% % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/doc/api_reference/introduction.tex,v 1.2 2004/05/05 07:15:41 dimitri Exp $ % \chapter{Introduction} This reference guide is intended as a gentle introduction to the MITgcm internals. Each chapter contains a very brief description of the ``package'' that it describes and then a listing of the various functions and subroutines contained therein. The intent is to help the reader become acquainted with the interface to each part of the code, not to delve into the code internals. For a more thorough view of the subroutines, variables, and other internnal details, the reader is invited to use the following references which present different views of the source code: \begin{itemize} \item The MITgcm on-line code browser: \begin{center} \htmladdnormallink{\tt http://mitgcm.org/sealion/code\_reference/callTree.html} {http://mitgcm.org/sealion/code_reference/callTree.html} \end{center} is a helpful interface when, for instance, one wishes to determine where subroutines are called or variables are used. \item The MITgcm CVS Web interface: \begin{center} \htmladdnormallink{\tt http://mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/} {http://mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/} \end{center} provides a web-browse-able view that is most useful for determining the history of various changes. \item Finally, the code itself can be obtained at: \begin{center} \htmladdnormallink{\tt http://mitgcm.org/source\_code.html} {http://mitgcm.org/source_code.html} \end{center} and this is the ultimate location to look for details, make changes, or add features. \end{itemize}