subroutine instore( n, fc, gnorm0, is, m, jmin, jmax, & cold, ifail ) c c arguments c integer n, is, m, jmin, jmax, ifail double precision fc, gnorm0 logical cold c---- c common /xxstore/ itape, ntape, isize integer itape, ntape, isize ifail = 0 itape = 91 ntape = 92 isize = is cold = .true. cc one record = two arrays of real*(isize) open( itape $ , file = 'OPWARMI' $ , status = 'unknown' $ , form = 'formatted' $ , access = 'sequential' $ ) read( itape, *, end=800, err=900 ) n, fc, gnorm0, $ isize, m, jmin, jmax cold = .false. 800 continue close(itape) print* write(*,'(a,i10,a,i2)') $ ' opening direct access with recl = ',n,' * ',isize print* open( ntape $ , file = 'OPWARMD' $ , status = 'unknown' $ , form = 'unformatted' $ , access = 'direct' $ , recl = n * isize $ ) return 900 continue close(itape) ifail = 1 return end