subroutine lswri( isize, phniter, NN, xx, gg, lphprint ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE lswri c ================================================================== c c o writes formatted output of updated controls and c adjoint variables c c o started: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS c 01-Apr-1999 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE lswri c ================================================================== implicit none C ========= Routine arguments ====================================== INTEGER isize, phniter, NN real*4 xx(NN), gg(NN) cph DOUBLE PRECISION xx(NN), gg(NN) LOGICAL lphprint cph CHARACTER yitnum*3 c C ========= Local variables ======================================== C======================================================================= c if (lphprint) c & print *, 'pathei: formatted output of xx, gg, in lswri: ', c & phniter c c open(95, c & FILE='PH_X.dat', c & FORM='UNFORMATTED', c & ACCESS='DIRECT', c & RECL=NN*isize) c write(95,REC=phniter+1) xx c close(95) c c open(95, c & FILE='PH_G.dat', c & FORM='UNFORMATTED', c & ACCESS='DIRECT', c & RECL=NN*isize) c write(95,REC=phniter+1) gg c close(95) end