volume, Incompressible Navier-Stokes Model C ...., Marshall et. al ). The algebra gives a simple C 0.5 factor for the averaging of ac and aCw to get a C symmettric pre-conditioner. By using a factor of 0.51 C i.e. scaling the off-diagonal terms in the C preconditioner down slightly I managed to get the C number of iterations for convergence in a test case to C drop form 192 -> 134! Need to investigate this further! C For now I have introduced a parameter cg2dpcOffDFac which C defaults to 0.51 but can be set at runtime. C delR :: Vertical grid spacing ( units of r ). C delRc :: Vertical grid spacing between cell centers (r unit). C delX :: Separation between cell faces (m) or (deg), depending C delY on input flags. C gravity :: Accel. due to gravity ( m/s^2 ) C recip_gravity and its inverse C gBaro :: Accel. due to gravity used in barotropic equation ( m/s^2 ) C rhoNil :: Reference density for the linear equation of state C rhoConst :: Vertically constant reference density C rhoFacC :: normalized (by rhoConst) reference density at cell-Center C rhoFacF :: normalized (by rhoConst) reference density at cell-interFace C rhoConstFresh :: Constant reference density for fresh water (rain) C rho1Ref :: reference vertical profile for density C tRef :: reference vertical profile for potential temperature C sRef :: reference vertical profile for salinity/specific humidity C phiRef :: reference potential (pressure/rho, geopotential) profile C dBdrRef :: vertical gradient of reference boyancy [(m/s/r)^2)]: C :: z-coord: = N^2_ref = Brunt-Vaissala frequency [s^-2] C :: p-coord: = -(d.alpha/dp)_ref [(m^2.s/kg)^2] C rVel2wUnit :: units conversion factor (Non-Hydrostatic code), C :: from r-coordinate vertical velocity to vertical velocity [m/s]. C :: z-coord: = 1 ; p-coord: wSpeed [m/s] = rVel [Pa/s] * rVel2wUnit C wUnit2rVel :: units conversion factor (Non-Hydrostatic code), C :: from vertical velocity [m/s] to r-coordinate vertical velocity. C :: z-coord: = 1 ; p-coord: rVel [Pa/s] = wSpeed [m/s] * wUnit2rVel C mass2rUnit :: units conversion factor (surface forcing), C :: from mass per unit area [kg/m2] to vertical r-coordinate unit. C :: z-coord: = 1/rhoConst ( [kg/m2] / rho = [m] ) ; C :: p-coord: = gravity ( [kg/m2] * g = [Pa] ) ; C rUnit2mass :: units conversion factor (surface forcing), C :: from vertical r-coordinate unit to mass per unit area [kg/m2]. C :: z-coord: = rhoConst ( [m] * rho = [kg/m2] ) ; C :: p-coord: = 1/gravity ( [Pa] / g = [kg/m2] ) ; C xgOrigin :: Origin of the X-axis (Cartesian Grid) / Longitude of Western C :: most cell face (Lat-Lon grid) (Note: this is an "inert" C :: parameter but it makes geographical references simple.) C ygOrigin :: Origin of the Y-axis (Cartesian Grid) / Latitude of Southern C :: most face (Lat-Lon grid). C rSphere :: Radius of sphere for a spherical polar grid ( m ). C recip_rSphere :: Reciprocal radius of sphere ( m ). C f0 :: Reference coriolis parameter ( 1/s ) C ( Southern edge f for beta plane ) C beta :: df/dy ( s^-1.m^-1 ) C omega :: Angular velocity ( rad/s ) C rotationPeriod :: Rotation period (s) (= 2.pi/omega) C viscAr :: Eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of C momentum vertically ( units of r^2/s ) C viscAh :: Eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of C momentum laterally ( m^2/s ) C viscAhW :: Eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of vertical C momentum laterally, no effect for hydrostatic C model, defaults to viscAh if unset ( m^2/s ) C Not used if variable horiz. viscosity is used. C viscA4 :: Biharmonic viscosity