C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/eesupp/src/timers.F,v 1.21 2006/05/05 19:00:28 ce107 Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" #ifdef USE_LIBHPM # include "f_hpm.h" #endif C-- File utils.F: General purpose support routines C-- Contents C-- TIMER_INDEX - Returns index associated with timer name. C-- M TIMER_CONTROL - Implements timer functions for given machine. C-- TIMER_PRINT - Print CPU timer statitics. C-- TIMER_PRINTALL - Prints all CPU timers statistics. C-- TIMER_START - Starts CPU timer for code section. C-- TIMER_STOP - Stop CPU tier for code section. C-- Routines marked "M" contain specific machine dependent code. C-- Routines marked "U" contain UNIX OS calls. CGG Modified following A. Biastoch for use with SP3. Is backwards CGG compatible. G. Gebbie, gebbie@mit.edu, 20 Oct 2001, Scripps. CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_INDEX C !INTERFACE: INTEGER FUNCTION TIMER_INDEX ( I name,timerNames,maxTimers,nTimers ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | FUNCTION TIMER\_INDEX C | o Timing support routine. C *==========================================================* C | Return index in timer data structure of timer named C | by the function argument "name". C *==========================================================* C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguements == C maxTimers :: Total number of timers allowed C nTimers :: Current number of timers C name :: Name of timer to find C timerNames :: List of valid timer names INTEGER maxTimers INTEGER nTimers CHARACTER*(*) name CHARACTER*(*) timerNames(maxTimers) C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == C I :: Index variable INTEGER I CEOP C TIMER_INDEX = 0 IF ( name .EQ. ' ' ) THEN TIMER_INDEX = -1 ELSE DO 10 I = 1, nTimers IF ( name .NE. timerNames(I) ) GOTO 10 TIMER_INDEX = I GOTO 11 10 CONTINUE 11 CONTINUE ENDIF RETURN END CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_CONTROL C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE TIMER_CONTROL ( name , action , callProc , myThreadId ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE TIMER\_CONTROL | C | o Timing routine. | C *==========================================================* C | User callable interface to timing routines. Timers are | C | created, stopped, started and queried only through this | C | rtouine. | C *==========================================================* C !USES: #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "EESUPPORT.h" INTEGER TIMER_INDEX INTEGER IFNBLNK INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL TIMER_INDEX EXTERNAL IFNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C name :: name of the timer C action :: operation to perform with this timer C callProc :: procedure calling this routine C myThreadId :: instance number of this thread CHARACTER*(*) name CHARACTER*(*) action CHARACTER*(*) callProc INTEGER myThreadId C C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C maxTimers :: Total numer of timer allowed C maxString :: Max length of a timer name INTEGER maxTimers INTEGER maxString PARAMETER ( maxTimers = 40 ) PARAMETER ( maxString = 80 ) C timerStarts :: Timer counters for each timer and each thread C timerStops C timerUser C timerWall C timerSys C timerT0User C timerT0Wall C timerT0Sys C timerStatus :: START/STOP/RUNNING Status of the timer C timerNameLen :: Length of timer name C timerNames :: Table of timer names C nTimers :: Number of active timers INTEGER timerStarts( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerStarts INTEGER timerStops ( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerStops Real*8 timerUser ( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerUser Real*8 timerWall ( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerWall Real*8 timerSys ( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerSys Real*8 timerT0User( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerT0User Real*8 timerT0Wall( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerT0Wall Real*8 timerT0Sys ( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerT0Sys INTEGER timerStatus( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerStatus INTEGER timerNameLen( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerNameLen CHARACTER*(maxString) timerNames( maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS) SAVE timerNames INTEGER nTimers(MAX_NO_THREADS) CHARACTER*(maxString) tmpName CHARACTER*(maxString) tmpAction INTEGER iTimer INTEGER ISTART INTEGER IEND INTEGER STOPPED PARAMETER ( STOPPED = 0 ) INTEGER RUNNING PARAMETER ( RUNNING = 1 ) CHARACTER*(*) STOP PARAMETER ( STOP = 'STOP' ) CHARACTER*(*) START PARAMETER ( START = 'START' ) CHARACTER*(*) PRINT PARAMETER ( PRINT = 'PRINT' ) CHARACTER*(*) PRINTALL PARAMETER ( PRINTALL = 'PRINTALL' ) #if defined(USE_PAPI) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS_SFP) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS) || defined (USE_PCL) CHARACTER*(*) INIT PARAMETER ( INIT = 'INIT' ) #ifdef USE_PAPI INTEGER nmaxevents PARAMETER (nmaxevents = 18) INTEGER neventsmax, nevents SAVE neventsmax, nevents INTEGER*8 values(nmaxevents, maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS), $ values1(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS), $ values2(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) COMMON /papivalues/ values, values1, values2 #include CHARACTER(13) EventName INTEGER EventCode(nmaxevents) INTEGER Check, EventSet INTEGER papiunit SAVE EventCode, EventSet #else #if defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS_SFP) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS) || defined(USE_PCL) #include INTEGER nmaxevents PARAMETER (nmaxevents = 61) INTEGER flags, res, nevents INTEGER*8 descr CHARACTER*22 pcl_counter_name(0:nmaxevents-1) #ifdef USE_PCL INTEGER pcl_counter_list(nmaxevents) INTEGER*8 i_result(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 i_result1(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 i_result2(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) REAL*8 fp_result(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) #else INTEGER pcl_counter_list(5), alt_counter_list(5) INTEGER*8 i_result(5) REAL*8 fp_result(5) SAVE alt_counter_list DATA alt_counter_list /PCL_MFLOPS, PCL_IPC, PCL_L1DCACHE_MISSRATE, $ PCL_L2DCACHE_MISSRATE, PCL_MEM_FP_RATIO/ #endif COMMON /pclvars/ i_result, descr, fp_result, pcl_counter_list, $ flags, nevents COMMON /pclnames/ pcl_counter_name INTEGER pclunit #endif #endif #endif INTEGER I, J Real*8 userTime Real*8 systemTime Real*8 wallClockTime CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuffer DATA nTimers /MAX_NO_THREADS*0/ SAVE nTimers CEOP C ISTART = IFNBLNK(name) IEND = ILNBLNK(name) IF ( IEND - ISTART + 1 .GT. maxString ) GOTO 901 IF ( ISTART .NE. 0 ) THEN tmpName = name(ISTART:IEND) CALL UCASE( tmpName ) ELSE tmpName = ' ' ENDIF ISTART = IFNBLNK(action) IEND = ILNBLNK(action) IF ( ISTART .EQ. 0 ) GOTO 902 IF ( IEND - ISTART + 1 .GT. maxString ) GOTO 903 tmpAction = action(ISTART:IEND) CALL UCASE( tmpAction ) C iTimer=TIMER_INDEX(tmpName,timerNames(1,myThreadId), & maxTimers,nTimers(myThreadId)) C IF ( tmpAction .EQ. START ) THEN IF ( iTimer .EQ. 0 ) THEN IF ( nTimers(myThreadId) .EQ. maxTimers ) GOTO 904 nTimers(myThreadId) = nTimers(myThreadId) + 1 iTimer = nTimers(myThreadId) timerNames(iTimer,myThreadId) = tmpName timerNameLen(iTimer,myThreadId) = & ILNBLNK(tmpName)-IFNBLNK(tmpName)+1 timerUser(iTimer,myThreadId) = 0. timerSys (iTimer,myThreadId) = 0. timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId) = 0. timerStarts(iTimer,myThreadId) = 0 timerStops (iTimer,myThreadId) = 0 timerStatus(iTimer,myThreadId) = STOPPED ENDIF IF ( timerStatus(iTimer,myThreadId) .NE. RUNNING ) THEN CALL TIMER_GET_TIME( userTime, systemTime, wallClockTime ) timerT0User(iTimer,myThreadId) = userTime timerT0Sys(iTimer,myThreadId) = systemTime timerT0Wall(iTimer,myThreadId) = wallClockTime timerStatus(iTimer,myThreadId) = RUNNING timerStarts(iTimer,myThreadId) = & timerStarts(iTimer,myThreadId)+1 #ifdef USE_PAPI CCE107 PAPI - Read event counts call PAPIF_read(EventSet, values1(1,iTimer,myThreadId), Check) #else #ifdef USE_PCL CCE107 PCL - Read event counts res = PCLread(descr, i_result1(1,iTimer,myThreadId), $ fp_result(1,iTimer,myThreadId), nevents) #endif #endif ENDIF #ifdef USE_LIBHPM CALL f_hpmtstart((myThreadId-1)*100+iTimer,tmpName) #endif ELSEIF ( tmpAction .EQ. STOP ) THEN IF ( iTimer .EQ. 0 ) GOTO 905 #ifdef USE_LIBHPM CALL f_hpmtstop((myThreadId-1)*100+iTimer) #endif IF ( timerStatus(iTimer,myThreadId) .EQ. RUNNING ) THEN #ifdef USE_PAPI