C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/eesupp/src/exch1_z_rx_cube.template,v 1.1 2010/05/19 01:46:11 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE( U array, I withSigns, I myOLw, myOLe, myOLs, myOLn, myNz, I exchWidthX, exchWidthY, I cornerMode, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE C | o Forward-mode edge exchanges for RX array on CS config: C | Fill overlap region through tile exchanges, C | according to CS topology, C | for a Zeta-located, scalar field RX arrays. C *==========================================================* C | Controlling routine for exchange of XY edges of an array C | distributed in X and Y. The routine interfaces to C | communication routines that can use messages passing C | exchanges, put type exchanges or get type exchanges. C | This allows anything from MPI to raw memory channel to C | memmap segments to be used as a inter-process and/or C | inter-thread communiation and synchronisation C | mechanism. C | Notes -- C | 1. Some low-level mechanisms such as raw memory-channel C | or SGI/CRAY shmem put do not have direct Fortran bindings C | and are invoked through C stub routines. C | 2. Although this routine is fairly general but it does C | require nSx and nSy are the same for all innvocations. C | There are many common data structures ( myByLo, C | westCommunicationMode, mpiIdW etc... ) tied in with C | (nSx,nSy). To support arbitray nSx and nSy would require C | general forms of these. C | 3. zeta coord exchange operation for cube sphere grid C *==========================================================* C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C == Global data == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguments == C array :: Array with edges to exchange. C withSigns :: Flag controlling whether field sign depends on orientation C :: (signOption not yet implemented but needed for SM exch) C myOLw,myOLe :: West and East overlap region sizes. C myOLs,myOLn :: South and North overlap region sizes. C exchWidthX :: Width of data region exchanged in X. C exchWidthY :: Width of data region exchanged in Y. C Note -- C 1. In theory one could have a send width and C a receive width for each face of each tile. The only C restriction would be that the send width of one C face should equal the receive width of the sent to C tile face. Dont know if this would be useful. I C have left it out for now as it requires additional C bookeeping. C cornerMode :: Flag indicating whether corner updates are needed. C myThid :: my Thread Id number INTEGER myOLw, myOLe, myOLs, myOLn, myNz _RX array( 1-myOLw:sNx+myOLe, & 1-myOLs:sNy+myOLn, & myNz, nSx, nSy ) LOGICAL withSigns INTEGER exchWidthX INTEGER exchWidthY INTEGER cornerMode INTEGER myThid C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == C theSimulationMode :: Holds working copy of simulation mode C theCornerMode :: Holds working copy of corner mode C I,J,K,repeat :: Loop counters and index C bl,bt,bn,bs,be,bw :: tile indices c INTEGER theSimulationMode c INTEGER theCornerMode INTEGER I,J,K,repeat INTEGER bl,bt,bn,bs,be,bw CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf C == Statement function == INTEGER tilemod tilemod(I)=1+mod(I-1+6,6) CEOP c theSimulationMode = FORWARD_SIMULATION c theCornerMode = cornerMode c IF ( simulationMode.EQ.REVERSE_SIMULATION ) THEN c WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')'EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE: AD mode not implemented' c CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) c STOP 'ABNORMAL END: EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE: no AD code' c ENDIF IF ( sNx.NE.sNy .OR. & nSx.NE.6 .OR. nSy.NE.1 .OR. & nPx.NE.1 .OR. nPy.NE.1 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE: Wrong Tiling' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE: ', & 'works only with sNx=sNy & nSx=6 & nSy=nPx=nPy=1' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: EXCH1_Z_RX_CUBE: Wrong Tiling' ENDIF C For now tile<->tile exchanges are sequentialised through C thread 1. This is a temporary feature for preliminary testing until C general tile decomposistion is in place (CNH April 11, 2001) CALL BAR2( myThid ) IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN DO repeat=1,2 DO bl = 1, 5, 2 bt = bl bn=tilemod(bt+2) bs=tilemod(bt-1) be=tilemod(bt+1) bw=tilemod(bt-2) DO K = 1, myNz DO J = 1, sNy+1 DO I = 0, exchWidthX-1 C Tile Odd:Odd+2 [get] [North<-West] array(J,sNy+I+1,K,bt,1) = array(I+1,sNy+2-J,K,bn,1) C Tile Odd:Odd+1 [get] [East<-West] array(sNx+I+1,J,K,bt,1) = array(I+1,J,K,be,1) cs- these above loop should really have the same range the lower one ENDDO DO I = 1, exchWidthX-0 cs- but this replaces the missing I/O routines for now C Tile Odd:Odd-1 [get] [South<-North] array(J,1-I,K,bt,1) = array(J,sNy+1-I,K,bs,1) C Tile Odd:Odd-2 [get] [West<-North] array(1-I,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+2-J,sNy+1-I,K,bw,1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO bt = bl+1 bn=tilemod(bt+1) bs=tilemod(bt-2) be=tilemod(bt+2) bw=tilemod(bt-1) DO K = 1, myNz DO J = 1, sNy+1 DO I = 0, exchWidthX-1 C Tile Even:Even+1 [get] [North<-South] array(J,sNy+I+1,K,bt,1) = array(J,I+1,K,bn,1) C Tile Even:Even+2 [get] [East<-South] array(sNx+I+1,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+2-J,I+1,K,be,1) cs- these above loop should really have the same range the lower one ENDDO DO I = 1, exchWidthX-0 cs- but this replaces the missing I/O routines for now C Tile Even:Even-2 [get] [South<-East] array(J,1-I,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-I,sNy+2-J,K,bs,1) C Tile Even:Even-1 [get] [West<-East] array(1-I,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-I,J,K,bw,1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CALL BAR2(myThid) RETURN END