coeff. for mixing of C momentum laterally ( m^4/s ) C viscA4W :: Biharmonic viscosity coeff. for mixing of vertical C momentum laterally, no effect for hydrostatic C model, defaults to viscA4 if unset ( m^2/s ) C Not used if variable horiz. viscosity is used. C viscAhD :: Eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of momentum laterally C (act on Divergence part) ( m^2/s ) C viscAhZ :: Eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of momentum laterally C (act on Vorticity part) ( m^2/s ) C viscA4D :: Biharmonic viscosity coeff. for mixing of momentum laterally C (act on Divergence part) ( m^4/s ) C viscA4Z :: Biharmonic viscosity coeff. for mixing of momentum laterally C (act on Vorticity part) ( m^4/s ) C viscC2leith :: Leith non-dimensional viscosity factor (grad(vort)) C viscC2leithD :: Modified Leith non-dimensional visc. factor (grad(div)) C viscC4leith :: Leith non-dimensional viscosity factor (grad(vort)) C viscC4leithD :: Modified Leith non-dimensional viscosity factor (grad(div)) C viscC2smag :: Smagorinsky non-dimensional viscosity factor (harmonic) C viscC4smag :: Smagorinsky non-dimensional viscosity factor (biharmonic) C viscAhMax :: Maximum eddy viscosity coeff. for mixing of C momentum laterally ( m^2/s ) C viscAhReMax :: Maximum gridscale Reynolds number for eddy viscosity C coeff. for mixing of momentum laterally (non-dim) C viscAhGrid :: non-dimensional grid-size dependent viscosity C viscAhGridMax:: maximum and minimum harmonic viscosity coefficients ... C viscAhGridMin:: in terms of non-dimensional grid-size dependent visc. C viscA4Max :: Maximum biharmonic viscosity coeff. for mixing of C momentum laterally ( m^4/s ) C viscA4ReMax :: Maximum Gridscale Reynolds number for C biharmonic viscosity coeff. momentum laterally (non-dim) C viscA4Grid :: non-dimensional grid-size dependent bi-harmonic viscosity C viscA4GridMax:: maximum and minimum biharmonic viscosity coefficients ... C viscA4GridMin:: in terms of non-dimensional grid-size dependent viscosity C diffKhT :: Laplacian diffusion coeff. for mixing of C heat laterally ( m^2/s ) C diffKrNrT :: vertical profile of Laplacian diffusion coeff. C for mixing of heat vertically ( units of r^2/s ) C diffK4T :: Biharmonic diffusion coeff. for mixing of C heat laterally ( m^4/s ) C diffKhS :: Laplacian diffusion coeff. for mixing of C salt laterally ( m^2/s ) C diffKrNrS :: vertical profile of Laplacian diffusion coeff. C for mixing of salt vertically ( units of r^2/s ), C diffK4S :: Biharmonic diffusion coeff. for mixing of C salt laterally ( m^4/s ) C diffKrBL79surf :: T/S surface diffusivity (m^2/s) Bryan and Lewis, 1979 C diffKrBL79deep :: T/S deep diffusivity (m^2/s) Bryan and Lewis, 1979 C diffKrBL79scl :: depth scale for arctan fn (m) Bryan and Lewis, 1979 C diffKrBL79Ho :: depth offset for arctan fn (m) Bryan and Lewis, 1979 C BL79LatVary :: polarwise of this latitude diffKrBL79 is applied with C gradual transition to diffKrBLEQ towards Equator C diffKrBLEQsurf :: same as diffKrBL79surf but at Equator C diffKrBLEQdeep :: same as diffKrBL79deep but at Equator C diffKrBLEQscl :: same as diffKrBL79scl but at Equator C diffKrBLEQHo :: same as diffKrBL79Ho but at Equator C deltaT :: Default timestep ( s ) C deltaTClock :: Timestep used as model "clock". This determines the C IO frequencies and is used in tagging output. It can C be totally different to the dynamical time. Typically C it will be the deep-water timestep for accelerated runs. C Frequency of checkpointing and dumping of the model state C are referenced to this clock. ( s ) C deltaTMom :: Timestep for momemtum equations ( s ) C dTtracerLev :: Timestep for tracer equations ( s ), function of level k C deltaTfreesurf :: Timestep for free-surface equation ( s ) C freesurfFac :: Parameter to turn implicit free surface term on or off C freesurfac = 1. uses implicit free surface C freesurfac = 0. uses rigid lid C abEps :: Adams-Bashforth-2 stabilizing weight C alph_AB :: Adams-Bashforth-3 primary factor C beta_AB :: Adams-Bashforth-3 secondary factor C implicSurfPress :: parameter of the Crank-Nickelson time stepping : C Implicit part of Surface Pressure Gradient ( 0-1 ) C implicDiv2Dflow :: parameter of the Crank-Nickelson time stepping : C Implicit part of barotropic flow Divergence ( 0-1 ) C hFacMin :: Minimum fraction size of a cell (affects hFacC etc...) C hFacMinDz :: Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., m) C hFacMinDp :: Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., Pa) C hFacMinDr :: Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., units of r) C hFacInf :: Threshold (inf and sup) for fraction size of surface cell C hFacSup that control vanishing and creating levels C tauCD :: CD scheme coupling timescale ( 1/s ) C rCD :: CD scheme normalised coupling parameter ( 0-1 ) C baseTime :: model base time (time origin) = time @ iteration zero C startTime :: Starting time for this integration ( s ). C endTime :: Ending time for this integration ( s ). C chkPtFreq :: Frequency of rolling check pointing ( s ). C pChkPtFreq :: Frequency of permanent check pointing ( s ). C dumpFreq :: Frequency with which model state is written to C post-processing files ( s ). C diagFreq :: Frequency with which model writes diagnostic output C of intermediate quantities. C afFacMom :: Advection of momentum term tracer parameter C vfFacMom :: Momentum viscosity tracer parameter C pfFacMom :: Momentum pressure forcing tracer parameter C cfFacMom :: Coriolis term tracer parameter C foFacMom :: Momentum forcing tracer parameter C mtFacMom :: Metric terms tracer parameter C cosPower :: Power of cosine of latitude to multiply viscosity C cAdjFreq :: Frequency of convective adjustment C C taveFreq :: Frequency with which time-averaged model state C is written to post-processing files ( s ). C tave_lastIter :: (for state variable only) fraction of the last time C step (of each taveFreq period) put in the time average. C (fraction for 1rst iter = 1 - tave_lastIter) C tauThetaClimRelax :: Relaxation to climatology time scale ( s ). C tauSaltClimRelax :: Relaxation to climatology time scale ( s ). C latBandClimRelax :: latitude band where Relaxation to Clim. is applied, C i.e. where |yC| <= latBandClimRelax C externForcingPeriod :: Is the period of which forcing varies (eg. 1 month) C externForcingCycle :: Is the repeat time of the forcing (eg. 1 year) C (note: externForcingCycle must be an integer C number times externForcingPeriod) C convertFW2Salt :: salinity, used to convert Fresh-Water Flux to Salt Flux C (use model surface (local) value if set to -1) C temp_EvPrRn :: temperature of Rain & Evap. C salt_EvPrRn :: salinity of Rain & Evap. C (notes: a) tracer content of Rain/Evap only used if both C NonLin_FrSurf & useRealFreshWater are set. C b) use model surface (local) value if set to UNSET_RL) C hMixCriteria:: criteria for mixed-layer diagnostic C dRhoSmall :: parameter for mixed-layer diagnostic C hMixSmooth :: Smoothing parameter for mixed-layer diag (default=0=no smoothing) C ivdc_kappa :: implicit vertical diffusivity for convection [m^2/s] C Ro_SeaLevel :: standard position of