CCE107 PAPI - Read event counts call PAPIF_read(EventSet, values2(1,iTimer,myThreadId), Check) #else #ifdef USE_PCL CCE107 PCL - Read event counts res = PCLread(descr, i_result2(1,iTimer,myThreadId), $ fp_result(1,iTimer,myThreadId), nevents) #endif #endif CALL TIMER_GET_TIME( userTime, systemTime, wallClockTime ) timerUser(iTimer,myThreadId) = & timerUser(iTimer,myThreadId) + & userTime - & timerT0User(iTimer,myThreadId) timerSys (iTimer,myThreadId) = & timerSys(iTimer,myThreadId) + & systemTime - & timerT0Sys(iTimer,myThreadId) timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId) = & timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId) + & wallClockTime - & timerT0Wall(iTimer,myThreadId) #ifdef USE_PAPI do i=1,nevents values(i,iTimer,myThreadId) = values(i,iTimer,myThreadId) + $ values2(i,iTimer,myThreadId) - values1(i,iTimer,myThreadId) enddo #else #ifdef USE_PCL do i=1,nevents i_result(i,iTimer,myThreadId) = i_result(i,iTimer $ ,myThreadId) + i_result2(i,iTimer,myThreadId) - $ i_result1(i,iTimer,myThreadId) enddo #endif #endif timerStatus(iTimer,myThreadId) = STOPPED timerStops (iTimer,myThreadId) = & timerStops (iTimer,myThreadId)+1 ENDIF #if defined (USE_PAPI) || defined (USE_PCL_FLOPS_SFP) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS) || defined(USE_PCL) ELSEIF ( tmpAction .EQ. INIT ) THEN #ifdef USE_PAPI CCE107 PAPI - Check PAPI version, find the maximum number of events and C initialize the library, read the suggested events and create C EventSet, prepare counter for use Check = PAPI_VER_CURRENT call PAPIF_library_init(Check) if (Check .NE. PAPI_VER_CURRENT) then WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "PAPI Library Version is out of Date" CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif call PAPIF_num_counters(neventsmax) if (neventsmax .GT. nmaxevents) then WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "Fix the nmaxevents in the code to ", $ neventsmax CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif _BEGIN_MASTER(myThreadId) CALL mdsFindUnit (papiunit, myThreadId) OPEN(UNIT=papiunit,FILE='data.papi',STATUS='OLD') read(papiunit,*) nevents C reset to reasonable values if (nevents .gt. neventsmax) then nevents = neventsmax WRITE(msgBuffer,*) $ "resetting the number of PAPI events to the maximum" CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) endif do i = 1,nevents read(papiunit,*) EventName if ((EventName .eq. 'PAPI_FLOPS') .or. $ (EventName .eq. 'PAPI_IPS')) then WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "Abort! Rate events are not supported:" $ ,EventName CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif call PAPIF_event_name_to_code(EventName, EventCode(i), Check) end do close(papiunit) _END_MASTER(myThid) EventSet = PAPI_NULL call PAPIF_create_eventset(EventSet, Check) do i = 1,nevents call PAPIF_add_event(EventSet, EventCode(i), Check) if (Check .NE. PAPI_OK) then CALL PAPIF_event_code_to_name(EventCode(i), EventName, $ Check) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "Abort After PAPIF_add_event: ", $ EventName CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif enddo CCE107 - Start counting events call PAPIF_start(EventSet, Check) #else #if defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS_SFP) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS) || defined(USE_PCL) CCE107 PCL - initialize the library, read the suggested events C and check them res = PCLinit(descr) #ifdef USE_PCL _BEGIN_MASTER(myThreadId) CALL mdsFindUnit (pclunit, myThreadId) OPEN(UNIT=pclunit,FILE='data.pcl',STATUS='OLD') read(pclunit,*) nevents C reset to reasonable values if (nevents .gt. nmaxevents) then nevents = nmaxevents WRITE(msgBuffer,*) $ "resetting the number of PCL events to the maximum" CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) endif do i = 1,nevents read(pclunit,*) pcl_counter_list(i) if ((pcl_counter_list(i) .ge. PCL_MFLOPS) .or. $ (pcl_counter_list(i) .lt. 1)) then if ((pcl_counter_list(i) .ge. PCL_MFLOPS) .and. $ (pcl_counter_list(i) .le. nmaxevents)) then WRITE(msgBuffer,*) $ "Abort! Rate events are not relevant:", $ pcl_counter_name(pcl_counter_list(i)) else WRITE(msgBuffer,*) $ "Abort! Events are not defined:", $ pcl_counter_list(i) endif CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif enddo close(pclunit) _END_MASTER(myThid) do