C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/eesupp/src/nml_change_syntax.F,v 1.2 2010/12/26 02:59:37 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint66n $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX( U record, I data_file, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C *=================================================================* C | SUBROUTINE NML\_CHANGE\_SYNTAX C | o Apply changes to namelist to fit compiler requirement C *=================================================================* C | Change trailing \& to trailing / when needed C | Change array specification from F95 standard C | to commonly accepted F77 form (extented F77) C *=================================================================* C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C == Global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" C !FUNCTIONS: INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK #ifdef NML_EXTENDED_F77 INTEGER IFNBLNK EXTERNAL IFNBLNK #endif /* NML_EXTENDED_F77 */ C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguments == C record :: current line record (from parameter file) to process C data_file :: current parameter file which contains the current record C myThid :: my Thread Id number CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_PREC) record CHARACTER*(*) data_file INTEGER myThid C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == INTEGER il CHARACTER*(2) nmlEnd #ifdef NML_TERMINATOR PARAMETER( nmlEnd = ' /' ) #else PARAMETER( nmlEnd = ' &' ) #endif #ifdef NML_EXTENDED_F77 C i0 :: position of active "=" (end of variable name definition) C i1 :: position of 1rst left parenthesis C i2 :: position of 1rst colon C i3 :: position of 1rst comma after the 1rst colon C i4 :: position of right parenthesis after the 1rst left one C nWd :: number of words following "=" found in this reccord C msgBuf :: Informational/error message buffer INTEGER i0, i1, i2, i3, i4 INTEGER nWd, is, ie, iUnit INTEGER i, n, ii c INTEGER iLf LOGICAL sngQ, dblQ, comma LOGICAL hasNum1, hasNum2 LOGICAL debugPrt CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf #endif /* NML_EXTENDED_F77 */ CEOP il = MAX(ILNBLNK(record),1) IF ( il .EQ. 2 ) THEN IF ( record(1:2) .EQ. ' &' ) THEN record(1:2) = nmlEnd ENDIF ENDIF #ifdef NML_EXTENDED_F77 debugPrt = .FALSE. c iLf = MAX(ILNBLNK(data_file),1) iUnit = errorMessageUnit i0 = 0 i1 = 0 i2 = 0 i3 = 0 i4 = 0 C-- search for end of variable spec ('=' char) and count words that follow nWd = 0 sngQ = .TRUE. dblQ = .TRUE. comma = .FALSE. DO i=1,il IF ( record(i:i).EQ."'" .AND. dblQ ) THEN sngQ = .NOT.sngQ IF ( i0.GE.1 .AND. sngQ ) nWd = nWd + 1 ENDIF IF ( record(i:i).EQ.'"' .AND. sngQ ) THEN dblQ = .NOT.dblQ IF ( i0.GE.1 .AND. dblQ ) nWd = nWd + 1 ENDIF IF ( record(i:i).EQ.'=' .AND. i0.EQ.0 & .AND. sngQ .AND. dblQ ) i0 = i ENDDO C-- find position of 1rst set of parenthesis, comma and colon DO i=1,i0 IF ( record(i:i).EQ.'(' .AND. i1.EQ.0 ) i1 = -i IF ( record(i:i).EQ.':' .AND. i1.LT.0 ) THEN IF ( i2.EQ.0 ) i2 = i IF ( comma ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: warning: ', & 'no possible safe conversion of rec:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(iUnit,'(A)') record(1:il) WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'from file="', data_file, '".' c & 'from file="', data_file(1:iLf), '".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) i1 = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF ( record(i:i).EQ.',' .AND. i1.LT.0 ) THEN comma = .TRUE. IF ( i3.EQ.0 .AND. i2.GE.1 ) i3 = i ENDIF IF ( record(i:i).EQ.')' .AND. i1.LT.0 ) THEN i1 = -i1 i4 = i ENDIF ENDDO IF ( debugPrt .AND. i0.GE.1 ) THEN c WRITE(iUnit,'(5A)') ' ', data_file(1:iLf), c & ' , rec >', record(1:i0), '<' WRITE(iUnit,'(5A)') ' ',data_file,' , rec >',record(1:i0),'<' WRITE(iUnit,'(A,2I4,L5,A,4I4)') & ' i0,nWd,comma =',i0,nWd,comma,' ; i1,i2,i3,i4 =',i1,i2,i3,i4 ENDIF IF ( i4.EQ.0 .AND. i1.NE.0 ) THEN i2 = 0 IF ( i1.NE.1 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'error in parsing record:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(iUnit,'(A)') record(1:il) WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'from file="', data_file, '".' c & 'from file="', data_file(1:iLf), '".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF C-- Only try conversion if colon found within 1rst pair of parenthesis IF ( i2.NE.0 ) THEN C check for index value between i1 and i2 IF ( i2.GT.i1+1 ) THEN is = IFNBLNK(record(i1+1:i2-1)) ie = ILNBLNK(record(i1+1:i2-1)) i = i1+is IF ( record(i:i).EQ.'-' .OR. record(i:i).EQ.'+' ) is = is+1 hasNum1 = ( is.GE.1 .AND. is.LE.ie ) IF ( hasNum1 ) THEN DO i=i1+is,i1+ie n = ICHAR(record(i:i)) IF ( n.LT.ICHAR('0') .OR. n.GT.ICHAR('9') ) hasNum1 = .FALSE. ENDDO ENDIF ELSE hasNum1 = .FALSE. ENDIF C check for index value after i2 (and before i3 or i4) ii = i4 IF ( i3.NE.0 ) ii = i3 IF ( ii.GT.i2+1 ) THEN is = IFNBLNK(record(i2+1:ii-1)) ie = ILNBLNK(record(i2+1:ii-1)) i = i2+is IF ( record(i:i).EQ.'-' .OR. record(i:i).EQ.'+' ) is = is+1 hasNum2 = ( is.GE.1 .AND. is.LE.ie ) IF ( hasNum2 ) THEN DO i=i2+is,i2+ie n = ICHAR(record(i:i)) IF ( n.LT.ICHAR('0') .OR. n.GT.ICHAR('9') ) hasNum2 = .FALSE. ENDDO ENDIF ELSE hasNum2 = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( i3.NE.0 ) THEN C-- Colon applies to 1rst index of multidim array (found comma after colon) C Note: safe case which cannot be confused with sub-string colon IF ( hasNum1 .AND. hasNum2 ) THEN IF ( debugPrt ) WRITE(iUnit,'(3A)') & 'remove: "',record(i2:i3-1),'"' DO i=i2,i3-1 record(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'invalid indices for array conversion in:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(iUnit,'(A)') record(1:il) WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'from file="', data_file, '".' c & 'from file="', data_file(1:iLf), '".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( i3.EQ.0 .AND. nWd.NE.1 ) THEN C-- Colon applies to index of vector (single-dim array): C discard the case where colon defines sub-string of character-string variable C by assuming that in this case 1 and only 1 word follows the equal sign IF ( hasNum1 .AND. hasNum2 ) THEN IF ( debugPrt ) WRITE(iUnit,'(3A)') & 'remove: "',record(i2:i4-1),'"' DO i=i2,i4-1 record(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'invalid indices for vector conversion in:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(iUnit,'(A)') record(1:il) WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'NML_CHANGE_SYNTAX: ', & 'from file="', data_file, '".' c & 'from file="', data_file(1:iLf), '".' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, iUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF C----- ENDIF #endif /* NML_EXTENDED_F77 */ RETURN END