Sea-Level in "R" coordinate, used as C starting value (k=1) for vertical coordinate (rf(1)=Ro_SeaLevel) C sideDragFactor :: side-drag scaling factor (used only if no_slip_sides) C (default=2: full drag ; =1: gives half-slip BC) C bottomDragLinear :: Linear bottom-drag coefficient (units of [r]/s) C bottomDragQuadratic :: Quadratic bottom-drag coefficient (units of [r]/m) C (if using zcoordinate, units becomes linear: m/s, quadratic: [-]) C smoothAbsFuncRange :: 1/2 of interval around zero, for which FORTRAN ABS C is to be replace by a smoother function C (affects myabs, mymin, mymax) C nh_Am2 :: scales the non-hydrostatic terms and changes internal scales C (i.e. allows convection at different Rayleigh numbers) C phiEuler :: Euler angle, rotation about original z-axis C thetaEuler :: Euler angle, rotation about new x-axis C psiEuler :: Euler angle, rotation about new z-axis COMMON /PARM_R/ cg2dTargetResidual, cg2dTargetResWunit, & cg2dpcOffDFac, cg3dTargetResidual, & delR, delRc, delX, delY, & deltaT, deltaTmom, dTtracerLev, deltaTfreesurf, deltaTClock, & abEps, alph_AB, beta_AB, & xgOrigin, ygOrigin, rSphere, recip_RSphere, f0, beta, & viscAh, viscAhW, viscAhMax, & viscAhGrid, viscAhGridMax, viscAhGridMin, & viscC2leith, viscC2leithD, & viscC2smag, viscC4smag, & viscAhD, viscAhZ, viscA4D, viscA4Z, & viscA4, viscA4W, viscA4Max, & viscA4Grid, viscA4GridMax, viscA4GridMin, & viscAhReMax, viscA4ReMax, & viscC4leith, viscC4leithD, viscAr, & diffKhT, diffK4T, diffKrNrT, & diffKhS, diffK4S, diffKrNrS, & diffKrBL79surf, diffKrBL79deep, diffKrBL79scl, diffKrBL79Ho, & BL79LatVary, & diffKrBLEQsurf, diffKrBLEQdeep, diffKrBLEQscl, diffKrBLEQHo, & delT, tauCD, rCD, freeSurfFac, implicSurfPress, implicDiv2Dflow, & hFacMin, hFacMinDz, hFacInf, hFacSup, & gravity, recip_gravity, gBaro, & rhonil, recip_rhonil, rhoConst, recip_rhoConst, & rhoFacC, recip_rhoFacC, rhoFacF, recip_rhoFacF, & rhoConstFresh, rho1Ref, tRef, sRef, phiRef, dBdrRef, & rVel2wUnit, wUnit2rVel, mass2rUnit, rUnit2mass, & baseTime, startTime, endTime, & chkPtFreq, pChkPtFreq, dumpFreq, adjDumpFreq, & diagFreq, taveFreq, tave_lastIter, monitorFreq, adjMonitorFreq, & afFacMom, vfFacMom, pfFacMom, cfFacMom, foFacMom, mtFacMom, & cosPower, cAdjFreq, omega, rotationPeriod, & tauThetaClimRelax, tauSaltClimRelax, latBandClimRelax, & externForcingCycle, externForcingPeriod, & convertFW2Salt, temp_EvPrRn, salt_EvPrRn, & hFacMinDr, hFacMinDp, & ivdc_kappa, hMixCriteria, dRhoSmall, hMixSmooth, Ro_SeaLevel, & sideDragFactor, bottomDragLinear, bottomDragQuadratic, nh_Am2, & smoothAbsFuncRange, & tCylIn, tCylOut, & phiEuler, thetaEuler, psiEuler _RL cg2dTargetResidual _RL cg2dTargetResWunit _RL cg3dTargetResidual _RL cg2dpcOffDFac _RL delR(Nr) _RL delRc(Nr+1) _RL delX(Nx) _RL delY(Ny) _RL deltaT _RL deltaTClock _RL deltaTmom _RL dTtracerLev(Nr) _RL deltaTfreesurf _RL abEps, alph_AB, beta_AB _RL xgOrigin _RL ygOrigin _RL rSphere _RL recip_rSphere _RL f0 _RL freeSurfFac _RL implicSurfPress _RL implicDiv2Dflow _RL hFacMin _RL hFacMinDz _RL hFacMinDp _RL hFacMinDr _RL hFacInf _RL hFacSup _RL beta _RL viscAr _RL viscAh _RL viscAhW _RL viscAhD _RL viscAhZ _RL viscAhMax _RL viscAhReMax _RL viscAhGrid, viscAhGridMax, viscAhGridMin _RL viscC2leith _RL viscC2leithD _RL viscC2smag _RL viscA4 _RL viscA4W _RL viscA4D _RL viscA4Z _RL viscA4Max _RL viscA4ReMax _RL viscA4Grid, viscA4GridMax, viscA4GridMin _RL viscC4leith _RL viscC4leithD _RL viscC4smag _RL diffKhT _RL diffKrNrT(Nr) _RL diffK4T _RL diffKhS _RL diffKrNrS(Nr) _RL diffK4S _RL diffKrBL79surf _RL diffKrBL79deep _RL diffKrBL79scl _RL