#!/bin/csh # Example PBS script to run a job on the myrinet-3 cluster. # The lines beginning #PBS set various queuing parameters. # # o -N Job Name #PBS -N global2x2 # # o -l resource lists that control where job goes # here we ask for 3 nodes, each with the attribute "p4". #PBS -l nodes=6:p4 # # o Where to write output #PBS -e stderr #PBS -o stdout # # o Export all my environment variables to the job #PBS -V # # echo $PBS_NODEFILE cat $PBS_NODEFILE # cd /s07/heimbach/ecco-branch/exe rm -f proc_list *.00?.00?.* cp ~heimbach/ecco/ecco-branch/exe/mitgcmuv . # cat $PBS_NODEFILE >! proc_list set ncpus = ( `wc -l proc_list | awk '{print $1}'` ) echo 'ncpus = ' $ncpus set listvar = `cat proc_list` # foreach lv ($listvar) echo 'creating /s/local/1/ecco-exe on ' $lv rsh -n $lv rm -rf /s/local/1/ecco-exe rsh -n $lv mkdir /s/local/1/ecco-exe end # /usr/local/pkg/mpi/mpi-1.2.4..8a-gm-1.5/g77/bin/mpirun.ch_gm -machinefile proc_list --gm-kill 7 -v -np $ncpus ./mitgcmuv # set out=$? echo 'end with status' $out