subroutine lsline( & simul & , nn, ifail, lphprint & , ifunc, nfunc & , ff, dotdg & , tmin, tmax, tact, epsx & , dd, gg, xx, xdiff & ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE lsline c ================================================================== c c o line search algorithm for determining control vector update; c After computing updated control vector from given gradient, c a forward and adjoint model run are performed (simul.F) c using the updated control vector. c Tests are then applied to see whether solution has improved. c c o Reference: J.C. Gilbert & C. Lemarechal c Some numerical experiments with variable-storage c quasi-Newton algorithms c Mathematical Programming 45 (1989), pp. 407-435 c c o started: ??? not reproducible c c o changed: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS c c o Version: 2.0, 24-Feb-2000: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS c - severe changes in structure including various c shifts of variables which are only used in this c routine c - number of 3 control flags for error handling c (indic, moderl, ifail) reduced to 1 (ifail) c and homogenized with routine lsoptv c c o Version: 2.1.0, 02-Mar-2000: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS c - initial computation of tact and c xdiff = xx + tact*dd c moved to new routine lsupdxx c tmin, tmax, tact needed as parameters c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE lsline c ================================================================== #include implicit none c---------------------------------- c declare arguments c---------------------------------- integer nn, ifail, ifunc, nfunc double precision ff, dotdg, tmin, tmax, tact, epsx double precision xx(nn), dd(nn), gg(nn), xdiff(nn) logical lphprint external simul c---------------------------------- c declare local variables c---------------------------------- double precision xpara1, xpara2 parameter( xpara1 = 0.0001, xpara2=0.9 ) double precision factor parameter( factor = 0.2 ) double precision barmax parameter( barmax = 0.3 ) double precision barmul parameter( barmul = 5.0 ) double precision barmin parameter( barmin = 0.01 ) integer i, indic double precision tg, fg, td, ta double precision fa, fpa, fp double precision fnew, fdiff double precision z, test, barr double precision left, right, told external DDOT double precision DDOT c---------------------------------- c check parameters c---------------------------------- if ( (nn.le.0) & .or. ( & .or. (xpara1.le.0.0) .or. ( & .or. (xpara2.le.xpara1) .or. ( ) then ifail = 9 go to 999 endif c---------------------------------- c initialization c---------------------------------- indic = 0 barr = barmin fg = ff fa = ff fpa = dotdg td = 0.0 tg = 0.0 ta = 0.0 c======================================================================= c begin of simulation iter. c======================================================================= do ifunc = 1, nfunc if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: ', ifunc, ' simul.' c------------------------------------ c compute cost function and gradient c------------------------------------ call simul( indic, nn, xdiff, fnew, gg ) fp = DDOT( nn, dd, 1, gg, 1 ) fdiff = fnew - ff c----------------------------------------- c apply 1st Wolfe test c----------------------------------------- if (fdiff .gt. tact*xpara1*dotdg) then td = tact ifail = 0 go to 500 endif c----------------------------------------- c 1st Wolfe test 1 ok, apply 2nd Wolf test c----------------------------------------- if (fp .gt. xpara2*dotdg) then ifail = 0 go to 320 endif if (ifail.eq.0) go to 350 c----------------------------------------- c 2nd Wolfe test 2 ok, donc pas serieux, on sort c----------------------------------------- 320 continue ff = fnew do i = 1, nn xx(i) = xdiff(i) end do cph( if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: no inter-/extrapolation in lsline' cph) go to 999 c----------------------------------------- c extrapolation c----------------------------------------- 350 continue tg = tact fg = fnew if (td .ne. 0.0) go to 500 told = tact left = (1.0+barmin)*tact right = 10.0*tact call cubic( tact, fnew, fp, ta, fa, fpa, left, right ) ta = told if ( then ifail = 7 tact = tmax endif if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: extrapolation: ', & 'td, tg, tact, ifail = ', td, tg, tact, ifail go to 900 c----------------------------------------- c interpolation c----------------------------------------- 500 continue test = barr*(td-tg) left = tg+test right = td-test told = tact call cubic( tact, fnew, fp, ta, fa, fpa, left, right ) ta = told if ( .and. then barr = dmax1( barmin, barr/barmul ) else barr = dmin1( barmul*barr, barmax ) endif if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: interpolation: ', & 'td, tg, tact, ifail = ', td, tg, tact, ifail c----------------------------------------- c end of iteration loop c - tact peut etre bloque sur tmax c (venant de lextrapolation avec ifail=7) c----------------------------------------- 900 continue fa = fnew fpa = fp c----------------------------------------- c --- faut-il continuer ? c----------------------------------------- if (td .eq. 0.0) go to 950 if (td-tg .lt. tmin) go to 920 c----------------------------------------- c limit due to machine precision c----------------------------------------- do i = 1, nn z = xx(i) + tact*dd(i) if (( .and. ( go to 950 end do c----------------------------------------- c arret sur dxmin ou de secours c----------------------------------------- 920 continue ifail = 8 c----------------------------------------- c si tg=0, xx = xx_depart, c sinon on prend xx=x_left qui fait decroitre f c----------------------------------------- if (tg .ne. 0.0) then ff = fg do i = 1, nn xx(i) = xx(i) + tg*dd(i) end do endif go to 999 c----------------------------------------- c update vector for new simulation c----------------------------------------- 950 continue do i = 1, nn xdiff(i) = xx(i) + tact*dd(i) end do c======================================================================= c end of simulation iter. c======================================================================= end do c----------------------------------------- c too many function evaluations c----------------------------------------- ifail = 6 ff = fg do i = 1, nn xx(i) = xx(i) + tg*dd(i) end do c----------------------------------------- c end of routine c----------------------------------------- 999 continue return end