diffKrBL79Ho _RL BL79LatVary _RL diffKrBLEQsurf _RL diffKrBLEQdeep _RL diffKrBLEQscl _RL diffKrBLEQHo _RL delt _RL tauCD _RL rCD _RL gravity _RL recip_gravity _RL gBaro _RL rhonil, recip_rhonil _RL rhoConst, recip_rhoConst _RL rhoFacC(Nr), recip_rhoFacC(Nr) _RL rhoFacF(Nr+1), recip_rhoFacF(Nr+1) _RL rhoConstFresh _RL rho1Ref(Nr) _RL tRef(Nr) _RL sRef(Nr) _RL phiRef(2*Nr+1) _RL dBdrRef(Nr) _RL rVel2wUnit(Nr+1), wUnit2rVel(Nr+1) _RL mass2rUnit, rUnit2mass _RL baseTime _RL startTime _RL endTime _RL chkPtFreq _RL pChkPtFreq _RL dumpFreq _RL adjDumpFreq _RL diagFreq _RL taveFreq _RL tave_lastIter _RL monitorFreq _RL adjMonitorFreq _RL afFacMom _RL vfFacMom _RL pfFacMom _RL cfFacMom _RL foFacMom _RL mtFacMom _RL cosPower _RL cAdjFreq _RL omega _RL rotationPeriod _RL tauThetaClimRelax _RL tauSaltClimRelax _RL latBandClimRelax _RL externForcingCycle _RL externForcingPeriod _RL convertFW2Salt _RL temp_EvPrRn _RL salt_EvPrRn _RL ivdc_kappa _RL hMixCriteria _RL dRhoSmall _RL hMixSmooth _RL Ro_SeaLevel _RL sideDragFactor _RL bottomDragLinear _RL bottomDragQuadratic _RL smoothAbsFuncRange _RL nh_Am2 _RL tCylIn _RL tCylOut _RL phiEuler, thetaEuler, psiEuler C-- COMMON /PARM_A/ Thermodynamics constants ? COMMON /PARM_A/ HeatCapacity_Cp,recip_Cp _RL HeatCapacity_Cp _RL recip_Cp C-- COMMON /PARM_ATM/ Atmospheric physical parameters (Ideal Gas EOS, ...) C celsius2K :: convert centigrade (Celsius) degree to Kelvin C atm_Po :: standard reference pressure C atm_Cp :: specific heat (Cp) of the (dry) air at constant pressure C atm_Rd :: gas constant for dry air C atm_kappa :: kappa = R/Cp (R: constant of Ideal Gas EOS) C atm_Rq :: water vapour specific volume anomaly relative to dry air C (e.g. typical value = (29/18 -1) 10^-3 with q [g/kg]) C integr_GeoPot :: option to select the way we integrate the geopotential C (still a subject of discussions ...) C selectFindRoSurf :: select the way surf. ref. pressure (=Ro_surf) is C derived from the orography. Implemented: 0,1 (see INI_P_GROUND) COMMON /PARM_ATM/ & celsius2K, & atm_Cp, atm_Rd, atm_kappa, atm_Rq, atm_Po, & integr_GeoPot, selectFindRoSurf _RL celsius2K _RL atm_Po, atm_Cp, atm_Rd, atm_kappa, atm_Rq INTEGER integr_GeoPot, selectFindRoSurf C Logical flags for selecting packages LOGICAL useGAD LOGICAL useOBCS LOGICAL useSHAP_FILT LOGICAL useZONAL_FILT LOGICAL useOPPS LOGICAL usePP81 LOGICAL useMY82 LOGICAL useGGL90 LOGICAL useKPP LOGICAL useGMRedi LOGICAL useDOWN_SLOPE LOGICAL useCAL LOGICAL useEXF LOGICAL useBulkForce LOGICAL useEBM LOGICAL useCheapAML LOGICAL useGrdchk LOGICAL useECCO LOGICAL useSBO LOGICAL useFLT LOGICAL usePTRACERS LOGICAL useGCHEM LOGICAL useRBCS LOGICAL useOffLine LOGICAL useMATRIX LOGICAL useSEAICE LOGICAL useSALT_PLUME LOGICAL useShelfIce LOGICAL useThSIce LOGICAL useATM2d LOGICAL useAIM LOGICAL useLand LOGICAL useFizhi LOGICAL useGridAlt LOGICAL useDiagnostics LOGICAL useREGRID LOGICAL useMNC LOGICAL useRunClock LOGICAL useEMBED_FILES LOGICAL useMYPACKAGE COMMON /PARM_PACKAGES/ & useGAD, useOBCS, useSHAP_FILT, useZONAL_FILT, & useOPPS, usePP81, useMY82, useGGL90, useKPP, & useGMRedi, useDOWN_SLOPE, & useCAL, useEXF, useBulkForce, useEBM, useCheapAML, & useGrdchk, useECCO, useSBO, useFLT, & usePTRACERS, useGCHEM, useRBCS, useOffLine, useMATRIX, & useSEAICE, useSALT_PLUME, useShelfIce, useThSIce, & useATM2D, useAIM, useLand, useFizhi, useGridAlt, & useDiagnostics, useREGRID, useMNC, & useRunClock, useEMBED_FILES, & useMYPACKAGE CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: *** CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran *** CEH3 ;;; End: ***