i = 1,nevents CCE107 check to see that event are supported in the order asked res = PCLquery(descr, pcl_counter_list, i, flags) IF(res .NE. PCL_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "Abort! No support when adding event: " $ , pcl_counter_name(pcl_counter_list(i)) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif enddo #else do i = 1,5 CCE107 check to see which rate events are supported. res = PCLquery(descr, pcl_counter_list, nevents+1, flags) if ((res .ne. PCL_SUCCESS) .and. (i .lt. 5)) then pcl_counter_list(nevents+1) = alt_counter_list(i+1) else if (i .lt. 5) then nevents = nevents + 1 endif endif enddo if (nevents .eq. 0) then WRITE(msgBuffer,*) $ "No PCL rate events supported: Please recompile!" CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT endif #endif CCE107 - Start counting events res = PCLstart(descr, pcl_counter_list, nevents, flags) IF(res .NE. PCL_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE(msgBuffer,*) "PCL counting failed - please recompile!" CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,errorMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) CALL ABORT ENDIF #endif #endif #endif ELSEIF ( tmpAction .EQ. PRINT ) THEN IF ( iTimer .EQ. 0 ) GOTO 905 WRITE(msgBuffer,*) & ' Seconds in section "', & timerNames(iTimer,myThreadId)(1:timerNameLen(iTimer,myThreadId)) & ,'":' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' User time:', & timerUser(iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' System time:', & timerSys(iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' Wall clock time:', & timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' No. starts:', & timerStarts(iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' No. stops:', & timerStops(iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) #ifdef USE_PAPI do i = 1,nevents call PAPIF_event_code_to_name(EventCode(i), EventName, Check) WRITE(msgBuffer,71) Eventname, $ values(i,iTimer,myThreadId)/timerUser(iTimer,myThreadId) $ ,values(i,iTimer,myThreadId)/timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId $ ),1.D0*values(i,iTimer,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) enddo #else #ifdef USE_PCL do i = 1,nevents WRITE(msgBuffer,71) pcl_counter_name(pcl_counter_list(i)), $ i_result(i,iTimer,myThreadId)/timerUser(iTimer $ ,myThreadId),i_result(i,iTimer,myThreadId) $ /timerWall(iTimer,myThreadId),1.D0*i_result(i,iTimer $ ,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) enddo #endif #endif ELSEIF ( tmpAction .EQ. PRINTALL ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, nTimers(myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' Seconds in section "', & timerNames(I,myThreadId)(1:timerNameLen(I,myThreadId)) & ,'":' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' User time:', & timerUser(I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' System time:', & timerSys(I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' Wall clock time:', & timerWall(I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' No. starts:', & timerStarts(I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) ' No. stops:', & timerStops(I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) #ifdef USE_PAPI do j = 1,nevents call PAPIF_event_code_to_name(EventCode(j), EventName, Check) WRITE(msgBuffer,71) Eventname, $ values(j,I,myThreadId)/timerUser(I,myThreadId), $ values(j,I,myThreadId)/timerWall(I,myThreadId), $ 1.D0*values(j,I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) enddo #else #ifdef USE_PCL do j = 1,nevents WRITE(msgBuffer,71) pcl_counter_name(pcl_counter_list(j)), $ i_result(j,I,myThreadId)/timerUser(I,myThreadId) $ ,i_result(j,I,myThreadId)/timerWall(I,myThreadId),1.D0 $ *i_result(j,I,myThreadId) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) enddo #endif #endif 10 CONTINUE ELSE GOTO 903 ENDIF C 1000 CONTINUE C RETURN 901 CONTINUE WRITE(msgBuffer,'(A)') &' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'procedure: "',callProc,'".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'Timer name "',name(ISTART:IEND),'" is invalid.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' Names must have fewer than',maxString+1,' characters.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*******************************************************' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) GOTO 1000 902 CONTINUE WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'procedure: "',callProc,'".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' No timer action specified.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' Valid actions are:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' "START", "STOP", "PRINT" and "PRINTALL".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*******************************************************' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) GOTO 1000 903 CONTINUE WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'procedure: "',callProc,'".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'Timer action"',name(ISTART:IEND),'" is invalid.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' Valid actions are:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' "START", "STOP", "PRINT" and "PRINTALL".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*******************************************************' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) GOTO 1000 904 CONTINUE WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'procedure: "',callProc,'".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'Timer "',name(ISTART:IEND),'" cannot be created.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' Only ',maxTimers,' timers are allowed.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*******************************************************' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) GOTO 1000 905 CONTINUE WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'procedure: "',callProc,'".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'Timer name is blank.' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &' A name must be used with "START", "STOP" or "PRINT".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) WRITE(msgBuffer,*) &'*******************************************************' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuffer,standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThreadId) GOTO 1000 71 FORMAT(A,' per sec ',D13.7,' ',D13.7,', number ', D13.7) 72 FORMAT(A,D13.7) END CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_GET_TIME C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE TIMER_GET_TIME( O userTime, O systemTime, O wallClockTime ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE TIMER\_GET\_TIME C | o Query system timer routines. C *==========================================================* C | Routine returns total elapsed time for program so far. C | Three times are returned that conventionally are used as C | user time, system time and wall-clock time. Not all these C | numbers are available on all machines. C *==========================================================* C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C userTime :: User time returned C systemTime :: System time returned C wallClockTime :: Wall clock time returned Real*8 userTime Real*8 systemTime Real*8 wallClockTime C !USES: CEH3 This needs to be further cleaned up using a HAVE_CLOC define CEH3 that is diagnosed by genmake CEH3 #ifndef HAVE_FDATE Real*8 system_time, user_time, timenow external system_time, user_time, timenow CEH3 #else #ifdef TARGET_AIX Real*4 ETIME_ EXTERNAL ETIME_ #else Real*4 ETIME EXTERNAL ETIME #endif CEH3 #endif C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C ACTUAL, TARRAY, :: Temps. to hold times C wTime Real*4 ACTUAL, TARRAY(2) Real*8 wtime CEOP C Real*8 MPI_Wtime C EXTERNAL MPI_Wtime #ifndef IGNORE_TIME CCE107 Fixed for AIX and UNICOS #ifdef TARGET_AIX ACTUAL = ETIME_(TARRAY) userTime = TARRAY(1) systemTime = TARRAY(2) wallClockTime = timenow() #elif (defined (TARGET_T3E) || defined (TARGET_CRAY_VECTOR)) userTime = SECOND() systemTime = 0. wallClockTime = SECONDR() #else #ifdef HAVE_ETIME ACTUAL = ETIME(TARRAY) #else TARRAY(1) = user_time() TARRAY(2) = system_time() #endif userTime = TARRAY(1) systemTime = TARRAY(2) #ifdef HAVE_CLOC CALL CLOC(wTime) #else wtime = timenow() #endif /* HAVE_CLOC */ wallClockTime = wtime #endif /* CRAY defines */ CCE107 Sometimes MPI_Wtime has better resolution... #if (defined (ALLOW_USE_MPI) && defined (USE_MPI_WTIME)) wtime = MPI_Wtime() wallClockTime = wtime #endif /* ALLOW_USE_MPI && USE_MPI_WTIME */ #else /* IGNORE_TIME */ wtime = 0.0 #endif /* IGNORE_TIME */ RETURN END CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_PRINTALL C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE TIMER_PRINTALL( myThreadId ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE TIMER\_PRINTALL C | o Print timer information C *==========================================================* C | Request print out of table of timing from all timers. C *==========================================================* C !INPUT PARAMETERS: C myThreadId :: This threads number INTEGER myThreadId CEOP CALL TIMER_CONTROL( ' ', 'PRINTALL', 'TIMER_PRINTALL' , & myThreadId ) C RETURN END CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_START C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE TIMER_START ( string , myThreadId ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C Start timer named "string". C !INPUT PARAMETERS: C string :: Name of timer C myThreadId :: My thread number CHARACTER*(*) string INTEGER myThreadId CEOP C CALL TIMER_CONTROL( string, 'START', 'TIMER_START' , myThreadId) C RETURN END CBOP C !ROUTINE: TIMER_STOP C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE TIMER_STOP ( string , myThreadId ) IMPLICIT NONE C !DESCRIPTION: C Stop timer named "string". C !INPUT PARAMETERS: C string :: Name of timer C myThreadId :: My thread number CHARACTER*(*) string INTEGER myThreadId CEOP C CALL TIMER_CONTROL( string, 'STOP', 'TIMER_STOP' , myThreadId ) C RETURN END C*********************************************************************** #ifdef USE_PAPI CCE107 Initialization of common block for PAPI timers BLOCK DATA setpapivalues #include "EEPARAMS.h" INTEGER maxTimers PARAMETER (maxTimers = 40) INTEGER nmaxevents PARAMETER (nmaxevents = 18) INTEGER size PARAMETER (size = 3*nmaxevents*maxTimers*MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 values(nmaxevents, maxTimers , MAX_NO_THREADS), $ values1(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS), $ values2(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) COMMON /papivalues/ values, values1, values2 DATA values, values1, values2 /size*0/ END #endif #if defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS_SFP) || defined(USE_PCL_FLOPS) || defined(USE_PCL) CCE107 Initialization of common block for PCL event names BLOCK DATA setpclnames INTEGER nmaxevents PARAMETER (nmaxevents = 61) CHARACTER*22 pcl_counter_name(0:nmaxevents-1) COMMON /pclnames/ pcl_counter_name DATA pcl_counter_name(0) /'PCL_L1CACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(1) /'PCL_L1CACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(2) /'PCL_L1CACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(3) /'PCL_L1CACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(4) /'PCL_L1CACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(5) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(6) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(7) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(8) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(9) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(10) /'PCL_L1ICACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(11) /'PCL_L1ICACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(12) /'PCL_L1ICACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(13) /'PCL_L1ICACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(14) /'PCL_L1ICACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(15) /'PCL_L2CACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(16) /'PCL_L2CACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(17) /'PCL_L2CACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(18) /'PCL_L2CACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(19) /'PCL_L2CACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(20) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(21) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(22) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(23) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(24) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(25) /'PCL_L2ICACHE_READ'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(26) /'PCL_L2ICACHE_WRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(27) /'PCL_L2ICACHE_READWRITE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(28) /'PCL_L2ICACHE_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(29) /'PCL_L2ICACHE_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(30) /'PCL_TLB_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(31) /'PCL_TLB_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(32) /'PCL_ITLB_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(33) /'PCL_ITLB_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(34) /'PCL_DTLB_HIT'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(35) /'PCL_DTLB_MISS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(36) /'PCL_CYCLES'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(37) /'PCL_ELAPSED_CYCLES'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(38) /'PCL_INTEGER_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(39) /'PCL_FP_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(40) /'PCL_LOAD_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(41) /'PCL_STORE_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(42) /'PCL_LOADSTORE_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(43) /'PCL_INSTR'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(44) /'PCL_JUMP_SUCCESS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(45) /'PCL_JUMP_UNSUCCESS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(46) /'PCL_JUMP'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(47) /'PCL_ATOMIC_SUCCESS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(48) /'PCL_ATOMIC_UNSUCCESS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(49) /'PCL_ATOMIC'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(50) /'PCL_STALL_INTEGER'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(51) /'PCL_STALL_FP'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(52) /'PCL_STALL_JUMP'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(53) /'PCL_STALL_LOAD'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(54) /'PCL_STALL_STORE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(55) /'PCL_STALL'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(56) /'PCL_MFLOPS'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(57) /'PCL_IPC'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(58) /'PCL_L1DCACHE_MISSRATE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(59) /'PCL_L2DCACHE_MISSRATE'/ DATA pcl_counter_name(60) /'PCL_MEM_FP_RATIO'/ END #ifdef USE_PCL CCE107 Initialization of common block for PCL summary performance BLOCK DATA setpcls #include "EEPARAMS.h" INTEGER maxTimers PARAMETER (maxTimers = 40) INTEGER nmaxevents PARAMETER (nmaxevents = 61) INTEGER size PARAMETER (size = nmaxevents*maxTimers*MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER PCL_CYCLES, PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM PARAMETER (PCL_CYCLES=36, PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM=3) INTEGER pcl_counter_list(nmaxevents) INTEGER flags, nevents INTEGER*8 i_result(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 i_result1(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 i_result2(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) INTEGER*8 descr REAL*8 fp_result(nmaxevents, maxTimers, MAX_NO_THREADS) COMMON /pclvars/ i_result, descr, fp_result, pcl_counter_list, $ flags, nevents DATA fp_result /size*0.0D0/ DATA i_result /size*0/ DATA i_result1 /size*0/ DATA i_result2 /size*0/ DATA descr /0/ DATA nevents /nmaxevents/ DATA pcl_counter_list /nmaxevents*PCL_CYCLES/ DATA flags /PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM/ END #else CCE107 Initialization of common block for PCL summary performance BLOCK DATA setpcls INTEGER PCL_MFLOPS, PCL_IPC, PCL_L1DCACHE_MISSRATE, $ PCL_L2DCACHE_MISSRATE, PCL_MEM_FP_RATIO PARAMETER (PCL_MFLOPS=56, PCL_IPC=57, PCL_L1DCACHE_MISSRATE=58, $ PCL_L2DCACHE_MISSRATE=59, PCL_MEM_FP_RATIO=60) INTEGER PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM PARAMETER (PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM=3) INTEGER pcl_counter_list(5), flags, nevents INTEGER*8 i_result(5), descr REAL*8 fp_result(5) COMMON /pclvars/ i_result, descr, fp_result, pcl_counter_list, $ flags, nevents DATA fp_result /5*0.0D0/ DATA i_result /5*0/ DATA descr /0/ DATA nevents /0/ DATA pcl_counter_list /PCL_MFLOPS, PCL_IPC, PCL_L1DCACHE_MISSRATE, $ PCL_L2DCACHE_MISSRATE, PCL_MEM_FP_RATIO/ DATA flags /PCL_MODE_USER_SYSTEM/ END #endif #endif